Friday, 28 March 2014

How to Create Powerful Videos That Improve Your Marketing Strategy

When you create powerful videos, you improve your marketing strategy audiences respond. Being able to create powerful videos that move others to action can boost your business. Watch them as they are passed from prospect to prospect, building their own momentum.
Let the Customers Tell the Story
Nothing helps to create powerful videos more than a real, true testimonial. Simply having someone relate their story, as in "I was just like you, but I did x, and look at me now." It works with weight loss commercials - another industry that knows how to create powerful videos - works with anything.
The Power of Three
To improve your marketing strategy, create powerful videos using the number three - three testimonials, three key selling points, three examples. The power of three applies when you want to create powerful videos. Three is the magic number that moves people to conviction... and then to action. Three is key.
Another tool to use to create videos is the use of repetition. If you watch a well-crafted infomercial, it will repeat the benefits of the product periodically throughout the video. Thus, you can improve your marketing strategy by hitting the high points over and over, in a slightly different manner each time. Striking the right balance is necessary to obtain the best results with your videos.
Hire a Professional
Unless you have experience and are able to create powerful videos, it could make sense to outsource both the copywriting and the production. There is an upfront expense, but good marketing pays handsomely on the back end.
Look for a company with experience in infomercials to create your videos. Infomercial product pitchers are a prime example of an industry that has learned how to create videos. They create powerful videos that motivate millions of buyers every year to pick up the phone or log on to the Internet.
Keep it Tight
It's really not about the length. It's about tempo and timing. It pays to get a second opinion once you've captured your pitch on video. Sometimes you can fall in love with your own work and have trouble cutting what needs to be cut. But this is essential to improve your marketing strategy. Attention spans have gotten shorter, not longer. If people are skipping thirty-second TV commercials, they'll shut down your five-minute video in a heartbeat, unless you know how to create powerful videos.
Test It
The last step in creating your videos is testing. Prior to release, assemble a focus group of members of your target audience (pay them if necessary) to see if you have succeeded in the quest to create powerful videos. Don't ignore their feedback. Improve your marketing strategy by listening to and heeding their advice. Make whatever changes are suggested.
A Final Secret
It does no good to create powerful videos if they aren't seen by anyone.
After production and testing, it's time for the final stage in the journey: get them in front of your target audience. Place them on YouTube first, then put links on Facebook and Twitter. Email an invitation to view your video to your database of contacts, or rent email lists to increase your exposure.
The ability to create powerful videos is growing more important every day. By using the tips above, you, too, can improve your marketing strategy and watch as they breathe new life into your marketing strategy.

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List Building Tips - How to Build a Large List of Niche Buyers

Over and over again it's been said that the money is in the list. It's true and if you're planning on being successful online you should be building a list. Not just any list, your list has to be targeted to your niche.
If you're not building a targeted list, you're leaving a lot of money on the table. Why settle for average website conversion rates when you can double, triple, even quadruple your conversions with a list. Many people won't make a purchase the first time they see your offer. Having a list allows you to continue marketing to buyers over and over, increasing the potential of them buying what you have to offer.
It's been said that niche buyers spend more than non targeted buyers. This is some what true, let me explain a bit more. Really, a buyer is a buyer but, having a large list of non targeted buyers won't make you much money. Why? Let's say you have a large list with 10 different niches and you send out an offer. Maybe 10% of the subscribers will be interested and out of that only 2% make a purchase. You're conversions are going to be pretty low. On the other hand if you took that same list and broke it down to 10 segmented niche lists and then sent out 10 related offers, your conversions would skyrocket.
How do you build a targeted list of niche buyers?
You have to target each niche specifically. You should not have one squeeze page for all niches. Create multiple squeeze pages concentrating on a specific area within your niche. Also, create a squeeze page for each traffic source. If you have 10 traffic sources, create 10 squeeze pages and test them separately. Video marketing traffic might not convert as well as article readers on the same squeeze page.
Next, after someone opts in, turn them into a buyer instantly. On the thank you page you can offer them a related product. Start with an easy purchase like $10-$20. If they take the offer, they are no longer just a subscriber, they are a buying subscriber. Make sure the offer is a quality product and they will begin to trust you. Then you gradually promote more expensive products; $27, $37, $50, $100, etc.
Now you have a targeted list with real buyers. Typically, your conversion rates will decrease as the price goes up, but you will make up for that with the increased dollar amount. Remember to always provide high quality for their payments and you will have a large list of niche buyers.
By the way, are you interested in learning step by step instructions on how to build an email list from scratch?

