Saturday, 29 September 2012

How To Make Money With Facebook

Facebook is an amazing social network and it has gotten even better with the addition of the market place and the applications platform. The Market place is just one area that allows you to make money with facebook

Start leveraging Facebook's awesome social network to make you some money online with facebook.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Sell your old stuff on facebook, or stuff you just don't want any longer, you know like that tony gazelle thing you bought from the home shopping network that is just sitting there acting as a clothes line.

In The Facebook Marketplace.

Facebook's Marketplace is sort of similar to the Craig's List. Listing items are free, so it doesn't cost anything to list an item you have for sale. Like it does on eBay. What makes Facebook's Marketplace really cool is that others can see what you have for sale on your profile.  So, you get lots free advertising for your product/service.

Now if you're like my girlfriend, she has HUNDREDS of friends. This can become quite a lucrative thing for you. Keep in mind that Facebook runs on who knows you, so there's the element of trust that it invokes when someone is viewing your profile.

"Oh look Shane has Mp3 downloads in his Market place, better go check it out"

The way to do this is to go to click bank and search for something you think your friends might be interested in. I chose. Mp3 downloads.   Why because all of my friends have an Mp3 player, I am thinking as well about ringtones. I was doing some surfing this am for some good ringtone affiliates. Haven't found one I'm happy with yet though. But I will and when I do I'll add that to my market place.

So after you have an item you think your friends might like you just need some sales copy for it.
Remember in large part here it is your friends who are going to be seeing this so you can be very personal with this.

Something maybe like.

Hey guys remember when we were chatting about our ipods and where to get Mp3's on the cheap?
Well I went and looked around for some great Mp3 offers. Because I'm not crazy about the MP3 download service I'm using right now.  Looks like I found one. Feed My Ipods. Of course you include your affiliate link. The price is reasonable and the selection is wicked.

Then include some sales copy. Use a list format detailing the benefits. How will the product you're promoting benefit THEM Oh and the link you see there with my name it. It means the referral comes from me, so I make little something on side.

Let me know if you like the service. I think its great. But I'll let you decide.

Later shane.

What I did here is not use a redirect for the link. I left the hoplink naked and told them I make money if they use the service. These are my friends after all, they're more than likely going to go check out the link. If you want to know how to hide your link. I have a post about that. How to cloak your affiliate links

So thats one way to make money with facebook.

Another would be to post that same message on your friends "walls"

This way you can personally sell it to them.

ie: "Gill Look what I dug up while I was looking for some Mp3 player downloads! " Sick of the high download fees just to get music, ya me too man, what a freeking rip off anyways this site {your affiliate url goes here} (copy and paste it in your browser) has a HUGE SELECTION of Free and Unlimited iPod Downloads

Promote your blog on Facebook. If you have a blog that you monetize, use Facebook as another tool to Increase blog traffic. Add a feed from your blog to your Notes section so others can see what you're writing. If they like what they read, they'll come to your blog. You can also create a Facebook group dedicated to your blog to help promote it. Get all your friends to join it and all your friends friends to join it. Pretty soon you'll have a group from which you can get more readers from and also make money on facebook.
Article Source: free traffic to web

Friday, 28 September 2012

Get Twitter Traffic - How To Generate 100's Of Visitors Per Day From Twitter

Are you looking to get Twitter traffic to generate exposure for your business? Well, now is just about the right time to start using Twitter to ramp up your online web traffic. Recently, Twitter has undergone a massive popularity revival again. You can ride on the site's popularity to get Twitter traffic to your business as well.

You may have heard about Charlie Sheen's exploits and his unpredictable posts on Twitter. Sheen started his account at the beginning of March 2011 and has already amassed 2.8 million followers in just 2 weeks (at the time of writing this article).  He is also far ahead for having the most followers per tweet. This shows the power of Twitter as a real-time information gathering and sharing tool.

