Thursday, 31 October 2013

Social Media Tips - Twitter at a Speed of 140 Characters Per Tweet

Twitter seems to have become the new kid on the block that everyone wants to know. It is being touted as one of the best tools to use for customer communications, developing relationships and creating a mass of followers within your niche.
With today's economy, entrepreneurs attempting business startups, are finding social media tools and Twitter to be some of the best to use. Besides that, they find that their price is pretty good too. Nothing! What this does for guerrilla marketers and those starting on a shoestring budget is to compete with companies who are much larger and have treasure troves of marketing budget dollars. With so many resources and tools out to be incorporated with Twitter, it has become very easy to keep on top of who is saying what about you and your company.
Working within the Internet marketing and social media industry day in and day out, people are always asking questions as to how they can harness the full power of Twitter.
Research by The Internet Marketing Professor has found that businesses are using Twitter more and more as an effective (and cheap) customers relations tool.
Here are a few tips, techniques and strategies to help you and your business get the most out of the Twittervers:
Upload a photo into your profile page. Your followers and anyone reading your tweets love to see who they are communicating with. Don't want to use your regular mug shot? Use a business logo instead. However, marketing research has shown that using a professional photo creates a higher following. People like to put a face to the tweet. And that is the cornerstone of social media; building the relationship.
What are you doing now? Let your followers know what is happening with your company, product launches, new hires, and relevant information you think they would enjoy. The important thing is that you post something several times a day. Just keep it within 140 characters.
What is it that you know anyway? I bet you are an expert on something. It may even be what your business is centered around. Let people know. Don't know what to tweet about? Have your blog posts automatically added to your Twitter feed. Your followers will still feel connected.
Are all of your Bio fields filled? you know all of those little fields you hate to fill out on profile pages? Guess what? This is how people find you. Make sure you have all of the fields completed with as much information as they will allow. Make sure you use keywords related to your business. Add a link to your blog and company website too.
Billed it and they will come! Using the tools Twitter offers, it will check all of your email lists for people who are also Twitter users. This is an easy technique to build your followers list. Once you follow them, more than likely they will follow you.
Advertise your presence. Today, it seems cool to add your Twitter link to your signature line on emails, business cards, blog posts, and anything else that your bio info appears on. Find the insider movers and shakers of your niche who are on Twitter and click the little Follow icon on their page. What better way to know who is doing what, when, where, why, and how.
Do not become a statistic. My name is Dave and I'm a Twitterholic! Watch out because Twitter and social media sites in general can be addictive. You will quickly learn why teenagers spend most of their days texting and chatting online. Instant gratification from online messaging can be highly addictive; mostly if it is someone you do not know and you bond quickly. Everything is good in moderation.

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3 Simple and Smart Social Media Tips for Working Moms

Social media is the new, damn near free, and dare I say, best marketing tool out there. But so many business owners seem to stray away from it. They feel that it doesn't work, it's a waste of time, and you can't profit from social media. And even if you could do all three I simply don't have time to add this to my schedule. As a working mom with tons on my plate I just can't seem to be consistent with it. Does all of this sound familiar? Have you said this to yourself at one point in your online journey or another? I know I have. But you need to know that, yes social media can be a waste of time, and some people do not profit from it. But there are plenty of people who are profiting and making sales, so to them it's definitely not a waste of time. In fact the real problem is exactly what you may be feeling, lack of consistency.
The key to achieving your dreams of spending more time to with your family, and flexibility has to do with consistency. At no point can you believe that if you do an activity once or even sporadically you will make it big. No, you have to be consistent in your work and do that work over a period of time. You can't believe that one action or one activity will grow your business.
But how can a working mom be consistent? With all of the "stuff" she has to go through each and every day. Getting the children ready for school, making breakfast, house chores, nurturing your marriage, your full-time job schedule. It just seems ridiculous to think that you can be consistent with all that goes on in your life. Well you can, and if working from home so you can make your own schedule and not leave work in a mad dash to pick up your child from daycare so you won't be charged that $30 every 15 minute you are late is important to you then you better figure out how to make it work.
3 Tips to help with social media.
Here are few tips and tools that I use to help me stay consistent. Note: These tips and tools will only work if you use them, consistently.
  1. Smartphone: Invest in a smartphone. If you truly believe that social media can grow your business, then you must invest in a smartphone. I'm sure your phone is near you at all times, and because of this you can quickly and easily update your status whenever you need to. There are so many apps that will help you stay connected to your followers when you don't have a computer nearby.

  2. Hootsuite: It has been said to me "You are on Facebook and twitter all the time. I just don't have the time to do that". Umm, no I'm not. Half of my posts are scheduled and the other half are live. I use hootsuite to schedule a few posts throughout the day, so that I'm always active. I also use hootsuite to do live posts from time to time. I have the hootsuite app on my iPhone and when I want to post something to all my networks I can post one time to twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn at once.

  3. Define the purpose: Figure out what's the point of using social media for your business. What are the results you are looking for? This is very, very important. If you do not know why you are using it then how can you say it doesn't work? If you do not why, then you can't create the strategy so that you can achieve the results you need in order to be successful.
Action Steps:
These tips are pretty simple and things you can implement right now. If you cannot afford to do all three then you can do 2 of these items because they are free. Go ahead and define your purpose for using social media and figure out the results you are looking for. Then sign up for hootsuite and begin to schedule your post. If you already have a smartphone download the hootsuite app to your phone as well.

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Social Media Tips: How To Prevent a Social-Media Meltdown

A quick recap for those of you who missed it: There was a famous incident with a restaurant chain recently where a customer wrote a note with reference to God and left it without a tip for the waitress. She posted it on Reddit with the customer's signature being visible. The readers responded with tremendous support for the waitress. When the restaurant chain fired the waitress, the social media exploded with banter.
We have some very useful tips that can help you to avoid a social media catastrophe similar to this example.
Recognise the correct bad guy
The restaurants first mistake was to decide that the waitress was the bad guy. The people on Reddit were certain that it was the customer. Another mistake was also choosing one cheap client to support instead of its employee.
Have a social media manager
If you don't have one, it is time to find one immediately. Even if your company does not have accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, and does not want a blog, you cannot ignore what people say about you on these forums. Look for an efficient manager who reads social media sites and is responsible for reading and responding to comments about your company.
Efficiency and loyalty
HMV is another company that had its mass layoffs tweeted live. The tweets, by the laid off employees went viral. The marketing manager was quoted asking how to shut down Twitter. He should have taken charge, or responded in a better way. Your new media manager has to know what to do and be completely loyal.
Social media does not tolerate hypocrisy
The official statement from the restaurant chain said that the company had taken action against the staff member and apologized to the infamous guest, as per their policy, the guest was entitled to the right to privacy. The waitress had violated the policy as the receipt she posted had the guest's name clearly legible. Not very long before, the company's official media manager had posted a positive remark by a guest with the name being readable.
Clarity in legal social media rules
This is very challenging because employees will speak to each other and post on Facebook about things at work. People will complain about salary and work problems, but you can draw the line by stating a clear and legal policy that bans posting information about customers.
Everyone has a voice
On the Internet, even the employee at the lowest level can have a voice louder than the official spokesperson. If you want media attention in this era, you only need an Internet connection to be heard.

