Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Increase Blog Traffic - Discover Why Keywords Are Key to Successful Blog Posts

The most effective way to increase blog traffic is through the correct selection and use of keywords. The Internet is really a keyword driven media. People hop on the net primarily to look for answers to their questions. And you should concentrate on creating content answering their questions.
In this hyper-competitive environment more and more of your success is based on the ability to use keywords correctly. Doing this will get you in front of this traffic. And one of the best sources of free traffic comes from organic traffic or what is more commonly known as search engine traffic.
Use keywords the right way
Yep, I'm not just telling you to use these words and phrases. I'm telling you to use them the right way. What do I mean by that? Simple, find the words and phrases people are actually typing into the search engines looking for the answers to their questions.
How do you find the what people are typing into the search engines? Fortunately you don't have to become a mind reader. The way you do this is by doing proper research. And your work is much easier now than it was even a few years ago. Because there are plenty of tools available to help you with your research, both paid and free.
After you find them... then what?
At this point all you have to do is create content around your keywords. It's important to use them in the correct ratio. Their usage needs to sound like normal conversation or speech. If you use these words too much and you will get tagged by the search engines for keyword stuffing. However if you don't use them enough then the search engines like Google won't rank you for these words.
So, how do you know what is the right ratio to include these words in your writing? It's a balancing act. But, have no fear because Google has come to the rescue. They have done considerable research, and found the correct percentage they come up in conversation. The percent falls between 1-2% of the time this will happen.

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