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Make Money on eBay - How to Create Buyer Trust

Building trust and credibility with online buyers is difficult. Your eBay buyers are no different. Yet to make money on eBay requires that you do just that. You must develop trust and credibility with your prospective buyers in order to succeed.
Start by asking what you can do to demonstrate that you are trustworthy. It is the little things like creating a quality About Me Page. Be sure to include a picture of yourself. Make money on eBay by investing the time to create an About Me Page that stands out from the crowd.
Make money on eBay by providing a good level of detail in your listings. Listing descriptions should include details about your terms and conditions. Frequently Asked Questions should also be included. Divulge everything that prospective buyers may want to know so there are no surprises after there is a final buyer.
Promptly answer prospective buyer questions. Prospective buyers want to know that you care enough about their questions and concerns to quickly provide the information that they request. The trust and credibility that a seller creates by promptly responding is another step toward the goal to make money on eBay.
Once a buyer has paid for the item(s) purchased, the expectation is that the item will immediately be shipped. Make money on eBay by always shipping items immediately upon receipt of payment. The exception; when a seller has listed a specific shipment policy. If that policy is listed then always ship per policy, or even sooner.
Building trust and credibility is also about buyers receiving exactly the product that they thought they had purchased. Make money on eBay by insuring that the product the buyer receives meets or exceed every claim that you made during and after the sale. Then stand behind your products with an ironclad guarantee that you always honor.
Are you a trustworthy seller? Ultimately the biggest way to build trust and credibility with prospective buyers is through your feedback record. Make money on eBay by achieving a 100% positive feedback record. Include feedback that you are most proud of having received for buyers to see.
To Your eBay Success!

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Free Ways to Build a Buyers List, Newbie Tuesday!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

HOW to Build a Responsive List and WHY You Must Do it Now

HOW to build a responsive list (and WHY you must to it now) Some people think that building a following on social networking sites eliminates the need for building their own email list. I say they are fools!
With the massive amount of information we are bombarded with, getting and keeping the "email attention" of potential and current clients, is something every business owner should be very concerned about.
In fact, when you see or hear case studies of people who go from zero to tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits in only weeks, you can be sure those people have invested time and effort to build their own list first! Having your own responsive email list has many benefits no social media or social networking site can replace.
Consider just these few:
-> YOU ARE IN CONTROL! With your own list you control who you communicate with, how often you contact them, and what format you send your content in.
-> GENERATE IMMEDIATE SALES! With your own RESPONSIVE list you can generate immediate demand when you develop new products and services.
-> ATTRACT MORE AND BETTER CLIENTS! Having your own list gives you an opportunity to create a low-risk point of entry for new potential customers. And your messages educate them about your services and allow you to invite them to work with you when YOU want to!
-> GET MORE REFERRALS AUTOMATICALLY! When you send out good information your subscribers will naturally forward it to some of their friends - creating more visibility for you in a very natural way (and without you ever having to ask for it!)
-> INCREASE YOUR PROFITS. Turn subscribers into buyers and one time customers into life-long clients - largely on autopilot when you understand how to properly communicate with your fans!
And building a list is actually quite easy. Making sure it is targeted, and that it remains responsive, that's a little more difficult, but something everyone can easily learn.
Here is a simple five step process to get you started:
1. Plan Ahead! Consider how building and using your own database of fans will fit into your overall marketing activities.
At the very least give some thought to things like the subscriber and broadcast management tools you will be using, the type of content you will be sharing, the format and frequency of your messages.
2. Create Subscriber Attraction Tools. It's not enough to just say "subscribe to my newsletter." You must give people a compelling reason WHY they should give you their contact information and pay attention to you.
3. Build a Subscriber Catcher. Every business should have at least one website devoted entirely to generating new subscriber opt-ins. And every page of all your websites should have an invitation to become a subscriber.
4. Generate Visibility and Traffic for Your Offer. Even your best "bait" and most effective opt-in page will be useless if no one can see them. You must attract TARGETED traffic.
Start with people you already have as your customers and prospects. Use social networking connections, free press releases, article submissions, special interest discussion groups, and commenting on industry blogs as a starting base.
And remember that quality subscribers are potential customers so don't be afraid to invest a little to acquire them. Paid advertising methods like ezine ads or PPC (Pay Per Click) are good ways to start.
5. Deliver Value and Build Relationship. Never forget you are constantly competing for your subscribers attention, so send out information they consider relative and valuable. Remember that you don't communicate with the "list" but with one person at a time. And - this is a secret key to long term email marketing success - realize that people have more than enough information. What they really want is connection and guidance!