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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Social Media Tips - Straight Shooting Advice For Small Business

Learning and implementing a social media marketing campaign can seem like a daunting task, so picking up any social media tips from reputable websites, forums and peer groups can definitely help you on your journey.
There has never been a better reason to learn as there are now more than 600 million people on Facebook, and at least 150 million of those are Americans, which equates to one in two adults. Twitter has recently topped 300 million users since its creation in 2006. For those that can master the social networks there is an endless supply of potential customers surfing the limitless end of status feeds on the internet highway.
Meanwhile small business owners are desperately trying to catch up and capitalize on this business platform while trying to juggle being, finance, marketing and H. R. H managers. As well as somewhere amongst it all fit family life. So unless you have stacks of cash and can employ social media guru to do it for you, then you really need to become your own social media expert.
The Following Are A Few Social Media Tips Consider When Setting Up A Campaign.
Break It Up And Keep It Social
Social media is about engagement and having and interaction, not promoting. Try to aim to be the person at the party that, shows interest in others, listens attentively, asks good questions, can hold an audiences attention with interesting and relevant content, oh and you need to be an authentic and just generally an all round likeable person. Ask question get interaction with your audience, such as Victoria Secrets doesn't splash a two for one sale on their status feeds constantly, sure they show up and coming promotions and sales but they mix it up by asking questions instead. For example they might ask for interaction by asking what your favorite colored slip is or which was the most comfortable Victoria Secrets bra you've ever worn. (Obviously targeting the female audience). The visitor is encouraged to interact and is more likely to keep coming back
Don't Come Across Desperate
"Like us on Facebook" and "Follow us on Twitter" are everywhere. I find it kind of desperate how the social media culture tells customers to "Like" and "Follow" them. Surely, if your marketing was interesting and engaging it would be a given that they would "follow" or "like" you anyway? Remember to think what's in it for them and then work from a place of power not need.
Be Accessible
Make it simple and easy for your audience to stay in touch with you. Social plug ins such as "Share this", " Add this" or "Digg-Digg" are all easy to install on your site and show up as many of the social networking sites that you load up and make it quick and easy for your fans to share your content with their friends on any network. Then there are Facebook Business or "Fan Pages" that give the visitor a chance to "like" your page. This gives you the opportunity to market to them by way of updates to keep the conversation going.
In summary these tips are designed to be just that, a bit of "food for thought", to bear in mind when you are setting up your social media marketing campaigns. My other recommendation is to think about enlisting the help of a mentor. There are reputable companies available online that you can team up with that are affordable for smaller businesses and have the social media systems, training and support available so you don't have to do it on your own. Why not have your own supply of social media tips and strategies on hand 24/7 when you need them.

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Six Blogging and Social Media Tips

One of the things I really like about blogging is all of the doors it opens up for various kinds of social media marketing. What I mean by that is you should do more with your blog post then just publish it online and wait for readers to find you.
Here are six blogging and social media tips you can follow that work well together.
1. Bookmark your post. Get it into social bookmarking sites using Only Wire to bookmark your post into numerous social directories with one click.
This is going to take a little bit of time to join the various directories, but it's time well spent in the long run. Every time you bookmark your post using Only Wire you are exposing it to literally thousands of new readers, as well as creating valuable backlinks for search engines to find and follow back your blog.
2. Create a video. Once you've bookmarked your blog post take the blog article and create a video of it.
Use a program such as Animoto to create a slide series video you can upload into even more social directories. You can even upload them directly to You Tube which Google really likes.
3. Tweet it. Post a short comment and link on your Twitter account linking back to either the blog post or the new video URL. Twitter has over 200 million active users and this is a great way to quickly create a backlink and potential blog traffic.
4. Facebook page. Set up a separate Facebook page for your blog. Bookmark your blog post onto this page and bookmark your video onto this page as well.
5. Email it. Hopefully you are building an email list. If you're not shame on you and start doing that right now.
One thing that really works to drive traffic to your blogs is send an email out to your list with a little snippet of information that creates curiosity. Then post a link back to your new blog article that people can follow and read the blog article in its entirety.
6. Article directories. Use a service such as Submit Your Article or Ezine to get your article into directories and on other people's blogs. Don't just link to your blog home page, but rather link back to your blog posts and mix it up.
These are six blogging and social media tips that really do work. It takes a little bit more effort on your part, but maximizing every blog article into various social media avenues is a better use of your time than constantly adding new content that people never see.

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Social Media Tips - Top Strategies Consultants Can Use on Twitter and LinkedIn

Social media consultants who work with small and large businesses on how to grow using social media see a wide variety of uses of social media in growing businesses. Using sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn consultants quickly see results for their clients.
A few ways to use these sites are:
1. Effectively use Twitter to grow sales and find new clients simply by staying on the pulse of requests for like services. Using the search function on Twitter, you can find who specifically is asking, "Where can I locate the best photographer in San Diego?" If you are a photographer in that area, a quick direct message to the person and offering your services will possibly develop a new lead for you.
2. Use Twitter for customer service and to provide support to those looking for more information about products and services like yours.
3. Join niche-related groups on LinkedIn and put a query on their discussion boards, asking for recommendations for information. Ask and answer questions yourself, which helps define you as a goto person in your industry.
4. Use the discussion tool on LinkedIn to regularly announce events: signings, speaking engagements, product launches, etc. It is an excellent marketing tool to target groups and people that have a definite interest.
The ways to use social media sites are endless. With new virtual real estate sites in this area being born every day, it is imperative to designate those that are the most influential in your industry and specific niche. Use all of the tools available to market yourself as the go to person.
Become a mover and shaker in your chosen niche. Use these tools and tips to gain a greater presence on the Web and in the future, you will possess greater influence in your chosen arena.

