Monday, 1 June 2015

How to Create an Effective Facebook Company Page

Did you know that 77% of Web 2.0 users are looking to receive free products and coupons from companies? According to an article on a new study from communications agency Cone found that out of the 77% of Web 2.0 users, 48% expect to receive these free items on social media sites. The study also found that "social media users 'like,' 'follow,' or 'subscribe' to an average of just 4.6 companies."
So how can you grab the attention of these choosy social media users and give them exactly what they want? Your Facebook company landing page on Facebook is a great place to start.
Facebook allows business owners to specify the tab that they want visitors to land on when they click onto the company's Facebook page. In other words, you may choose to have your company Wall tab, Blog tab, Video tab, Resources tab, or customized tab appear as the landing page for visitors.
Creating a customized tab for your Facebook landing page is the best way to go since you can provide users with everything from video to coupons, and free gifts to promotions. And, you can change this content out every other week or once per month.
Below is an example of lululemon athletica's Facebook company landing page. Notice how the landing page tab is "Gift of Yoga."
Below are a few ways you can spice up your Facebook company landing page to attract more ideal customers, capture their interest, and encourage them to "Like" your page.
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  • Video: What better way to share your brand personality and match a face with your company than through a video? Adding a video to your Facebook landing page is a quick and easy way to connect with Facebook users right off the bat. In terms of the content in the video, there's a variety of elements you can focus on including a welcome message to new followers, a product spotlight (around a holiday or season), easy-to-implement tips, industry updates, and more.
  • Coupon or promotion:Here's where the statistic above comes into play. If statistics show that a large amount of new-media users are looking to social media networks to find coupons and promotions then why not give them what they want? Providing a coupon or promotional offer exactly when they're looking for it is the perfect way to get in front of your prospects, pique their interest, and encourage them to consistently return to your page or even visit your website or other social media profiles. Give them what they want, when they want it, and they'll return again for more. It's that simple. For example, you could post a product update showcasing the newest hottest products just in and offer a promotional code to your Facebook fans that only they can use to receive 25% off their next online purchase. Even better, coupons and promotions are popularly shared among Internet users via email, social media, and mobile devices.
  • Free gift: Package one of your past webinars or white papers as a free gift for Facebook fans. Who wouldn't want a free gift?
  • Spotlight a product or service: The perfect time to spotlight a product or service is during the holidays, around a season, or special events. You don't have to actually offer a new product, simply package a current product or service differently than before. Let's use Christmas for example. If you owned a salon and spa you could post a "Perfect Pamper Gift" on your Facebook landing page that pictured some of your products or services with holiday colors, copy, and images. The unique presentation of this year-round product or service might make the customer think that it's actually a new product-when really, it's not!

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