Article Source:

How to Build a Profitable List

Looking for helpful marketing tools online? An opt-in list is one you should try out since it's quite effective. It helps develop a trusted relationship with the customers who have subscribed and also provides you with a direct link to communicate with the target audience.
Building the List
A large number subscribers and potential target audiences is the key to develop and use an opt-in list in an effective manner.
Although it is good to have a large opt-in list, the quality of the publication should be given more importance since both will help you succeed in the end.
If you're planning on building up a big opt-in list, it is mandatory that you provide your potential customers with a little incentive. Since there's a lot of competition on the net, you cannot anymore just inform your clients about your publication and what it'll provide them and expect as huge number of subscribers. You should give your clients a valid reason to opt-in.
Working with Incentives
One way of acquiring new clients is by using incentives. This is an effective method but your incentive must have some value and be interesting to your target buyers.
Some popular incentives include - exclusive reports, special software programs, some extra services, listing their webpage within your directory, exclusive information or e-books or free access to "members only" areas of your website.
So if a visitor wants to receive an incentive, he or she has to agree to sign up for your publication.
Popup windows can be extremely irritating if it isn't used properly but they provide a very easy means of obtaining new potential clients. Best way to use these windows is to merge it with the incentives.
Keeping your Subscriber Base Intact
Now since you're aware how to create a subscriber base, focusing on how to keep them intact is also necessary since developing the base is the easy bit.
Keeping your content quality that you provide your customers to tell them about your target market at its best is necessary since the more unique your content, the more interested your subscribers will be.
It could be a daunting task to write an original content, but it sure pays off in the end, since it'll both provide your clientele with unique substance but also help you gain credibility and trust thanks to your expertise amongst your subscribers.
Although original content is encouraged, you could also use articles written by other people for your publication.
It doesn't matter how many subscribers you have unless you can keep them. The relationship developed between you and them determines your success also depending on the content quality since they'd subscribe for a reason. If your content isn't up-to-the-mark, they'll simply strike their names off your list.
Once you have a few trusted subscribers, your recommendations will become a very effective tool for closing the sales. However, it's suggested that you recommend services or products that you believe in since that's what defines your professional outlook.

Article Source:

How to Create Your Own Product Line

If you are creating information products then you need more than one. In order to make a full income online you need multiple products. In this article I am going to discuss how to create your own product line.
Having just one product to promote to your prospects severely limits the amount of money that you can make. If you create multiple products and have a line of products that people can purchase then you build up your credibility and also the potential to generate more income.
The first product you create is probably the hardest but once you have done that then creating your own product line becomes much easier.
Whatever niche you are in there will be specific things that people will need help with. Being able to provide that help in the form of a product is the way that you can easily create your own product line.
The best way to find out what types of products will sell is to communicate with people who are most likely to want your help. Therefore you should target your marketing efforts towards people who have an interest in your particular niche.
Find out where those particular people are congregating online and then get involved yourself. One of the best ways to begin an ongoing relationship with potential customers is to create an email campaign and encourage them to sign up to your list.
You can then begin to build up your relationship and communicate with them through emails. If you develop an interactive email campaign then you have a great opportunity to find out and discover exactly what the needs are of people on your list.
This is really important as it enables you to find out exactly the kind of products that you can create in the future. When someone purchases your first product then again nurture that relationship and find out what other things that customer is finding difficult and what help they would benefit from having. This again will give you another idea of products to create that will be suitable for your existing customers.
If you use your subscribers and your existing customers as a source of product ideas then it becomes far easier to develop your own product line and to encourage repeat buyers.
Once you have multiple products you can test to find out which ones convert the best and which products are purchased in which order. This will enable you to set up a product funnel that you can put into your auto responder email campaign so that you can promote your funnel on autopilot.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

