Marketing strategies for beginners are basically the fundamental skills we need to learn as internet marketers. Every new internet marketer has to start somewhere and selling information and products on the internet requires us to put on a different hat and start thinking like marketers. I also found out along the way that I had many new skills that I needed to learn and it was quite overwhelming at times.
That is why I wanted to share some of the best online marketing tips that I have developed over the years for a beginner to key in on when they set out on their journey to become internet marketers and start their own web business. Here I have broken it down to 8 things you need to focus on with your number one goal of building your list. It is truly where the money is.
1.) Use your time wisely. Set aside a block of time everyday ( Undisturbed ) to work on your business. When we first set out to be internet marketers, it's easy to get info overload and not know what to do next. Take the block of time set aside and break it down into segments of about 1 half hour and use each segment to accomplish one task.
Example - Monday - 1 Post to forums, 2 Post to Facebook and twitter, 3 Put a video on YouTube, 4 Write an article, - this would equal a 2 hour work block. Use a different block to study and learn new skills. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish this way.The times are not carved in stone but don't get stuck in a forum for 2 hours or see something on YouTube that sends you off course. Stay Focused - Remember, this is a business we are developing, so break it down into smaller parts and you will accomplish so much more.
2.) Use a system that works for you. Take some time to learn several different systems but learn them one system at a time. And when you are comfortable with it, put it into action and move to the next system. Almost every system can produce results. For example...... article marketing, video marketing, classified ads...... But don't go from one system to the next. Learn one at a time.
3.) Start Taking action. After you have chosen a system and learned the basics, you have to start doing. Don't get stuck with "analyzing everything to death" and don't be afraid to take action. Just do it. So what if you make mistakes? Remember this don't worry about it. Fail quickly and learn from your mistakes. They are stepping-stones to your success. "After learning you must start doing or the learning was for nothing".
4.) Learn how to write sales copy. Maybe the best advice I can give you is to learn to write copy and articles yourself. Sometimes you might outsource this task, but knowing the basics yourself will allow you to evaluate their work. However right now you are learning internet marketing strategies for beginners so take some time and learn to do it yourself.
5.) Join a forum or two in your niche. Forums are great places to go to accomplish many things at once. For example if you find a popular topic, ask questions about it in a post. Then take the answers, and copy and paste them into a note pad or word document. Rewrite everything into your own words and you have a great article. Also you can create a signature link for all your posts which is a great way to get traffic to your site and build your list.
6.) There is no such thing as free traffic. Think about this, how much is your time worth, and if you pay for advertising is it saving you enough time to make it worth the price. You might want to consider Pay Per Click. PPC is the quickest way to get traffic to your website. However, if you don't do it right, you can lose your shirt. So learn the ins and outs before using this method.
7.) Learn to create a process. Don't try to re-invent the wheel when you create a new product or web site. Instead, have a specific system. Set up a blog or promote an eBook and learn to give something away for free to build your list. This will save you time in the long run, it will also help you make more money. When first starting to learn internet marketing strategies for beginners, this is the one that so many marketers miss.
8.) Create value for your customers. It's not about taking your customer's money. It is about developing relationships with them and providing them with value. It's much harder to get an initial customer than have someone who trusts you buy from you again and again.
So, there you have some of the key marketing strategies for beginners to get you going. It all revolves around using your time wisely and learning a system that you are comfortable with. Then use that system to build relationships and create value for your customers so you can build your list. So what do you do now? See Number 3 and then, Take Action And Go Get Started!
Stan lives at the tip of the beautiful Chesapeake Bay in the state of Maryland.
Stan is a full time Internet Marketer, and has worked with several of the top marketers on the internet today.
Stan's info and teachings have helped many Newcomers and Beginners successfully Start Their First Web Business.
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