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5 Quick Social Media Marketing Tips

5 Quick Social Media Marketing Tips

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Practical Traffic Generation Tips - Do You Know How to Keep the Traffic Coming Back For More?

If traffic is the life blood of any website or blog, then repeat traffic is the air that keeps you breathing all the way to the bank.
Thank you for tolerating the mixed metaphor...
How to get repeat traffic
Once you are using articles and other content to get original traffic to your web sites and blogs, how do you get them to come back over and over? Here are three strategies to do just that, over and over and over again.
Blogs - When you are known for posting good quality content on your blog, people will come back over and over again. Repurpose your articles, write reviews, tell stories that illustrate solutions for your niche.
And DO NOT believe the great movie line "If you build it, they will come." Great line in a movie, does not work in the real marketing world. 
Instead use Twitter and other social media, plus your email list, to invite subscribers back to your blog.
TeleSeminars - If you have a phone, a mouth and a message you can do teleseminars. Pick a topic in your niche. Make a list of 7 tips you could give your ideal client. Teach those 7 tips on a telesminar. You do not have to go hours and hours. A sixty to seventy minute call is a great way to bring repeat traffic your way.
Webinars - While webinars are a bit more technically involved , the advantage is they are much more visual in nature. You can teach the same 7 tips mentioned above and further increase the learning and the know like and trust factor in your repeat traffic.

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Great Traffic Generations Tips That Will Leave You Wanting More

Using web-based directories helps others to find certain websites within their area of interest. In case you are wondering about what a directory is, in one sense it is similar to a search engine, the only difference being that websites are carefully examined before being allowed into a directory.
Directories, if used properly, can help you to bring in a lot of traffic to your site and raise you up in the search engine rankings. Choice of directory submission is equally important and you will gain the best results by using LookSmart, Yahoo and DMOZ. Don't underestimate the power of these directories, as any sites within their ground are considered to be quite powerful and shouldn't be taken lightly.
To maximize exposure:
1. Include your site within the right section of the directory. You don't want to make a mistake with this. Apart from category selection, take care that you are going to be listed in the right subcategory as well. Like, if you are making a site about cars, then don't include your site into the cosmetics section of the directory. If you don't do this, then people won't be able to find you. You can search for the right keyword phrases that you are targeting for through the directory. You will then be able to find particular categories that are most related to those keywords. Select the best and most suitable one for you.
2. The title and site description which you give in the submission phrase should be as optimized to attract visitors as possible. Don't be careless about giving your submission a good title. Don't forget to introduce the main keyword in your title. Another thing is that you have to try and make your title start with a letter as close to the beginning of the alphabet as you possibly can. Present the most important points of your site in the description, keeping it as short and clear as possible. Of course, in spite of this, try to also include as many related keywords as possible.
3. You could try your hand at pay per click that some directories may have.
4. Don't forget to make your site friendly to passing search engines.
5. Consider carefully the amount of text and images you use. Too many images may lower your exposure in the search engines.
6. Use back links on appropriate directories and trade or business listings. Look at the back links your competitors have and steal them.
7. Always keep your site uptodate. This encourages visitors and search engine spiders to return. Ensure that you have great content that has your appropriate keywords.
8. You will be able to get better results if you make a blog alongside your website. The results will astonish you.
9. Don't forget that you can go the offline road. Use print media such as cards, bumper stickers, and more. Send out regular newsletters that include your website as well. A good business and relationship building tactic.
10. You may want to run ads on the sites of other related people.
11. Exchange links to other relevant sites.
12. Get yourself a reliable system, such as Zero Cost Profits.
You can manage what you don't measure. Always remember that. Look at how often they come and what they do. Analyze the things that are working and what isn't. Use cookies efficiently. Make sure you are able to understand the working of the latest tech and software. Keep updated on new innovations and developments. Make yourself a proper internet marketing plan.
In conclusion, here are some more simple tips to catapult you to success:learn to be different and give your potential buyers what they are looking for; build your supporters; help your customers and they will help you; be punctual, and be affordable; keep on growing and maintaining your website, learn to improve and never give up; make sure you are in the right niche, and get yourself the right model.

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Traffic Generation Tips - Submitting Articles to Ezine Publishers

In today's article, I'm going to give you a great tip for getting more traffic to your website by syndicating content. I'm really surprised I haven't heard more people talking about this, but then again many people seem to keep chasing the latest fad in Internet marketing instead of returning to the fundamentals.
We've already talked about writing quality articles and submitting them to online article directories. We also mentioned that you can submit your articles to other websites and blogs that accept content in exchange for links. However, what if you could find a marketer who works in your particular industry and has already built up a large list of subscribers? What if you could then approach this business owner and offer your high quality, original content in exchange for a link to your website?
Now, you might be wondering why in the world anyone would take you up on this offer. Well, the truth is that many of these Ezine publishers don't have the time to keep writing their own original content, or maybe they've become bored with the entire process and would rather leave the writing to someone else. Well, you can take advantage of this by offering them some good articles that have a link at the bottom leading back to your website!
In a way, it's just like renting their mailing lists for a day! Normally, this kind of exposure or advertisement would be quite expensive, but there are many e-mail publishers who would love to use your content so they don't have to worry about creating it themselves.
All you have to do is spend a little bit of time writing a quality article of, say, 500 words that readers in your niche would find interesting. You could even hire a freelance writer to do the work for you as long as you look over their content to make sure it's acceptable
So how do you find these publishers, anyway? You could take the slow way and do a simple search in Google by using a major keyword phrase in your niche along with the word "newsletter" or "e-mail list." This is definitely not the most efficient way to go about this, however, since this would take a very long time and you wouldn't even know how large a particular subscriber list is. Also, you have to contact each publisher individually and hope to get a positive response.
Instead of going through all this hassle, you can make things easy on yourself and choose a directory that displays a list of e-mail publishers in a variety of niches, along with the size of the list and whether they accept article submissions.

