There are a lot of people new to internet marketing that need to be shown how to create traffic online using advertising. Without traffic you web site is useless, since it is traffic that makes a web site what it is. You must take whatever steps you can to create traffic, and advertising is just one of them. It is, however, a very important and productive means of getting visitors to your site.
There are many different ways to advertise your site; far too many to cover them all here. However, the following are the important methods used by internet marketers to create traffic.
First, direct advertising. You can pay for adverts to be emailed to ezine lists, prices ranging from about 4c per 1000 impressions upwards. This is cheap for so many emailings, especially when ezines tend to be published to a highly targeted audience. You can also pay to have your adverts appear in the ezine itself, though this is not normally as effective as direct mailings.
Another form of direct advertising is to put posters up in your locality. If your website is sports related, for example, your local sports center or health club might allow you to put a poster up on their notice board. Local shops might allow ads in their windows. It can sometimes be quite productive for traffic if you put an ad in your local press for a while. This can sometimes work when your website is connected with a local business, such as a garage or some local tuition service you provide.
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