Monday, 2 September 2013

Making Money In Social Media Marketing

You know it always seems to make a lot of since when it comes to business wanting to use social marketing to connect with their customers, or those who use their products. But to be honest it is not as easy as owning a Facebook page.
It actually takes a lot of work and a lot of time.
Recently an article came out that stated...
Out of 296 marketer respondents, 42% said time and resources were the greatest barriers social media, and 38% said their biggest mistake was not allocating time and resource to their social marketing.
And even in today's time I was surprised to learn that 56% of companies do not have a defined social media strategy, and 45% have no plans to hire someone for this task.
But don't let this sway you with the idea that people will not be using social media marketing in the future. The same report said that 31% publishing content on social sites, 27% using them for lead generation and business development, and 19% relying on social networks to listen to conversations and monitor their brands, according to the study.
Instead of looking at this a discouragement I would be looking at this as an opportunity. If you are a marketer I would be looking for ways to increase your social media marketing and learning how you can automate it for other companies. Those who learn this, can only provide a service that others wish to have. People don't have enough time nor energy to learn the ends and outs of social media marketing, which leaves a large market for you to invest in.

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