HOW to Build a Responsive List and WHY You Must Do it Now

HOW to build a responsive list (and WHY you must to it now) Some people think that building a following on social networking sites eliminates the need for building their own email list. I say they are fools!
With the massive amount of information we are bombarded with, getting and keeping the "email attention" of potential and current clients, is something every business owner should be very concerned about.
In fact, when you see or hear case studies of people who go from zero to tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits in only weeks, you can be sure those people have invested time and effort to build their own list first! Having your own responsive email list has many benefits no social media or social networking site can replace.
Consider just these few:
-> YOU ARE IN CONTROL! With your own list you control who you communicate with, how often you contact them, and what format you send your content in.
-> GENERATE IMMEDIATE SALES! With your own RESPONSIVE list you can generate immediate demand when you develop new products and services.
-> ATTRACT MORE AND BETTER CLIENTS! Having your own list gives you an opportunity to create a low-risk point of entry for new potential customers. And your messages educate them about your services and allow you to invite them to work with you when YOU want to!
-> GET MORE REFERRALS AUTOMATICALLY! When you send out good information your subscribers will naturally forward it to some of their friends - creating more visibility for you in a very natural way (and without you ever having to ask for it!)
-> INCREASE YOUR PROFITS. Turn subscribers into buyers and one time customers into life-long clients - largely on autopilot when you understand how to properly communicate with your fans!
And building a list is actually quite easy. Making sure it is targeted, and that it remains responsive, that's a little more difficult, but something everyone can easily learn.
Here is a simple five step process to get you started:
1. Plan Ahead! Consider how building and using your own database of fans will fit into your overall marketing activities.
At the very least give some thought to things like the subscriber and broadcast management tools you will be using, the type of content you will be sharing, the format and frequency of your messages.
2. Create Subscriber Attraction Tools. It's not enough to just say "subscribe to my newsletter." You must give people a compelling reason WHY they should give you their contact information and pay attention to you.
3. Build a Subscriber Catcher. Every business should have at least one website devoted entirely to generating new subscriber opt-ins. And every page of all your websites should have an invitation to become a subscriber.
4. Generate Visibility and Traffic for Your Offer. Even your best "bait" and most effective opt-in page will be useless if no one can see them. You must attract TARGETED traffic.
Start with people you already have as your customers and prospects. Use social networking connections, free press releases, article submissions, special interest discussion groups, and commenting on industry blogs as a starting base.
And remember that quality subscribers are potential customers so don't be afraid to invest a little to acquire them. Paid advertising methods like ezine ads or PPC (Pay Per Click) are good ways to start.
5. Deliver Value and Build Relationship. Never forget you are constantly competing for your subscribers attention, so send out information they consider relative and valuable. Remember that you don't communicate with the "list" but with one person at a time. And - this is a secret key to long term email marketing success - realize that people have more than enough information. What they really want is connection and guidance!

Article Source:

