Monday, 11 March 2013

Free Traffic Generator - It's at Your Fingertips!

How can we find a free traffic generator? This is the question I should have asked years ago! Someone might have shared a well kept secret with me back then, the same secret I am going to share with you, right now.
Good for you, for asking yourself that question. Its an interesting fact, that when we start to ask the right questions then the right answers also start to appear! Its almost like something out of the 'twilight zone'. But I believe you attract what you think about most.
The really great news is, that, you don't need to find a free traffic generator, that is because you are one! In fact you are  the best free traffic generator you are ever going to find. You just need to 'turn on' your traffic generating switch. This is how to do it.
Before I  tell you how to turn on your 'traffic generator' switch, the method I  am sharing with you right now, is responsible for getting me heaps of free traffic on several of my websites. It works with anything you are wanting to advertise. It is also the biggest source of my traffic and also my amazement that something this simple actually works. Besides all of that it is free!
The main thing we have to do to start attracting our traffic, is to start writing a few small articles (in general) about the product or service we are promoting. These articles must be short (about 400 words), sweet and to the point. They must not be written from the point of view that you are the greatest  (even though you might be), but from the point of view that product x is the greatest.
The next thing to do is to simply publish your informative and helpful articles on various article sites. Try and choose the most popular article sites you can to publish your articles on because it will also help to give you more credibility. Then just keep on publishing articles over and over again. You will soon see how you have quickly turned your free traffic generator switch to the on position.

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