Thursday, 21 March 2013

7 Social Media Traffic Tips

Social media networking today is the great equalizer that allows small businesses to battle it out with the big corporations. Using just a few routine tactics will allow the small business to gain a greater Web presence, build a following, and develop relationships within their niche communities.
Here a few tips to try out and add to your social media arsenal:
1. Twitter - Regularly Tweet important company announcements and links to information that could be useful for your community.
2. Facebook - Create a company page last and continue to make gradual enhancements to it.
3. StumbleUpon - Create an account and develop a collection of your favorite pages.
4. Connected to SU.PR which will tremendously helped you monitor the response levels to the information you share.
5. Regularly post relevant blog content for your company. Wordpress is the best.
6. Use a service such as OnlyWire to bookmark your posting to over twenty five bookmarking and social media web sites.
7. Use blog roll services to automatically post links to your new content. These can automatically update your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and many other social media sites.
Many if not all of the above strategies will help boost your Web presence, and do so almost automatically. All you will have to do is spend the time opening accounts with the book marking and social media sites, write keyword optimized blog postings, and the rest will be done for you.
Think about it, with one posting you can obtain twenty five to fifty backlinks to your blog or web site, which in turn will give you a boost in traffic and readership, along with page ranking.

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