How to Build a Profitable List

Looking for helpful marketing tools online? An opt-in list is one you should try out since it's quite effective. It helps develop a trusted relationship with the customers who have subscribed and also provides you with a direct link to communicate with the target audience.
Building the List
A large number subscribers and potential target audiences is the key to develop and use an opt-in list in an effective manner.
Although it is good to have a large opt-in list, the quality of the publication should be given more importance since both will help you succeed in the end.
If you're planning on building up a big opt-in list, it is mandatory that you provide your potential customers with a little incentive. Since there's a lot of competition on the net, you cannot anymore just inform your clients about your publication and what it'll provide them and expect as huge number of subscribers. You should give your clients a valid reason to opt-in.
Working with Incentives
One way of acquiring new clients is by using incentives. This is an effective method but your incentive must have some value and be interesting to your target buyers.
Some popular incentives include - exclusive reports, special software programs, some extra services, listing their webpage within your directory, exclusive information or e-books or free access to "members only" areas of your website.
So if a visitor wants to receive an incentive, he or she has to agree to sign up for your publication.
Popup windows can be extremely irritating if it isn't used properly but they provide a very easy means of obtaining new potential clients. Best way to use these windows is to merge it with the incentives.
Keeping your Subscriber Base Intact
Now since you're aware how to create a subscriber base, focusing on how to keep them intact is also necessary since developing the base is the easy bit.
Keeping your content quality that you provide your customers to tell them about your target market at its best is necessary since the more unique your content, the more interested your subscribers will be.
It could be a daunting task to write an original content, but it sure pays off in the end, since it'll both provide your clientele with unique substance but also help you gain credibility and trust thanks to your expertise amongst your subscribers.
Although original content is encouraged, you could also use articles written by other people for your publication.
It doesn't matter how many subscribers you have unless you can keep them. The relationship developed between you and them determines your success also depending on the content quality since they'd subscribe for a reason. If your content isn't up-to-the-mark, they'll simply strike their names off your list.
Once you have a few trusted subscribers, your recommendations will become a very effective tool for closing the sales. However, it's suggested that you recommend services or products that you believe in since that's what defines your professional outlook.

Article Source:

How to Create Your Own Product Line

If you are creating information products then you need more than one. In order to make a full income online you need multiple products. In this article I am going to discuss how to create your own product line.
Having just one product to promote to your prospects severely limits the amount of money that you can make. If you create multiple products and have a line of products that people can purchase then you build up your credibility and also the potential to generate more income.
The first product you create is probably the hardest but once you have done that then creating your own product line becomes much easier.
Whatever niche you are in there will be specific things that people will need help with. Being able to provide that help in the form of a product is the way that you can easily create your own product line.
The best way to find out what types of products will sell is to communicate with people who are most likely to want your help. Therefore you should target your marketing efforts towards people who have an interest in your particular niche.
Find out where those particular people are congregating online and then get involved yourself. One of the best ways to begin an ongoing relationship with potential customers is to create an email campaign and encourage them to sign up to your list.
You can then begin to build up your relationship and communicate with them through emails. If you develop an interactive email campaign then you have a great opportunity to find out and discover exactly what the needs are of people on your list.
This is really important as it enables you to find out exactly the kind of products that you can create in the future. When someone purchases your first product then again nurture that relationship and find out what other things that customer is finding difficult and what help they would benefit from having. This again will give you another idea of products to create that will be suitable for your existing customers.
If you use your subscribers and your existing customers as a source of product ideas then it becomes far easier to develop your own product line and to encourage repeat buyers.
Once you have multiple products you can test to find out which ones convert the best and which products are purchased in which order. This will enable you to set up a product funnel that you can put into your auto responder email campaign so that you can promote your funnel on autopilot.

Article Source:

