Learning how to make money online is easy. After all there are plenty of training courses out there that will take you step by step through the process. The truth is other than the ones that quote how you will make thousands overnight, some of the courses do have the fundamentals that will give you a good solid foundation to make money online.
There is money to be made that is a fact, no one can deny that. The money being made from affiliate marketing alone is worth billions every year and growing at a phenomenal rate. There are plenty of people that are making a good living from the internet. The sad fact is though that 90% of the people that try to earn a living online will fail. This is not a statistic that is unique to the internet. It is estimated that nine out of ten physical businesses, shops and the like, will close within the first five years.
So why do some people succeed and some people fail. Here are some of the reasons why some people fail.
1. Consistency is the key. If you are consistent with anything then over time then you will learn and grow. To many people write a couple of articles about a product they are interested in, and when no money starts coming in they give up and move onto another product. Very often those couple of articles will start to earn money six or twelve months later. But it is too late as they have given up and moved back to a normal day job. Writing one article is of no use, you need to write dozens of quality articles and you need to keep producing them.
2. Lack of focus. If you are trying to promote a product then you need to focus on that product. It is no good trying to promote a brand of dog food if you keep going off and talking about dog training. Focus on the product and the benefits and show those to your audience. Focus on one product and stick to it.
3. Not understanding their audience. People want solutions, whether it is trying to train a dog or where to buy a Christmas present; they will use the internet to find those answers. As an affiliate marketer you have to ask yourself what people will be searching for and then create your campaigns around those questions. Very often campaigns are created based around the wrong set of questions. "How to train a dog" is too broad a term. What are people really looking for? They are looking for specific answers like how to stop their dog eating faeces, or how to get rid of fleas. This is what you should concentrate on.
Please see my follow up article which lists another three reasons why people fail.
Please see my follow up article which lists another three reasons why people fail.
Please see my follow up article which lists another three reasons why people fail.
Doctors spend years learning their profession. You should be no different and if you want to learn you have to take the time to study. For a complete course in how to make money online [http://www.learn-to-earn-online.com/] try the "Learn 2 Earn Online" course, which has a comprehensive set of videos and an active forum to support the step by step guide and help you achieve online success.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3403773
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