Lately I have run into people online who think that just because their company gave them a free website when they joined they are then marketing that website online. Before we get into some of the tools to create traffic to a website I feel like I need to clear this up--simply having a website does not mean you are marketing it. Furthermore, simply having your website on a business card does not constitute as marketing it either. If this was the mindset that you had, you probably haven't had a lot of success which is why you are here and why you are looking for tools to create traffic to your website.
The number one goal that you should have for your website is for it to be optimized for the search engines. That means that when someone does a search on Google for your product or service, you want your website to come up on the first page. The way to do this is to learn how to create organic traffic to your website. Here are 3 tools you can begin to use to create this traffic.
Facebook. If you have a business and you have not yet created a group/fan page for your business that is the first step you should take. Many people look at Facebook as simply a tool to use to keep up with friends and family, but it is also one of the best free marketing tools online today. There was even a recent rumor that Facebook has been getting more traffic than Google. So, use Facebook as a tool. Create a page for your business, and begin to put links up that go back to your website. However it is important that you not only put up links to your website but mix them in with helpful tips, articles, and useful information that the people you are marketing to would be interested in.
Articles. Article marketing to create traffic to a website is one of the unknown treasures of the internet. You can sign up for E-zine articles and begin to write about your products, do reviews of your competitors or anything else that your target audience would be interested in all while linking back to your website.
Twitter. You would be surprised how many people are on Twitter and using it to glean information about the things that they love and are passionate about. If you want to begin to use Twitter as a tool you first need to build up a following of people who you are wanting to capture. Then you begin to tweet. It is best to tweet in groups of five making the last tweet one that goes to your website. Again, just like when using Facebook, you don't want to make it all about you. You want to be seen as a good resource for information in your particular niche.
There are many more tools that you can use to begin to draw traffic to your website. The number one thing that you need to understand before you begin to use any of these tools how to use keywords.
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