Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Six Blogging and Social Media Tips

One of the things I really like about blogging is all of the doors it opens up for various kinds of social media marketing. What I mean by that is you should do more with your blog post then just publish it online and wait for readers to find you.
Here are six blogging and social media tips you can follow that work well together.
1. Bookmark your post. Get it into social bookmarking sites using Only Wire to bookmark your post into numerous social directories with one click.
This is going to take a little bit of time to join the various directories, but it's time well spent in the long run. Every time you bookmark your post using Only Wire you are exposing it to literally thousands of new readers, as well as creating valuable backlinks for search engines to find and follow back your blog.
2. Create a video. Once you've bookmarked your blog post take the blog article and create a video of it.
Use a program such as Animoto to create a slide series video you can upload into even more social directories. You can even upload them directly to You Tube which Google really likes.
3. Tweet it. Post a short comment and link on your Twitter account linking back to either the blog post or the new video URL. Twitter has over 200 million active users and this is a great way to quickly create a backlink and potential blog traffic.
4. Facebook page. Set up a separate Facebook page for your blog. Bookmark your blog post onto this page and bookmark your video onto this page as well.
5. Email it. Hopefully you are building an email list. If you're not shame on you and start doing that right now.
One thing that really works to drive traffic to your blogs is send an email out to your list with a little snippet of information that creates curiosity. Then post a link back to your new blog article that people can follow and read the blog article in its entirety.
6. Article directories. Use a service such as Submit Your Article or Ezine to get your article into directories and on other people's blogs. Don't just link to your blog home page, but rather link back to your blog posts and mix it up.
These are six blogging and social media tips that really do work. It takes a little bit more effort on your part, but maximizing every blog article into various social media avenues is a better use of your time than constantly adding new content that people never see.

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