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SEO and Social Media - Quick Tip!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Social Media Tips - Straight Shooting Advice For Small Business

Learning and implementing a social media marketing campaign can seem like a daunting task, so picking up any social media tips from reputable websites, forums and peer groups can definitely help you on your journey.
There has never been a better reason to learn as there are now more than 600 million people on Facebook, and at least 150 million of those are Americans, which equates to one in two adults. Twitter has recently topped 300 million users since its creation in 2006. For those that can master the social networks there is an endless supply of potential customers surfing the limitless end of status feeds on the internet highway.
Meanwhile small business owners are desperately trying to catch up and capitalize on this business platform while trying to juggle being, finance, marketing and H. R. H managers. As well as somewhere amongst it all fit family life. So unless you have stacks of cash and can employ social media guru to do it for you, then you really need to become your own social media expert.
The Following Are A Few Social Media Tips Consider When Setting Up A Campaign.
Break It Up And Keep It Social
Social media is about engagement and having and interaction, not promoting. Try to aim to be the person at the party that, shows interest in others, listens attentively, asks good questions, can hold an audiences attention with interesting and relevant content, oh and you need to be an authentic and just generally an all round likeable person. Ask question get interaction with your audience, such as Victoria Secrets doesn't splash a two for one sale on their status feeds constantly, sure they show up and coming promotions and sales but they mix it up by asking questions instead. For example they might ask for interaction by asking what your favorite colored slip is or which was the most comfortable Victoria Secrets bra you've ever worn. (Obviously targeting the female audience). The visitor is encouraged to interact and is more likely to keep coming back
Don't Come Across Desperate
"Like us on Facebook" and "Follow us on Twitter" are everywhere. I find it kind of desperate how the social media culture tells customers to "Like" and "Follow" them. Surely, if your marketing was interesting and engaging it would be a given that they would "follow" or "like" you anyway? Remember to think what's in it for them and then work from a place of power not need.
Be Accessible
Make it simple and easy for your audience to stay in touch with you. Social plug ins such as "Share this", " Add this" or "Digg-Digg" are all easy to install on your site and show up as many of the social networking sites that you load up and make it quick and easy for your fans to share your content with their friends on any network. Then there are Facebook Business or "Fan Pages" that give the visitor a chance to "like" your page. This gives you the opportunity to market to them by way of updates to keep the conversation going.
In summary these tips are designed to be just that, a bit of "food for thought", to bear in mind when you are setting up your social media marketing campaigns. My other recommendation is to think about enlisting the help of a mentor. There are reputable companies available online that you can team up with that are affordable for smaller businesses and have the social media systems, training and support available so you don't have to do it on your own. Why not have your own supply of social media tips and strategies on hand 24/7 when you need them.

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Money Making Social Media Tips

Are you a small business with desires of growing big quickly? Using simple social media tips, techniques and strategies you can do it with relative ease. Here is an example of one of my small business coaching clients who followed some easy to follow practical advice I shared with them:
With a daily advertising budget of less than $5, you can grow your site to:
1. 29,000 members, then to over 46,000 members within a matter of a few months using a combination of Search Engine Optimization (SEO),
2. Starting a LinkedIn group (currently has over 3,000 members)
3. Twitter announcements of leads (2,000 followers and growing),
4. A corporate blog.
Using these simple approaches, anyone can do it. However, it takes persistence on a daily basis. By following these steps you will see your revenue increase matching or exceeding your growth in membership. Not only that, but in the process you will quickly become known in your industry as an invaluable source of leads as well as being incredibly inexpensive.
In addition to these strategies, your business can be as easy as a pure B2B Web 2.0 endeavor in that all of your content is supplied by your members. Lots of your projects may come from issuing agencies and organizations, but the vast majority will come from your members that are participating in your exchange program. This social gathering of content will keep your site fresh and exceptionally active as more and more members join on a daily basis.
If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about social media.

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Friday, 25 October 2013

Traffic Generation Tips and Secrets For You!

Generating traffic can be easy - you just need to know the little secrets involved - read on and I'll whisper them quietly!
You could have your own discussion board or forum on your site, and provide some interesting conversation and just invite people to participate. This generates traffic to your website and all the posts on your forum will help to improve your search engines position as well. People who visit your forum will also visit your website, and hey presto! More traffic to your website. Offer an e-zine or newsletter on your website and invite people to subscribe for free. In return for your free subscription, you can ask for their contact details. Every time they read your offerings, you can remind them to return to your website or present your latest offer.
Ask people to bookmark your website. This is particularly effective if you have high quality content on your website which makes people want to spend more time reading. Offer some free bonuses, software or reports and the like! You could even offer quality products or content to other webmasters. You can advertise your website through other peoples' by allowing your content to be used and adding an effective resource box. In addition, you can also allow your visitors to give away your online freebies, and these will include your URL or resource box, and then you will gain even more exposure.
Ask your traffic to refer you and your site to others! If you site visitors are happy with your content, it is likely that their like minded buddies will too.
Do you have a guest book? Invite people to sign your guest book. When people sign your guestbook they could give you valuable feedback or comments that will help you to stay on top of things and improve your web site. This in turn will help you increase traffic by providing a useful and up to date website.
Offer an affiliate program if you have your own products. Having heaps of affiliates advertising your website for you, is definitely an effective way of generating traffic to your website.
If you have purchased a product or service that you are really happy with, you can offer to give some testimonials or product reviews including your website URL, to websites that get high volumes of traffic. When you testimonial is placed on another site you usually get a backlink as well as your url out in front of people.
These are just a few ways you may want to easily generate high volumes of traffic to your website and boost your online profits. You can win the war on generating traffic to your site! Good Luck!

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Traffic Generation - Tips to Make the Most of the Social Media Influence As Traffic Generation Tool

During the earlier years, each time you talk about social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, what comes to mind is the inkling that these are sites only frequented by teenagers and students to mingle and stay in touch with their friends online. At present, these sites are no longer limited to serve as a past time and fun site for the younger ones. Many internet marketers have discovered the benefits that these friendly sites can provide in generating traffic for a website. However, this is only achievable once internet marketers follow some essential tips applicable when using Social Medias to drive traffic to a website.
Tip # 1 - As a sensible internet marketer, you should research on the most popular networking sites to set up a profile. An aspect that you should put into consideration is the variety of audience that these sites deal with. If you wish to expose your business in the UK and US and other nearby communities, it is highly essential that you choose the most popular ones that deal with those countries. Facebook, Twitter, Multiply, LinkedIn and Delicious are some of the preferable choices of sites.
Tip # 2 - Participating actively in forums and joining groups within each social medias. Gaining friends is an efficient way to widen your network and at the same time make yourself credible in the industry that you are trying to get involved with.
Tip # 3 - Pay attention to your behavior while you are joining discussion in any social media site. It is not advisable to act rudely and arrogant within these communities. You need to establish a real professional behavior to be able to make the most of the influence of social media for your business and your site.

