There are 3 main ways people can utilize the power of Facebook for their business. Before teaching you those three ways I would like to disclose that it's a very UNIQUE and often misunderstood platform to communicate to your prospective customers or clients. Facebook is unique because of what it is...and if you saw the recent film "Social Network," Mark Zukerberg stated a few times during the film, "We don't even know what it is yet." This statement still holds some truth nearly 7 years after face books introduction.
The most important concept to remember is that you are in a place where people just want to communicate and get to know one another. It's about building relationships and understanding what people want, and face book has given everyone in the world a place to hang out and "meet" one another. Personally I have met some extremely great people through face book, and because of meeting these people my business has grown.
Always remember that face book wants genuine communication. If you promote your product or pitch your sales ad every time you post, then you might as well not even waste the time.
#1 Way To Use Facebook For Business.
Create a fan page. If you don't know how or are unfamiliar with creating a fan page, either hire someone to do it for you or simply follow the instructions that face book provides and they will help you create your business page. I do recommend to at least consult with someone before creating your own page because setting up a fan page is similar to building a house. You've got to lay the foundation properly or else the rest of the house just wont be right.
#2. Through your personal profile you can scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see an ADVERTISING link, click on that link and you will be taken to a page to begin setting up ads (that show up on the right hand side of your profile) to promote your business or service. This can be done with some patience and a light learning curve, but consulting with a professional is a great idea.
#3. Communicate! Place flyers and banners in your storefront, face book logos on your business cards, on your current newspaper and phonebook ads. By doing these you will actually signal to your customers that you are "up with the times" and encourage them to join your fan page!
If you have a fan page and use it for business please make sure to always post informative and relevant content for your fan base to read. Funny, inspirational, great news, and making sure to respond and communicate with your fans is paramount to use face book for business successfully.
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