Friday, 9 August 2013

Productive Social Media - How to Make More Money With Social Media

Social media describes the online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other.It is best understood as a group of new kinds of online media which share most or all of the following characteristics:
Participation: social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested.
Openness: most social media services are open to feedback and participation. They encourage voting, feedback, comments and sharing of information.
Conversation: whereas traditional media is about "broadcast", content transmitted or distributed to an audience, social media is better seen as conversational, two way.
Community: social media allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively around common interests - be that a love of photography, a political issue or
a favorite TV show.
How to make profit
In order to earn profit through social media you have to get traffic to your social media pages, then you have to direct them to a squeeze page, then you have to send them to your list
You must increase the linkability of your website to others.
Try making it easy for people who use social bookmarking services to tag your site. Add extra buttons and links that suggest "tag this site" or "add to favorites" to your homepage and all relevant content. This can increase return traffic to your site, and can also help increase click through linking.
One other great way to use lucrative social media to make a profit is to formulate and distribute portable content. If you spread this type of content around, post it in relevant places, it will eventually lead to more traffic returning to your site and getting you noticed.

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