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Practical Traffic Generation Tips - Do You Know How to Keep the Traffic Coming Back For More?

If traffic is the life blood of any website or blog, then repeat traffic is the air that keeps you breathing all the way to the bank.
Thank you for tolerating the mixed metaphor...
How to get repeat traffic
Once you are using articles and other content to get original traffic to your web sites and blogs, how do you get them to come back over and over? Here are three strategies to do just that, over and over and over again.
Blogs - When you are known for posting good quality content on your blog, people will come back over and over again. Repurpose your articles, write reviews, tell stories that illustrate solutions for your niche.
And DO NOT believe the great movie line "If you build it, they will come." Great line in a movie, does not work in the real marketing world. 
Instead use Twitter and other social media, plus your email list, to invite subscribers back to your blog.
TeleSeminars - If you have a phone, a mouth and a message you can do teleseminars. Pick a topic in your niche. Make a list of 7 tips you could give your ideal client. Teach those 7 tips on a telesminar. You do not have to go hours and hours. A sixty to seventy minute call is a great way to bring repeat traffic your way.
Webinars - While webinars are a bit more technically involved , the advantage is they are much more visual in nature. You can teach the same 7 tips mentioned above and further increase the learning and the know like and trust factor in your repeat traffic.

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Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Free Online Traffic Generation Tips - How to Get Traffic From Your Newsletter

How In The World Can Newsletters Help Generate Online Traffic?
That is what I'm about to reveal to you. Some say that newsletters are a good idea for generating traffic online but do you know something else? It is not just having a mailing list or to be in a decent niche to profit from.
Rather it is a collection of people who trusts you and that you as the list owner knows that the crowd wants and gives it to them. Give it freely indeed and you will earn their respect well enough to send money into your bank account. How would that feel? Yeah, precisely let's get right to it then!
Tip 1: Make Your Subscribers Get Clicking
Now what do I mean by that? You see often times you may want to send out an email or two to get your subscribers attention. That's how you get traffic to your sales page or whatever right? You want them to get clicking.
Here is a power tip. Instead of just giving your tips to them in the form of an email why not convert it into a PDF and then attach the download link in your email? That way they would have to do some clicking to get to your newsletter. Soon enough you'll see more people visiting your sales pages URL in your emails.
Tip 2: Automate Your Email Communication
If you don't already have an autoresponder than don't fret. It is fairly easy to get one and there are many options available online. Remember what we discussed about sending your emails out to get traffic to your sales pages or whatever? Well, you do this by using an autoresponder.
All you need to do is load up how many emails you want to send out and tell it what is your intervals between each email. Like this, when someone signs up they will get a preloaded email already written by you weeks ago. Automate your emails and you will have more time to think about how to grab more traffic from your newsletters.
Tip 3: Become Tightly Focused On Your Topics
Say you are selling a kind of hair rejuvenation system. Surely you don't want to tell them some benefits to using kind of slimming product! Instead make all your topics and newsletters totally relevant to what your audience wants.
By doing so, they will identify you as a topic expert and be inclined to see what your next email or new URL in your email has to offer next. Talk about building a brand name recognition.
Getting Quality Traffic Fast
At the end, we all want to get not only free online traffic but highly qualified and targeted traffic at that. It's funny I should mention this but the more exposure someone sees your name or you in an email or something online the more they get to 'know you' and soon will want to click to your website and become your 'quality repeated traffic'.

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Website Traffic Generation Tips - Simple Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

If you have started a blog for business reasons recently, you must be hoping to make good contacts out of it. At the very least, you are looking for some free publicity, whereby people can come to know about you, and your line of business, and thus get interested.
However, you have not had the desires results, perhaps. This is particularly true for the first timers, people who have just started their blogs. Well, you need to know that there are some ways to drive traffic to your blog; using such tips you could yourself generate quite a lot of traffic, and PUBLICITY. Read on...
First, of all, if it is not a non-business, personal blog, then do not write about everything under the sun. Write only about what you feel you are well equipped to handle, and secondly, make sure it is relevant to your line of work;
o Write out regular posts, and send out he links to as many as places as possible. One of the best ways, of course, is to put out your blog address link to ALL correspondences you make - include it in your emails, website to advertise your product, online business cards, etc.
o Try and innovate. Get into affiliate marketing with other companies in the same field, and you could post your blog links on their website. You need to do a bit of research on this and find out relevant brands in your field. An excellent idea is to find related, rather than similar content blogs. For instance, if your blog provides info on furniture and the like, it is a very good idea to tie up with someone dealing in say, interior designing. That way you ensure that business interest do not clash, but get complemented.
Catching the attention of the readers-
The best and simplest way to drive traffic to your blog, of course, is to make sure more readers get involved. There are a number of innovations possible here.
o Add the tell-a-friend feature to your blog, so that any reader who likes your blog may email to your posts to people they think would be interested. You get your cause advanced, by total strangers, literally.
o Network with other bloggers. Post comments on their blogs, and ask them to do the same. If the line of these blogs is similar, it means you can reach out to more people who are interested in these topics, but who might have been unaware of your blog. The traffic gets cross referenced, resulting in more hits for you.

