Thursday, 9 January 2014

How to Use Facebook to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Among the social networking sites, Facebook is the best networking site which can be used to build traffic into your website. There are many viral techniques available in the Facebook. These techniques will help in generating traffic to your site thereby increasing your profit from the site. If you don't know how to use this networking tool to improve your site's exposure then this article will help you in doing so.
First of all, if you don't have an account in Facebook, create one using your email address. Once you create an account, add friends. You can also send friend request to people whose interests match with yours. Send at least 20 - 25 friend request daily. In this way you can create a friends group of more than thousand in two months. Login into your account daily and update your status message. One important thing to be noted is that your status message is not a boring one and keeps others interested. In this way you can draw the attention of other people in Facebook.
Facebook will show upcoming birthdays of your friends. Wish them on their birthdays. Visit others profile and go through their profile so that you will get to know more about them. Also, make it a habit to write on your friend's wall. This will help in building good relationship with others. Also make sure that you write something good on their walls as others in the network will get the updates via the news feed. So, by writing on a person's wall in Facebook you can draw the attention of others too.
Posting good pictures or snapshots is another way by which you can keep your friends interested. Create a business page along with your personal page. It is similar to personal page. You have to make your business page more attractive than your personal page. Design a nice logo for your business page. If you are not good at designing then you can use the service of a professional logo designer. Once your business page is ready then you can start your Facebook ad campaign.
In order to promote your business page, start blog commenting and posting in other blogs. You can also request others to become fan of your business. To make it more effective, you can give away some free pdfs for those who become your fans. If you have any influential friends in the network then you can place promotional photos in your business page. Others in the network will be informed about this automatically. So, with less effort you are doing good marketing through Facebook.
Make sure that you attend as many events as possible in the Facebook. If you attend multiple events then you will come to know people better. Relationship status is another way of attracting your friends. This plays an important role because this is one such parameter whose value does not change frequently. So if you change it then more people will notice it. If you have any blog then you can import the RSS feed of your blog to Facebook. This way you can make more people attracted to your business. You can make your friends comment on these articles.
Search for the popular groups in Facebook. Join them and comment on their activity on a regular basis. You can also start your own groups and events. Make friends with as many people as possible. Thus, you can bring more people to visit your website.

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