After the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the number of Tweets from the country reached a peak of 1,200 per minute. Tweets from London and New York also hit 1,000 per minute during the disaster. Worried people also used Twitter to find out if their loved ones were safe as telephone lines were down. This terrible tragedy managed to highlight how Twitter is an extremely powerful communication tool.

Lest we forget, Twitter is still one of the most visited sites on the Internet. It is currently the 9th most visited website on the Internet according to Alexa. Now let's look at some tips to tap into this traffic goldmine:

Tip #1: Get A Cool Background
To get visitors to be attracted to your Twitter page, you need a cool background. Obviously, this also ties in with having a relevant and easy-to-remember Twitter username and an interesting bio.
You can look for cool backgrounds just by searching for 'Twitter backgrounds' on Google. Many of the sites providing Twitter backgrounds can also design a customized background for you if you desire.

Tip #2: Post Tweets With Value
This almost goes without saying doesn't it? If you intend to use Twitter as a business and communications tool with your followers, prospects and the public, you need to post tweets that are valuable, and not just inane stuff.

Sure, if you are a celebrity, you can get away with posting what you had for breakfast and have your followers hanging on to your every word, but if you are not, you need a plan. Tweets of value can be links to interesting and relevant content, new product announcements, special offers and coupon codes for your products.

Tip #3: Proactively Generate Followers
Again, unless you are a celebrity, you won't get followers out of nothing so you have to do something to generate followers. The easiest way to do this is to start following the followers of mavens in your market. Mavens are authority figures in your market who have long, established followers. Once you follow the followers of these authority figures, many will start following back and you will grow a large base of followers. However, you should not follow more than a few hundred people per day, as Twitter looks down on people who follow too many other people aggressively in one day.

Tip #4: Get Your Tweets Re-Tweeted Like Crazy
The key to getting your Tweets to become viral is to get them re-tweeted like crazy. To do this, you need to be active in your account so people will pay attention to you and more importantly, you need to post tweets that are natural "link bait".

In the search engine optimization world where experts optimize their sites to gain top search engine rankings, link bait refers to any content that people feel the urge to link to, because the content is either very entertaining or helpful. The trick is to post tweets that have links to this type of content. You can also post tweets that do not have links but contain content that people will want to re-tweet to their followers.

Tip #5: Tweet During Prime Times
One of the surest ways to get more exposure for your Tweets is to tweet during what I call prime times. These are periods where Twitter users are most active. If most of your followers and prospects are in the USA, these times are usually in the morning Eastern Time, and in the night time Easter Time. So to get the best results, you will want to tweet during 8am to 11am EST, and 8pm to 12am EST. You can use the same times for the time zone you are targeting.

Tip #6: Make Connections With Other Twitter Users
Twitter is called a social network, so make connections with your followers. Respond to their tweets and ask for the opinions of your followers from time to time. Re-tweet good posts that you see and more people will start to pay attention to your own posts. It's simple, if you re-tweet other people's posts, they are more likely to re-tweet yours later on. It's the law of reciprocity.

Tip #7: Use Twitter To Build Your Own Email List
Twitter is one of the best tools around for generating leads for your business. It is not a sound idea to promote links to direct sales pages and attempt to make the sale there and then, unless your followers are already your customers (in which case, you can post coupon codes or links to your products and make sales). Therefore, you will want to get your followers on to your own email list where you can follow-up with them on your content and offers.

Now go ahead and get Twitter traffic for your business!

Free Twitter Traffic

Thursday, 27 September 2012

12 Simple Ways To Get Free Traffic To Your Website or Blog

Traffic is the currency of the web, which means the more traffic your website or blog gets, the easier it will be for you to maximize your success.

If you are keen to increase free traffic to your website or blog, start applying these tactics to boost your traffic today and your numbers are sure to go up!

Here are the 12 simple things you can do today to start seeing results tomorrow...

1. Serve Up Some Unique Content On Your Site

Hands down the most important thing you can do to boost your search engine traffic is to publish unique original content on your site as this is what Google values most. The more unique your content is and the more frequently you publish new content, the better you site will appear in Google's eyes.

