Monday, 27 January 2014

How To Create An Effective Biography On Your Web Site

Do you have an effective biography on your web site?
Because when people visit your web site, it is vital that you establish your credibility. As quickly and as convincingly as possible.
This can be done through testimonials, before-and-after pictures, seals (Better Business Bureau, Ethical Business Pledge, etc.) - but you can also add to your credibility by writing a short but informative biography of who you are.
The important thing to remember here is that - just like with all areas of your web site - you should only include information in your biography that will help you sell your product or service.
Your biography should include:
1. Specific information about your background. In other words, what makes you qualified to sell your particular product or service?
2. Some information on any relevant education you have. Particularly if you're in the medical or legal profession. Or one that requires certification, like the accounting profession.
3. Information about your hobbies - but only if it serves to make a connection with your readers. (For instance, I'm a huge fan of the San Francisco 49ers. So if I'm on a sporting goods site and the owner writes about the glory days of the 49ers, I'll feel a personal connection with him that I wouldn't feel with, say, a Dallas Cowboys fan.)
4. A pleasant, non-threatening photograph of yourself - so that your customers will know that you're a real, breathing person. And, more importantly, that you're a person they can trust.
When you're done, read your biography out loud and take out any information that a) doesn't pertain directly to the product or service you're selling, b) makes you sound arrogant or boastful, or c) sounds like it was written by a second-grader.
Then have somebody neutral - meaning not your spouse, your boy- or girlfriend, or your mother - read your biography and give you their honest opinion.
If more than one person has a problem with a specific section of your biography, consider taking it out.
Don't get sentimental about your biography just because it's about you. And always keep in mind that the only goal of your web site should be to sell your product or service.
If you really have the need just to ramble on and on about how great you are, start a blog instead.

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