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The Truth - Free Traffic Generating Tip to Get Website Visitors

If you have an online business then generating web traffic should be of the utmost importance to right now! This is the key to increasing your business revenue. Your sole survival depends on the amount of targeted website visitors you get. One of the reasons why most of the website fails is due to lack of website visitors and to get website visitors is one of the biggest challengers especially for a new internet marketer.
Generating web traffic to your domain (url) takes dedicated work. Although it is simple to have great success you must be consistent in order to get strong benefits from this method of marketing!
Compared to all of the methods utilized for generating web traffic article marketing is the one that makes it possible for you to build yourself up as an authority or expert on a subject, thus end up receiving free targeted website visitors, because people have an interest to get more information!
The Beauty & Power behind article marking is that with a well written article that contains meaningful content, you can gain the trust of many readers who will click the links in your article or resource box to get more information. And, again I would like to emphasize that these are well targeted website visitors.
The True Power of writing one article can be far-reaching and have a tremendous impact of bringing in loads of free web traffic for your online business for years to come! That single article most likely will be on an internet server for months and years to come!
Based on the keywords used in your article a user can actually put online an article written today - February 5, 2010 and potential consumers still be finding it and reading it on June 28, 2017! Now that is awesome!
The Big Bonus to your article marketing efforts is that if your article is of interest to a web developer, they could end re-publishing your article on any or all web sites they are affiliated with. This means that more and more people will see you article and possible have and interest in visiting your website for more information.
Writing a few articles per week or per month depending on your schedule can be one of the most important marketing tools in generating web traffic and at no cost!
What so many people like about the writing of articles is that they can talk about a subject that they love; market a particular product that goes along with the article and put the article out on the internet at no cost and start generated some free targeted website visitors! Pretty cool, huh?

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Thursday, 17 October 2013

5 Traffic Generation Tips To Make Money Quickly

The first thing you need to understand about making money quickly from a website is that traffic is everything. Most people think that the best way to make money is to offer high priced affiliate products or things like that but the fact of the matter is that only a handful of people will even click on ads and even less people will buy them and that is why you need a lot of traffic.
The key to getting traffic to your website is to do as much as you can to promote it. What most people don't understand is that the biggest source of traffic is almost always a search engine and if it is not then you need to try to change that. The reason why you want search engine traffic is because this is the best way to make money, search engine traffic converts the best.
5 traffic generation tips to make money quickly
Article marketing - The first tips is you need to use article marketing. What most people don't understand about article marketing is that you will get traffic from the article as well as from the search engines. The reason you get traffic from search engines is because the articles will help increase your search engine position very quickly.
Twitter - What most people don't understand about Twitter is that you can get a huge following and start redirecting them to your site as much as possible. The only thing about Twitter is that the traffic doesn't convert as good as it should but that is OK since you will have a lot more traffic to deal with.
Facebook - Just like Twitter this is another great way to get traffic. The best part about Facebook is that you can do a lot more with it and so getting traffic will be much easier for you. Although Twitter and Facebook are relatively the same Facebook converts much better.
Guest posts - One of the most effective ways to get a lot of traffic very quickly is to write guest posts. What most people don't realize is that if you can get a blog post on a website with a lot of traffic already then you will have a great shot at getting a lot of those visitors to click through to your site. If you want to make money quickly then I suggest writing at least 1 guest post every week.
Search engine traffic - Like I said earlier, you need search engine traffic if you want to make money quickly and efficiently. My advice is to do as much as you can as far as link building goes that way your website will rise on the rankings as quick as possible.
The last thing you need to know about traffic generation in order to make money quickly is that you must do all you can. Once you stop marketing your website or stop posting on it then that is when your website will die and your homes or making money quickly will be gone.

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How to Increase Traffic to Your Website - Traffic Generation Tips

Have your blog move goalposts significantly, no longer necessary to write palpable nonsense to attract the visitors or website spiders. How can this be possible?
Make Your Blog To Be Your Friend
  • Create your own blog, promote yourself as much you wish, it doesn't drive people away as long it is tasteful.
  • Think before you blog, know the kind of your blog, whether a food blog, a newsperson, a generalist or a link blogger. Try to accomplish before you start blogging, what you actually mean.
  • Your blog should have connection with your site, often have a chance to comment and include a URL for your site.
  • Ask some questions in your blog entries and do forget to publish the best responses. People love to see their words published and for sure come back to your site again and again
  • Make your blog to announce something new about your website, readers will click the link and see the changes.
  • Participate in blog contests, answer the questions and leave contact information or include URL for more details or information about the questions. For the reputation of being knowledgeable people worth to do business.
  • Do not apologize for not blogging enough; avoid postings like, "I'm Sorry" "I'll try to blog more", etc. The readers might float away if this happens.
  • Avoid posting throwaways, restrict your post to a minimum length, if you don't think about your blogpost, no one will think either.
  • Reduce excessive quoting, quotes make up about 30% of blog post. People get bored about your blog when happen to notice quoted words often.
  • Avoid topics that dig into election, religion, political or non-political.

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Traffic Generation Tips - Discover 3 Brilliant Autopilot Traffic Generating Online Tools

The simplest Internet marketing tools are available to everyone but many fail to grasp the power these tools have.  It's easy to be overwhelmed by many of the technical aspects to traffic generation but knowing ways to make things easier is important to minimize the confusion.  What are you doing to drive traffic to your promotions? 
Not being technically savvy may be an obstacle for many people but another reason things are difficult is because of the financial aspects of traffic building.  Fortunately, there are many products and services available to help build traffic without you having to spend any money or much of it. 
The following 3 marketing tools are not only powerful but they are free:
1. Article Marketing - although writing is a huge undertaking for most people it is an incredibly strong traffic generating tool.  There are many nuances to writing articles and there are various opinions on it's worth but there is no denying the force it has to driving tons of visitors to your messages and sites.  If you are not writing articles to promote your business you are missing out on multiple streams of income and traffic.
2. Autoresponders - building a list of active and targeted subscribers is critical to your long-term success.  Building a relationship with those subscribers is the key but without an autoresponder it is difficult to have a widespread affect because with an autoresponder you can send messages to everyone on your list simultaneously. You can also send emails instantly or schedule them at whatever intervals you find helps your business.
3. Social Networks including Blogs - in today's online environment social networking has become a monster way to build relationships and grow your Internet business and income.  It has become a great way to generate leads because you are actually given a platform to let people know who you are helping you build loyalty and trust.  Blogging allows you to not only build relationships but to publish information regarding your business and it also helps you build a loyal following as long as you provide quality content.
Bonus Tip: integrate all 3 into a massive traffic generating juggernaut. When you write an article and submit it to online publishers and blog carnivals - DON'T STOP THERE - add the article to your blog and Tweet the article on Twitter as well as Facebook, etc.
Use these Traffic Generation Tips [] to build a list of active and targeted subscribers to help you explode your income.