Tip: If you're not a fan of writing, head on over to and have someone write content for you for just $5 a piece.

2. Write A Guest Posts For A Related Blog

When you write a guest post for another blog, they'll normally let you include an author byline at the end of the post with a link to your website. This can attract a flood of highly targeted visitors to your site.

You can simply send your unique article to the blog owners in related niches and ask if he or she is interested in publishing your work as a guest post. You may not get a guest blogging spot today, this week, this month, or ever on the big blogs, but you are bound to have success with a few decent sized blogs in your niche.

3. Write A Controversial Article

When you publish something controversial on your site, people will talk about it and link to it, either because they strongly agree or disagree with you. The result will be a lot of traffic coming your way.

Try it, it works a treat!

4. Write A "Top 10" Or "Top 100" List

People love "Top 10" lists because they are really easy to digest. If you are the first to write a "Top Ten" post about a popular topic in your niche, the post will rank highly in searches and other bloggers in your niche are highly likely to link to your post.

"Top 100? lists are great for generating traffic too because people are naturally inclined to bookmark and share them due to the enormous amount of value they usually deliver. Lists are super easy to create, and can be equally as effective as videos or other media. The trick to creating a list that is likely to go viral and bring you hordes of traffic is to ensure it contains evergreen content and appeals to a broad audience.

Along the same lines, you could publish a ranking of websites or people, such as the "50 Hottest Female Bloggers" or the "25 Best Pregnancy Blogs." Those mentioned in your rankings are likely to link to your article if you contact them to make them aware of it, and voila, you'll get a tonne of traffic from them for free.

5. Do Some Article Marketing

Article marketing is an incredibly effective free way to boost your traffic. All you need to do is write and submit some informative keyword-rich articles of around 400-600 words to the top few article directories, and be sure to include a keyword anchored link in the bio section or resource box.
Articles written using well-researched keyword phrases tend to rank very high in Google for those search terms, and well-written articles are more likely to be selected by others for inclusion in their Ezine or on their site, giving you more and more valuable backlinks. So be sure to put some effort into creating quality articles that include well-researched keywords and watch your traffic soar.
Remember, don't sell in these articles - just inform, educate, entertain, and then direct them to your website to learn more - you can sell to them from there.

6. Answer Questions on Yahoo! Answers or LinkedIn

Browse the open questions on Yahoo! Answers or LinkedIn Answers and when you come across one related to your site, answer it - without sounding like a spammer. You can include a link to your website or to a related article on your site as an additional resource. This is a great way to exhibit your expertise, get noticed on relevant keywords, put your URL out there and attract highly targeted traffic to your site.

7. Publish A Funny Image As Link Bait

Almost everyone loves to have a good laugh and publishing a funny image is an easy way to give it to them and increase traffic to your site at the same time when people start linking to it. Check out the pics section on for some inspiration.

8. Release A Free eBook, Free Report or Cheat Sheet

This is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic. Simply write a helpful eBook, free report or cheat sheet to give away that contains information that is both valuable to others
and relevant to your website/business, include your website address in the footer so people know where to go for more information, then release it on your site. Include a direct download link, and email bloggers in your niche letting them know about it.
The better the information you provide, the more people will share it, and the more traffic you'll get as a result.

9. Organize An Ad Swap With Someone In Your Niche

Offer up your unused ad space to promote the website of an ad swap partner in your niche in exchange for them doing the same for you. The ad could be a banner, an email message, or a newsletter or Ezine ad.

10. Create Squidoo Lenses and HubPages Hubs

A Squidoo "lens" or a Hubpages "hub" is like a mini one page website that provides an overview of a specific topic. They are both free to create, you can create them on almost any topic you can think of, and you can include images, videos and any other information you like on them, including links to your website or blog.
Pay close attention to keywords you want to target in your title, headings and tags as Squidoo Lenses and Hubpages Hubs can rank very well in Google and attract lots of traffic to your site. Take advantage of the opportunity to add those in content anchor text links that Google loves, too.

