Saturday, 29 September 2012

How To Make Money With Facebook

Facebook is an amazing social network and it has gotten even better with the addition of the market place and the applications platform. The Market place is just one area that allows you to make money with facebook

Start leveraging Facebook's awesome social network to make you some money online with facebook.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Sell your old stuff on facebook, or stuff you just don't want any longer, you know like that tony gazelle thing you bought from the home shopping network that is just sitting there acting as a clothes line.

In The Facebook Marketplace.

Facebook's Marketplace is sort of similar to the Craig's List. Listing items are free, so it doesn't cost anything to list an item you have for sale. Like it does on eBay. What makes Facebook's Marketplace really cool is that others can see what you have for sale on your profile.  So, you get lots free advertising for your product/service.

Now if you're like my girlfriend, she has HUNDREDS of friends. This can become quite a lucrative thing for you. Keep in mind that Facebook runs on who knows you, so there's the element of trust that it invokes when someone is viewing your profile.

"Oh look Shane has Mp3 downloads in his Market place, better go check it out"

The way to do this is to go to click bank and search for something you think your friends might be interested in. I chose. Mp3 downloads.   Why because all of my friends have an Mp3 player, I am thinking as well about ringtones. I was doing some surfing this am for some good ringtone affiliates. Haven't found one I'm happy with yet though. But I will and when I do I'll add that to my market place.

So after you have an item you think your friends might like you just need some sales copy for it.
Remember in large part here it is your friends who are going to be seeing this so you can be very personal with this.

Something maybe like.

Hey guys remember when we were chatting about our ipods and where to get Mp3's on the cheap?
Well I went and looked around for some great Mp3 offers. Because I'm not crazy about the MP3 download service I'm using right now.  Looks like I found one. Feed My Ipods. Of course you include your affiliate link. The price is reasonable and the selection is wicked.

Then include some sales copy. Use a list format detailing the benefits. How will the product you're promoting benefit THEM Oh and the link you see there with my name it. It means the referral comes from me, so I make little something on side.

Let me know if you like the service. I think its great. But I'll let you decide.

Later shane.

What I did here is not use a redirect for the link. I left the hoplink naked and told them I make money if they use the service. These are my friends after all, they're more than likely going to go check out the link. If you want to know how to hide your link. I have a post about that. How to cloak your affiliate links

So thats one way to make money with facebook.

Another would be to post that same message on your friends "walls"

This way you can personally sell it to them.

ie: "Gill Look what I dug up while I was looking for some Mp3 player downloads! " Sick of the high download fees just to get music, ya me too man, what a freeking rip off anyways this site {your affiliate url goes here} (copy and paste it in your browser) has a HUGE SELECTION of Free and Unlimited iPod Downloads

Promote your blog on Facebook. If you have a blog that you monetize, use Facebook as another tool to Increase blog traffic. Add a feed from your blog to your Notes section so others can see what you're writing. If they like what they read, they'll come to your blog. You can also create a Facebook group dedicated to your blog to help promote it. Get all your friends to join it and all your friends friends to join it. Pretty soon you'll have a group from which you can get more readers from and also make money on facebook.
Article Source: free traffic to web

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