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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Traffic Generation Tips For Backlinking

Backlinking is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your site. Not only does it help drive traffic to your site from others, but you can easily and quickly boost your page rank and your search engine position with back-linking. However, done wrong, back linking can actually hurt you.
Backlinking was once the term for exchanging links with other sites. The link that the exchanging site posted was a back-link. The idea was to create a loop that the search engines would continue to crawl, boosting page rank and search engine position.
Unfortunately, the search engines caught onto this practice, and now use a slightly different method to rank sites. They are now only effective if they are not a true back link at all, but actually a link to your site with no reciprocating link on your page. You can still exchange links, but you will have better luck if your link is not placed on the same page that is pointed to by the other site's link.
This is due to the fact that search engines now consider that if your website is popular enough to have many unreciprocated links, it must be worthy of inclusion and should have a higher page rank. Be sure to pick sites that already have a high page rank as these sites will be crawled more often and lead to your site being crawled more routinely.
One way to have a lot of back-links is to list your website on as many directories as possible. Some directories have a fee, but when you average out the annual fee it is really a drop in the bucket. The cost doesn't even compare to the benefits you will receive if the page rank of the site is high.

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Web Site Traffic Generation - Tip of the Day Campaign

Looking for a great way to increase traffic to your website? Consider giving a little bit of yourself to your customer on a daily basis. A tip of the day is an excellent way to build top of mind awareness while positioning yourself as an expert in your field. A few simple rules will ensure that your tip of the day is well received and highly regarded.
First, it is crucial that your customers agree to receiving your well thought out advice. By offering an opt-in selection on your website, your messages will be received by customers who are interested in your information. It is also important to establish your campaign with a great deal of regularity. If your tips are to be sent out every day make sure they are, if it is a weekly campaign, be certain they are received on the same day so they can be expected and hopefully anticipated. If you do not have the capability to do this type of program yourself, there are various services that will happily do it for you.
Make sure that you know what you are talking about. The purpose of the tips is to position your expertise in the given subject matter. Nothing is more embarrassing than being wrong. So make sure you are well versed in the subject matter you choose. Finally, be sure to find some way to tie your tip back to your product or service in a non-threatening way. This will further prove your status as an expert and will drive traffic to your website as the throngs of customers look to the solutions provided there.
Regular communication is a key to marketing success. A tip of the day campaign will serve to build your customer's awareness about your product or service and will make you the go-to person for information in a given topic area.

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How to Increase Blog Readership With 3 Traffic Generation Tips and Strategies

This is a very easy and efficient strategy to draw in an avalanche of highly targeted traffic and readers to your blog. I will notify you in the beginning, that it does require a bit of time in order to realize the gain in traffic. Although, after you are completed, you will agree that it was all worth it due to the increase in subscribers and traffic to your blog.
Here we go:
1. To start, you want to find who your competitors are that have blogs with high readership and ranking. These bloggers must be directly related to your niche. Your mission - if you wish to accept it - is to draw all of those readers to your blog.
To find out who they are, use the free tools our friends at Google share and input your main keywords. After the list of blogs come up, check out those on the first three pages that directly relate to your niche and assess the content quality. The key information you want to obtain is how many RSS readers (if available), traffic
regularity and content quality.
Use these tools to help you out: Traffic Details
Blog Juice Calculator (compare and contrast the result with those of your blog. You want to ensure the other blog is equal to or higher in ranking than yours): (one of the best tools for a blog overview):
You want to develop a list of the top 5-7 blogs as a minimum. You may know who some of the movers and shakers are in your niche. If you do not, you need to real quick. Just make sure the other blogs are authority blogs with high Alexa and Google page rankings.
2. Next, you want to bookmark the blogs and check them out every day for updates. If they have an RSS feed, subscribe to it so you will know when it is updated. Your next mission is to run to that blog as fast as possible to read the update and make a top notch comment. Don't write a comment for the sake of writing, but make it meaningful. Remember, your mission is to make yourself out to be a mover and shaker too. Make your posting relevant and valuable. Strive to be one of the first 10 comments to get the greatest benefits.
3. Lastly, keep doing this every day and you will eventually see a dramatic growth in your traffic, readership, and hopefully sales. When you see that happening, you know that you have diverted the traffic to your own site. Just make sure that every one of your comments has your name and blog URL. People will not only get to your site this way, but it will also build backlinks to your site.
I routinely do this on 10-15 blogs per day. Make it part of your schedule and you will stick to it. Just keep think of how many backlinks you will have in the end, not to mention the increased traffic.
If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.

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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Best Traffic Generating Tips - 9 Ways To Make A Profit With Generating Traffic With Myspace

MySpace has surpassed the popularity of all social networking sites combined. It is no wonder why online businesses are using it as one of the marketing tools to drive more traffic to their sites and subsequently, earn more profit. Since a lot of them has successfully utilized this social networking site, more and more people do not want to be left behind and want to join the bandwagon. If you are one of them but do not know how to start using MySpace to your advantage, these tips are for you:
1. Make your page appealing, hire a web designer if needed, it will worth it.
2. Expand your network by visiting other members' page. Leave some comment or post feedback on their page. In return, they will do the same to your page.
3. Invite friends and family members to visit your site to generate traffic.
4. Visit forums and post the URL of your MySpace's page when you reply to posts or create new topics.
5. Build your own list through your MySpace account. Obtain email addresses of your visitors and use this list to promote your site, products, and services.
6. Utilize article marketing. Submit your articles on ezine sites and put your MySpace URL to the resource box. It's the best one to create a one way link to your page.
7. Use Google adsense. Placing ads to your page can easily be converted to cash every time your visitors click them.
8. Make your page engine friendly. Use the most appropriate keywords on your articles to search engines will recognize your page.
9. Search for people who share the same interest as you and invite them. They can be prospective clients.

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Best Traffic Generating Tips - 9 Ways To Make A Profit With Generating Traffic With Myspace

MySpace has surpassed the popularity of all social networking sites combined. It is no wonder why online businesses are using it as one of the marketing tools to drive more traffic to their sites and subsequently, earn more profit. Since a lot of them has successfully utilized this social networking site, more and more people do not want to be left behind and want to join the bandwagon. If you are one of them but do not know how to start using MySpace to your advantage, these tips are for you:
1. Make your page appealing, hire a web designer if needed, it will worth it.
2. Expand your network by visiting other members' page. Leave some comment or post feedback on their page. In return, they will do the same to your page.
3. Invite friends and family members to visit your site to generate traffic.
4. Visit forums and post the URL of your MySpace's page when you reply to posts or create new topics.
5. Build your own list through your MySpace account. Obtain email addresses of your visitors and use this list to promote your site, products, and services.
6. Utilize article marketing. Submit your articles on ezine sites and put your MySpace URL to the resource box. It's the best one to create a one way link to your page.
7. Use Google adsense. Placing ads to your page can easily be converted to cash every time your visitors click them.
8. Make your page engine friendly. Use the most appropriate keywords on your articles to search engines will recognize your page.
9. Search for people who share the same interest as you and invite them. They can be prospective clients.