11. Create A Video And Submit It To Video Sharing Sites

A few simple videos can dramatically increase your exposure and help drive more traffic to your site. You can use videos to:
  • Introduce yourself, your products or services
  • Create buzz during a new product launch
  • Deliver product demonstrations
  • Build your email list by offering free videos
  • Create a video sales pitch to sell your products or services
  • Provide tutorials or training

Your video doesn't have to be professionally made. It can be as simple as a recording of yourself presenting information in front of your web cam or a flip camera.
Don't like seeing yourself on screen? Not a problem. Simply create a PowerPoint Presentation for the visual and then read from a script to create the accompanying audio, or simply add a royalty free music backing track.

Take a look at other videos in your niche on YouTube that have at least 20,000 views to gain ideas that will help you make an effective targeted video of your own. The more outrageous your concept is the better because people enjoy being entertained.
The key is to create buzz around your video - if it is funny, interesting or unique in any way, it will get traffic. So get creative!

Once you've created your video, post it on YouTube and various other video sharing sites as well to spread it far and wide. will automate much of the submission process for you and it's free to use.

Be sure to include relevant keywords and a link to your website in the description of your video. Then share the link to your video with your readers, in your email signature, on Twitter and on Facebook, encouraging others to share it too.

12. Create A Facebook Fan Page

Facebook = free social media traffic. So if you haven't already got one, get on over to Facebook and create a Fan page dedicated to your website or blog. Once you've created your fan page, be sure to send out a message to all your Facebook friends asking them to "Like" it, and encourage them to get their friends to "Like" it too.

And be sure to embed the Facebook "Like" button on your site to make it easy for visitors to share your content on Facebook.

These are all simple methods you can start doing immediately to almost instantly increase traffic to your blog or website and get more sales, so start implementing them today.
Aricle Source: Free Traffic To Website

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How To Get Free Traffic And Explode Your Profits

If you've got anything for sale online, then traffic is everything. Without traffic, you might as well be giving away money. If nobody comes to your site, then nobody is going to find out what an incredible offer you've got. If you're just starting out, and you can't really afford to pay for traffic, then you've got to get it for free.

Article marketing is probably the oldest method of doing this. The idea is simple. You write an article, publish it on as many sites as will let you, and wait for traffic. Because the sites you publish your articles on will have plenty of traffic already, hopefully some of it will make it to your article. If your article is any good, people will click on the link at the bottom to find out more.

The more articles you write, the more free traffic you'll get. Sounds like a perfect idea, right? Well, if you've got a long time, it works. Unlike paid traffic, which can get you plenty of targeted visitors hungry to buy in as little as an hour, article marketing takes time. A large portion of your traffic is going to be dependent on how well your articles rank in the search engines. And with all the new algorithms being put out, this is harder than ever to calculate ahead of time.

Which brings us to our next method of free traffic. Ranking in the search engines. When you use article marketing, you kind of get two for one. On the one hand, you'll get plenty of traffic from the articles themselves. On the other hand, the backlinks from the article directories will help you rank in Google and the other search engines. The more backlinks you've got, the higher you'll rank.

Other sources of free traffic are social media. This can be hit or miss. Remember, when people read your article or find your site in Google, they are kind of looking for that particular information. However, when they come across your site on Facebook or Twitter, they are really just killing time. When people have a pressing problem, they generally don't turn to Twitter or Facebook to solve it. They turn to Google or another search engine, and type in a specific question.

That's why Facebook has been a disappointment, from a business standpoint. It sounded like a great idea, but it turns out the ads on Facebook aren't converting nearly as well as ads on Google. That's why Facebook stock is in the tank, while Google is continually hitting all time highs on increasing earnings every quarter.