Monday, 24 March 2014

How to Create Your Own Successful Product - Part Three

In Part One we did some research to make sure that our product idea actually had a market. In addition, we took a look at all the ways at our disposal for delivering our product: ebooks, CDs, audio files, videos, membership sites and any combination of these.
In Part Two we did some brainstorming to determine what we knew and what we didn't know about our topic. After that, we purchased some competing products to evaluate them and to see if there were sub-topics we may have overlooked in our brainstorming session.
Now, you're going to continue gathering information and ideas.
Take a trip to the bookstore. Are there any magazines that target your topic? Take a look at the table of contents. What kinds of sub-topics are they covering? Did you include these when you organized your material in Part Two? If not, add them. Read the ads in the back. Anything there you might want to include under a sub-topic?
Keep taking those notes.
Check out the bookshelves as well. If you find some books on your topic, follow the same process.
Online, return to the groups and forums you discovered in Part One. What are they talking about? What problems are they having? What solutions are being proposed? Once again, make note of sub-topic areas you may have overlooked. And continue to collect information that you'll want to have included in your product.
A Quick Note: you're only collecting information. You can gather passages, paragraphs, chapters, whatever. However, you can't pull these directly out of your source material and use them as is. That's plagiarism. It's a form of stealing. Respect the intellectual property of others as you would want them to respect your own intellectual property. Everything you gather MUST be rewritten in your own words. This may sound a bit intimidating at first, but trust me, in the end it will make your product far more interesting and readable.
Okay, back to business.
By now, you should have developed a much better idea of your target audience ... not just the topic (making custom jewelry, as in our example), but also the buyer. Beginner? Advanced? Hobbyist or professional? Male or female or both? Old or young or both? It's much easier to develop a product when you have your target buyer clear in your mind. You'll want to be aware of this general profile as you begin to organize your material.
Organizing Your Product Material
This is an easy, straightforward process. You've already established a list of sub-topics, and you've already added material within those sub-topics. All you need to do now is to organize your sub-topic list.
So the question that comes to mind is this: what's the most effective way to present your material?
The most common way to organize content is from the easiest to comprehend to the hardest, from the basics to the advanced. However, you may want to organize your content in some other manner. For example, with our sample topic of making custom jewelry it might be necessary to begin with an overview, then move to the materials used, then maybe the tools, then perhaps the various forms of jewelry (rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.).
There is no right way or wrong way. You need to decide for yourself how the material will most effectively be absorbed by your target audience.
Once your material is organized, you should actually have a fairly comprehensive table of contents. Now, it's time to get down to the business of fleshing everything out, rewriting the material in your own words, and cleaning things up. If you have someone who can proof read for you, take advantage of that opportunity. It's easy to turn blind to your own words.
In our next and final installment of How To Create Your Own Successful Product, we'll take a look at some short cuts that can save you time and plenty of anxiety.

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Email List Building - How to Create a Residual Income Stream From List Building Within 6 Months

Building a solid residual income stream online is centered heavily around your ability to build an email list. I know that some people find this hard to believe.
I personally speak to new marketers every single day and I'm amazed by the large group of people that don't understand the importance of list building - it really baffles me.
Well...the truth is that having a responsive email list of buyers is truly the cornerstone of being able to create residual income online. Would you believe that it's possible to send out one email promotion that brought in $5,000?
Imagine yourself...
  • sending out an email promotion that finances an entire vacation
  • sending out an email before a football game and having a few thousand dollars in your bank account by halftime.
Believe it or not - some email campaigns have brought in a million dollars...all from one email promotion.
Look, I know that I'm being vague here and you are probably wondering how it could be possible to send out an email that makes you any money at all.
You may even be wondering, how you can build a list of people that actually buy stuff from you -then make thousands of dollars by sending them an email
The best way for me to explain this to you would be to create a process map for you to look at. Unfortunately, I can't draw one for you within this article...

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How to Increase Opt-In List Subscriptions

When building an online business, opt-in list subscriptions allow you to keep in contact with your customers. How can you get started with email marketing? If you want to create an effective subscription list, use these proven techniques.
1. Utilize marketing programs already in existence.
When sending customer emails, include a link to your opt in page. If you send out paper statements, include an insert, which contains information about your opt in email list. Customers, who have purchased one of your products already, may show an increased interest in buying additional goods and services in the future.
2. Conduct market research.
Find out what your clients are looking for. Short surveys engage your clients and interest them in the research process. After gaining basic information about a client, merchants should tailor their message to their customers' interests in future promotions.
3. Make the opt in subscription process easy.
Fewer fields yield improved results. Use large subscription buttons and highlighted fields. In order to ensure the highest conversion rates, keep the subscription box simple. Use a simple coloring scheme for your opt in box, which most internet users will recognize.
4. Be clear.
When dealing with a wide audience, a clear message results in high conversion rates. Highlight the reasons that a visitor should subscribe to your opt in list. Long lists of benefits may send mixed signals to a prospective list subscriber.
5. Be concise.
When trying to increase your opt in email list, include as few words as possible. Do not cheapen your points, but make them fast.
6. Be compelling.
Convince your customer. Tell them why they need to become a subscriber. Forcing your client to divulge their personal information is a personal sacrifice. Give them a good reason to offer you their email address.
7. Focus on your customers
Customers respond to incentives. Offer them a free course or e-book. In order to entice buyers to sign up for their opt in list, online merchants may offer sales coupons or special promotional offers.
8. Use word of mouth.
Viral marketing yields inexpensive results. A clear and concise message, focused entirely on your customers needs, will be passed around to others, ensuring increased business.
9. Research your competitors.
Look at what your competitors are doing. You can gain valuable insight, by studying what techniques work for your competition.
When creating an opt in subscriber list, avoid these pitfalls.
1. Do not offer amazing prizes
Federal laws exist regarding lotteries and make for a huge headache. In additional, prizes require too much personal information, which will lower your opt in sign-up rate. Instead, offer a token gift.
2. Do not spam your email customers.
Sending emails, more than once a day, leads to customer fatigue. Soon, your emails will end up in the spam folder. Even worse, some customers may complain, ruining the relationship with your auto-responder service.
3. Do not spend too much money acquiring email addresses.
While opt in lists are valuable, consider your conversion rate. When utilizing a service like Google AdSense to build your list, think about the cost per lead. Compare that number to the lifetime value of a potential customer.
4. Do not badger your customers.
Some customers take months of work to cultivate - do not blow your chances with a prospective client. Make an effort to collect their information, but avoid going overboard.
Building a successful opt in email list takes patience and perseverance. If a particular email campaign does not work, you should not become frustrated. Successful opt in list campaigns may take months to develop. Glean what works, and try to improve upon your efforts. This is only one way to ensure your lead capture efforts are successful. Learning how to drive traffic to your lead capture pages is another topic all on its own and I go into much more detail on how to create successful lists on my website.

