Using social media as a marketing tool will give you relatively quick success in your efforts. Once you use these tools to their fullest potential you will be found for publicity and business opportunities that relate to your business. Using even Twitter as a tool will help in finding businesses that are able to help you grow your own affordably.
Facebook combined with Twitter will drive traffic to your blog and vice versa when set up to automatically infiltrate each other.
Make good use of several social media tools rapped into your social media plan:
1) Have your staff members rotate sending out daily tweets on Twitter. This is a great way to stay in touch with your clients, competition and colleagues alike. Use it to inform, update, and announce product launches, sales, and business successes. You will have a consistently good following the more you post.
2) Use Facebook business page to connect to reporters, writers and other publicity outlets to develop relationships.
3) Push your clients' messages and information out using your blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts. This is added value for these businesses!
4) Have all staff members sign in and use LinkedIn on a daily basis. The updates you receive will keep you informed about what your competitors and colleagues are doing in your community. This will be a valuable way to stay abreast of ideas and activities being achieved in your industry locally and regionally. And it is a good way to tout your accomplishments and connections as well.
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