Sunday, 29 June 2014

Muscle Building For Beginners

I am sure many of you who are reading this are either i) already started on muscle building but want to find out more or ii) you haven't started but have already talked to your friends about working out at a gym soon.
I know as a beginner, it is very common to want to see results fast to impress your friends. Many of you would have planned to workout 5 to 6 times a week and work on every part of your muscles as thoroughly as possible.
I have a great news for all of you out there reading this now. Muscle building for beginners do not require so much of your time! All you need to have is a little patience and focus in your workouts. That's it!
I am going to list down some tips and also mistakes which many beginners aren't aware of so that you will not have to waste time figuring things out.
1) Always have plan
You already know that having your every own plan is very important. It will shorten your time in the gym from anywhere between 1 to 1.5 hours. Really! Many people spend too much time wondering in the gym looking for the workout that works "best".
You must already know what you need to do! Make it a habit to plan what you want to work for that day or better still that whole week! You can go even more detailed like what exercises you want to use and stuff like that.
2) Techniques
At the beginner stage of muscle building, many people will just emulate what the experienced ones do, sometimes not knowing if they are doing the right things. The best advice I give to all my students is that you need to be sure of your techniques and knowing is still not enough, you've got to constantly practice it!
The most effective workout is one which you give yourself no room for slacking. You need to finish what you need to accomplish that day and do them with perfect form.
3) Like a budding plant, you can't force your muscles to grow by hurrying it.
Here comes the need for a little patience. I have seen too many people who hurry their muscles to grow by working out everyday! Attention! This is the number one killer to your body and passion. You will get real pain in your muscles from the soreness.
It is always a good practise to have a break every other day. Your body recharges itself better, your muscles repair more efficiently, and you will feel stronger from each workout!
4) Nutrition
On the last note, you need to be aware of what goes into you. We all know by now that proteins make your muscles grow. So, have high protein meals before and after your workout. This will help your muscles to get the necessary protein it needs to grow.
What I just shared is 4 of the many things muscle building beginners need to know to start on the right foot. Of course, there are much more to it. Here, I only summarized and presented some of the more important points which beginners can benefit from.

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