Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Using The Big 3 To Make Money With Social Media

For those that are selling something, be it a product or service, online or offline, should use social media to help drive in additional income.
Why? For one, it is free with an option to pay advertisement. Even if you don't know what to do with the Big 3 that I'm going to talk about, it is very easy to learn. Kids in elementary school uses them on a daily basis. What are the Big 3? They are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Most of you probably already use them on a daily basis. But the question is how to use them for your business?
I Will Start With Facebook.
Facebook has a presence in nearly every country with nearly a billion followers. With smart advertising, you could reach a sizable portion of these followers. Creating an account is easy. All you need is an email address which is also free. Once you have an account invite everybody on your email contact list. Then invite anybody that you know or don't know. The idea is to have as many friends as you can have. Once you have these friends, you need to start posting all of the good things that you can provide the masses.
If you have a blog, put the post on there. If you are having a sale, put the sale up. The thing NOT to do is put 1000 posts a day about your business. People will think your annoying and stop following you. What you want is to create "viral sustainability". You want people to share your post and in turn their friends will see it and comment, share or like it. Causing their friends to do the same.
The Next Thing Is Twitter.
Twitter is the same, but you only have 140 characters at a time to say whats on your mind. It's free and all you need is an email address to start an account. Follow as much people as you can. With this you should add value to your account by tweeting something that is worthy of retweeting. Tweeting is probably the easiest of the Big 3 to make money with social media. With this, you want as much people retweeting your tweets. Creating viral sustainability. The more eyes on what you have to offer, the better.
YouTube Is the Last of the Big 3.
Setting up a YouTube channel is easy and free. You guessed it, all you need is an email account. If you don't know, YouTube is now owned by Google. So having a presence here, will only raise your chances of promoting you stuff. This could be a little more nerve racking because it is video. It is a little hard at first, but once you have done it a few times, you will get comfortable in front of the camera. The only way to get over it is to actually do it.
In the beginning, you are going to feel the urge to make it "perfect", when it doesn't have to be. It also doesn't have to be 10 minutes long either. If what you have to say is going to be long, you can break it up into 2, 3 or more parts. Making it into a video series. People's attention spans aren't as long as you would hope them to be. So keeping your videos, short, sweet and to the point works best. Especially in the beginning.
This strategy works very well because once you make this video, you can spread it through twitter and Facebook. Killing multiple birds with one stone.
When I started in this realm of internet marketing, I was VERY reluctant to use Facebook or add people that I don't know on Facebook. But I wanted succeed, so I had to get a little uncomfortable to be comfortable in the long run. I was thinking that my friends would reject what I was putting out there. That was my initial thinking. It is not anymore. Once I got over this little hurdle, I was able to use social media to make money on a consistent basis. I have seen other people do it, but it wasn't drilled into my head until I got the proper training. What you read here is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to making money with social media. If you want to learn more, and I know you do, you need to click the link below to get started.
I personally use the Big 3 to earn an income. I use this as one of the tools to promote my business. I am not the only one that's using this style of marketing to earn a substantial income. There are countless number of people online doing what I'm doing, why not be one of them?
Buy that fancy car. Buy that big house.

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