Article Source:

How To Build Ultimate Buyers List with Lead Capture Pages

Friday, 21 March 2014

List Building Secrets - Ways to Build a Buyers List

Many people can create a list of people, but getting them to purchase something from your company is the hard part. Everyone wants to make a decent profit. The following tips will help turn your list into profit.
Giveaways may bring people to join your list, but often it's more appealing to those who aren't looking to spend money. Maybe they may purchase something in the future, but you're less than certain that they will. One way to make sure that people actually do purchase something is to have them make a donation or small purchase even if it's 5 dollars. Having people pay in order to be on the members' only list may result in a shorter list. Remember, though, that for each person joining, you're then guaranteed some income.
This next tip, not many people do, but it will add people to your list. After they make that payment that was discussed in the above tip, make them opt-in after the payment before they are allowed to download the product they purchased. You should notify people before they buy that this is a required step, so people don't leave complaints.
If you don't want to force people to sign up, you could integrate payments with your auto responder. The email address people use when making purchases would be where you send messages. They may not be aware of receiving messages, so you should maybe notify them at time of check out that they may receive monthly communication from the company.
You have to manage your list of buyers. Making lists to keep them organized may be a good idea. Offer upgrade levels and keep people in lists according to what they purchase or how much they spend in a year or any amount of time that is reasonable. Keeping people organized will help you know who bought what, so they don't hear about sales for things they already purchased. You will need to market people according to what they purchase and how much they spend.
Making people purchase an item to join an exclusive list, forcing the opt-in and managing people are all you need to do in order to have a list of buyers. To have a successful online business, you need to make it a profitable one by doing all you can. The above tips will help you make a buyer list quicker and have income coming in.

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It's All in the List! But How Do You Build Your List From 0 to 1000's? Here's My 3-Step Plan

