Learning and implementing a social media marketing campaign can seem like a daunting task, so picking up any social media tips from reputable websites, forums and peer groups can definitely help you on your journey.
There has never been a better reason to learn as there are now more than 600 million people on Facebook, and at least 150 million of those are Americans, which equates to one in two adults. Twitter has recently topped 300 million users since its creation in 2006. For those that can master the social networks there is an endless supply of potential customers surfing the limitless end of status feeds on the internet highway.
Meanwhile small business owners are desperately trying to catch up and capitalize on this business platform while trying to juggle being, finance, marketing and H. R. H managers. As well as somewhere amongst it all fit family life. So unless you have stacks of cash and can employ social media guru to do it for you, then you really need to become your own social media expert.
The Following Are A Few Social Media Tips Consider When Setting Up A Campaign.
Break It Up And Keep It Social
Social media is about engagement and having and interaction, not promoting. Try to aim to be the person at the party that, shows interest in others, listens attentively, asks good questions, can hold an audiences attention with interesting and relevant content, oh and you need to be an authentic and just generally an all round likeable person. Ask question get interaction with your audience, such as Victoria Secrets doesn't splash a two for one sale on their status feeds constantly, sure they show up and coming promotions and sales but they mix it up by asking questions instead. For example they might ask for interaction by asking what your favorite colored slip is or which was the most comfortable Victoria Secrets bra you've ever worn. (Obviously targeting the female audience). The visitor is encouraged to interact and is more likely to keep coming back
Don't Come Across Desperate
"Like us on Facebook" and "Follow us on Twitter" are everywhere. I find it kind of desperate how the social media culture tells customers to "Like" and "Follow" them. Surely, if your marketing was interesting and engaging it would be a given that they would "follow" or "like" you anyway? Remember to think what's in it for them and then work from a place of power not need.
Be Accessible
Make it simple and easy for your audience to stay in touch with you. Social plug ins such as "Share this", " Add this" or "Digg-Digg" are all easy to install on your site and show up as many of the social networking sites that you load up and make it quick and easy for your fans to share your content with their friends on any network. Then there are Facebook Business or "Fan Pages" that give the visitor a chance to "like" your page. This gives you the opportunity to market to them by way of updates to keep the conversation going.
In summary these tips are designed to be just that, a bit of "food for thought", to bear in mind when you are setting up your social media marketing campaigns. My other recommendation is to think about enlisting the help of a mentor. There are reputable companies available online that you can team up with that are affordable for smaller businesses and have the social media systems, training and support available so you don't have to do it on your own. Why not have your own supply of social media tips and strategies on hand 24/7 when you need them.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6395315
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