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Best Traffic Generating Tips - 9 Ways To Make A Profit With Generating Traffic With Myspace

MySpace has surpassed the popularity of all social networking sites combined. It is no wonder why online businesses are using it as one of the marketing tools to drive more traffic to their sites and subsequently, earn more profit. Since a lot of them has successfully utilized this social networking site, more and more people do not want to be left behind and want to join the bandwagon. If you are one of them but do not know how to start using MySpace to your advantage, these tips are for you:
1. Make your page appealing, hire a web designer if needed, it will worth it.
2. Expand your network by visiting other members' page. Leave some comment or post feedback on their page. In return, they will do the same to your page.
3. Invite friends and family members to visit your site to generate traffic.
4. Visit forums and post the URL of your MySpace's page when you reply to posts or create new topics.
5. Build your own list through your MySpace account. Obtain email addresses of your visitors and use this list to promote your site, products, and services.
6. Utilize article marketing. Submit your articles on ezine sites and put your MySpace URL to the resource box. It's the best one to create a one way link to your page.
7. Use Google adsense. Placing ads to your page can easily be converted to cash every time your visitors click them.
8. Make your page engine friendly. Use the most appropriate keywords on your articles to search engines will recognize your page.
9. Search for people who share the same interest as you and invite them. They can be prospective clients.

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Best Traffic Generating Tips - 9 Ways To Make A Profit With Generating Traffic With Myspace

MySpace has surpassed the popularity of all social networking sites combined. It is no wonder why online businesses are using it as one of the marketing tools to drive more traffic to their sites and subsequently, earn more profit. Since a lot of them has successfully utilized this social networking site, more and more people do not want to be left behind and want to join the bandwagon. If you are one of them but do not know how to start using MySpace to your advantage, these tips are for you:
1. Make your page appealing, hire a web designer if needed, it will worth it.
2. Expand your network by visiting other members' page. Leave some comment or post feedback on their page. In return, they will do the same to your page.
3. Invite friends and family members to visit your site to generate traffic.
4. Visit forums and post the URL of your MySpace's page when you reply to posts or create new topics.
5. Build your own list through your MySpace account. Obtain email addresses of your visitors and use this list to promote your site, products, and services.
6. Utilize article marketing. Submit your articles on ezine sites and put your MySpace URL to the resource box. It's the best one to create a one way link to your page.
7. Use Google adsense. Placing ads to your page can easily be converted to cash every time your visitors click them.
8. Make your page engine friendly. Use the most appropriate keywords on your articles to search engines will recognize your page.
9. Search for people who share the same interest as you and invite them. They can be prospective clients.

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Website Traffic Generation Tips - Simple Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Today, Marketing is an integral part of any business. If it is a website that you own and you want your website to work for you, then, no doubt you will have to sharpen your marketing skills. This website can be the one that you have newly created or the one that you have been associated with for some time-whatever may be the case, promotion needs to be continued if you want surfers to visit your site more often.
You need to carry on a constant research in order to implement new innovative methods of attracting visitors-you may have to modify it according to their needs or may even have to discard some features that have not proven to be useful. In short, you need to devise new simple ways to drive more traffic to your website.
However, for this you need to look into the right areas:
o Submit your website to various search engines or website directories
o Keep attractive offers on your website
o Use communities or forums in order to invite discourses regarding various topics
o Blog regularly
o Invite users to share their views
You must be acquainted with the search engines available on the web. These are a database of websites, allowing you to search anything you want, collected by a computer program usually known as a crawler, robot or spider. The user needs to enter the keyword of what one wants to search in the search tab. This keyword is searched for by the engine all through the database in order to display before you all the available information related to it. You can get access to numerous search engines on the net, the best ones being Google, Yahoo and MSN.
You should associate your website with as many search engines as possible. If you are doing it yourself, you just need to add the URL address of your website in the search engine website. You may also contact the Search Engine Submission Companies who will get your site registered on the engine. This way, more and more number of users will get an easy access to your website.
You need to make your website more attractive to your customers by offering them lucrative offers, discounts and free of cost downloads. With time you can even change the offers bringing in variety and thus making it more interesting.
You should try to incorporate your website into the discussion boards, forums or even user forums and popular community sites. This will allow you to actively participate in discussions related to the theme of your site. You can pose questions on the site or invite users to put up questions so that they can be answered by other users or the website itself. These are simple ways to drive more traffic to your website making it more active, interactive and communicative with the users. Ensuring the credibility of the answers that your website provides, will give you exposure as a trustworthy site. But you need to look at the fact that you do not advertise your website much-this may result in your site being banned. What you can do is leave the hyperlink to your URL in sites associated with your website, so that users can avail of the services provided by it. You can also incorporate user groups from the popular community sites.
Blogging is a very effective way to invite more visitors to your site. A blog is like a journal on the net where the users put up their personal views on various topics; some even maintain a personal diary on their blog. Usually, the blogs are updated at regular intervals and are easy to manage. These also prove to be a very effective way to establish active relations with your customer. These widen your avenues and give you more exposure on the search engines increasing demand for your site. 'Blogger', the Blogging tool of Google, provides a new page to every message you post, thus enhancing the number of pages linked to your site, inviting more new customers. This way, your website will soon leave behind all its competitors and emerge as one of the mostly accessed sites.
Blogging also gives the opportunity of publishing information about various articles, contemporary news, film releases, surveys, product reviews, interviews, popular search topics, interesting quotes, etc on the website and there by allow you to invite users to give their own feedbacks.
You can also share your site with others via the social community like reddit, digg, diigo, fanpop, indianpad, linkagogo, netscape and many more. These encourage the idea of user generated data allowing the visitors to put up their own questions regarding various issues, build up their own stories and share them with others, inviting them to participate in polls regarding their own opinions on the posts.
Follow these simple ways to drive more traffic to your website and in a matter of few days you will see a boom in the use of your website, it being accessed by millions of visitors per day. But beware: too much accessing of your website may even lead it to crash!

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