So while you can get traffic from Twitter and Facebook, it won't convert nearly as well as traffic from article marketing or the search engines. If you are just starting out, this is where you should focus most of your efforts.
To make sure you're squeezing as much money as possible from every single visitor, you need a high performance landing page that will convert as many people as possible.
Article Source:

10 Free Ways to Drive Traffic To A Brand New Website

Once you create a website, the next step is to get traffic! But how? You dont have an email list yet, so you cant use that method. And you dont have bottomless pockets for paid advertising. Should you just sit there and wait for people to find your new site? Certainly not! Here are 10 free ways that you can drive targeted traffic to your new website…

  • Article Marketing
    Write 3 articles that are related to the topic of your website. Include a brief bio and link to your website at the end of the article. Submit each of these articles to article directories, and also to webmasters and ezine owners that rank well for your keywords.
  • Forum Marketing
    Do a search on Google for keyword+forum. If you have a pet related site, for example, search “pet forum” (without quotes). Find the top 3 forums in your niche and join each of them. DO NOT SPAM, but do set up a profile (and signature, if allowed) and post an introduction. Get involved in each of these 3 forums by posting at least one thread or response each day. This will help you gain exposure in your target market, and people will naturally be interested in your related website.
  • Yahoo! Answers
    Go to and find questions related to your niche or website. If you can provide a legitimate answer to their question, you can include your link as the resource or reference URL. Again, without spamming, if you can contribute to the community you will interest them in your related website.
  • Viral Marketing
    Write a Report that would be of great interest to your target market, and sell it cheap. Include your bio and information about your site within the report (briefly in the Introduction, and fully in the About The Author section at the end). Offer 100% commission to Affiliates, and you will have all of your competitors sending traffic to your website for you.
  • Social Networking
    Set up profiles at popular social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, etc. Network with people in your niche and get established on these sites with a customized profile. It is very easy to grow your network, and people who are interested in what you offer can find you easily. If you can use “photo marketing” to your advantage (cute pet pictures for a pet site, for example), include in your networking list as well.
  • Blogging
    Blogging can be considered another form of Social Networking, and enough so to be considered a stand-alone marketing technique. You want to set up a blog that is directly related to your website’s topic, and post content to it frequently (3-5x/week minimum). If you have a pet store website, for example, you can create a blog on Pet Tips (dog grooming, dog training, etc).
  • Press Releases
    You can write and submit a press release free of charge. While some websites charge to publish your press release (and this may be worth the investment!), many also offer a free submission option. You want your press release to be newsworthy, so you choose your angle carefully. Do a search on Google for press release tips.
  • Search Engine Marketing
    Learn all that you can about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and take the necessary steps to optimize each of your web pages. It is not complicated or impossible, but there is a lot of mis-information out there about search engines.
  • Get Links!
    Submit your new site to appropriate directories, and get it listed on niche resource pages. Link farms and exchanges on “link pages” are a waste of your time, but do seek out quality linking opportunities. You want a variety of links pointing to your site, not only to your main page but also to internal pages of your site as well.
  • Funnel Traffic From Other Sites
    This strategy may require a little creativity, but you want to consider ways that you can funnel traffic from popular websites such as: craigslist, ebay, youtube, wikipedia, etc. These are very popular websites that are established and bursting at the seems with live visitors. Think of ways that you can add something of value, and (without spamming!) lure these visitors to your website.
Use these 10 strategies as your initial Action Plan. Once you complete all 10 steps, go back to the first and begin again. Consistently marketing your site in a variety of ways is the key to gaining exposure and getting a consistent flow of traffic into your website!

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Free Traffic To Website - Options Galore

Today there are several ways of driving traffic to your site which are relatively quick, targeted and effective.   Some of the most popular methods include the following:

  • Blogging
  • Article Writing
  • Video Marketing
  • Social Networking
  • SEO
  • Podcasting
  • Forum Posting
  • Blog Commenting
  • Press Releases
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Free Solo Ads
  • Free Online Ads

All you need to do is decided which one, two or three methods you want to focus on and become an expert at.  Better still focus on one method of driving traffic and become an expert before you move on to the next.