In this article, you'll find 3 simple steps to list building success. I'll also reveal one very important tactic to help you grow your list at warp speed!
Without doubt the single most important thing you can do in Internet Marketing is build an opt-in list of highly targeted clients. It is all in the list! Look, by all means sell individual items using AdWords campaigns, but try your hardest to capture potential client's email addresses before you send them off to your affiliate or product page.
Think of it this way. If you sell a product without capturing the email address of the buyer, you won't be able to offer other products to them, will you?
However, if your buyer's subscribed to your opt-in list, you now have the option of recommending other products or services to them, time and time again! If you treat them well and provide an excellent service you'll have a customer for life!
OK, now we've talked about why a list is so important in Internet Marketing, let's get down to the nitty gritty! How do you build your list, starting from zero clients? Follow this 3-step plan and you'll be well on your way to success... it really isn't that difficult, it just needs planning and a little leg-work!
Step 1
Create or find some free products to offer your potential clients. Listen, nobody's going to give away their email address for nothing these days, so you're going to have to work for it! There are loads of products you can get with give away rights. All you have to do is find some closely related to the product or service you're selling.
If you can't find enough, then create some of your own. Write a couple of reports, offer to send regular tips by email, offer email support for the product you're selling.
All of these things have perceived value to potential customers, especially an ebook or report written by you, because that'll be unique!
Step 2
Create a sales page, or squeeze page to sell your product. Near the top of the page include a simple form and promote your free products. Now, a lot of Internet Marketers will only give away their freebies to people who buy their products. Let me tell you here and now... this is not a good idea! What does it matter if they don't buy the product you're promoting, if they sign up to your list?
Look, as soon as they're on your list, you can start to recommend other products to them... for life. Think long-term! That's crucial.
Step 3
Promote your sales page, using Article Marketing! If you're reading this article... (you are reading it aren't you?), then this is living proof that this works! Also, use Google AdWords campaigns, your Blog, Social Bookmarking, Web 2.0 Sites to drive traffic to your sales page. Make sure your page is optimized for search engines as well. By generating free traffic, you'll get a steady stream of people signing up to your list for each sales page you create.
Here's the big secret... create as many sales pages as you can and promote each one. That way the steady stream of sign-ups will turn into a gush!
Set yourself a target of putting up a new sales page every day and your subscription list will grow at warp speed. Think about it. Set up one page a day for a whole year and you'll have 350 pages (allowing for a couple of days off!) all working to build your list.

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How to Create a Squeeze Page and Drive Traffic to It

What is a squeeze page anyway and why do I need one? First, a squeeze page is usually a single web page that contains an opt in box and hopefully a compelling and valuable offer of some sort. The purpose of your squeeze page is to trap email addresses of interested persons and turn them into customers. In order for this to work you must first set up an auto responder such as aweber. Setting this up in sequence is critical if you want to make any money from these people at all, more on auto responders and follow up email campaigns latter. Once someone signs up you must already have in place several follow-up emails that get automatically delivered keeping the customer intrigued enough to hopefully make a purchase.
What should I offer if I want to build my buyers list? Most people start off with a free offer of some sort, like a free eBook or newsletter sign-up etc. You could offer almost anything as long as it has value and people want it. Another idea is to offer a low priced product or eBook like between 5 and 7 dollars. This will give you a list of "buyers", people that have already proven to be interested in your products. Whatever you decide to give away or sell track the traffic to your site, if no one's taking the bait but you're getting traffic, change the offer and continue till you get something they want.
The best and easiest ways to drive targeted traffic to your squeeze page.
o My favorite, article marketing, giving you numerous back links and traffic
o Blogs, create your own and load it with relevant and valuable content
o Comment on other high page ranking blogs, you get to leave a link with every post
o Video marketing, one of the hottest things out today, well worth a look
o Let's not forget paid traffic, I recommend a PPV (pay per visitor) campaign. You pay a set price per thousand visitors, just track your results
Well that's all for now, let's recap. If we want to build a list we need a squeeze page, a compelling and unique offer and traffic. This takes time to develop so be patient. Remember anything worth having takes time.

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Thursday, 20 March 2014

The New Ultimate Listing Presentation - Creating a Lethal Listing Presentation

A Lethal Listing Presentation
To create a "lethal" listing presentation, you need two pieces. What are the pieces? The first piece is knowing your market statistics so that you're truly the best agent for the job. Becoming the market authority. Then the next piece is knowing the value of the subject property so that you can get the top dollar for your seller client. By knowing how to prepare the ultimate CMA, your foundation is complete.
Beginning the process without laying this foundation simply won't work. It's absolutely critical that you go through these first two steps before you learn the listing presentation, simply because the presentation builds on this foundation! If you're just skimming through this approach so you can get to the "magic words" to say, you are wasting your time. This approach is not about having magic words. It's about creating a magnetism that will attract your listing clients to you. That comes from building the foundation.
Without building your foundation on solid ground, you'll instead be building your presentation on quicksand, and you won't be able to list properties using this powerful and unique method. Why? Because you won't have the most important element of any sale: the believability factor.
This listing approach is counter-intuitive. It is going to fly in the face of what 95% of the other agents are telling your client. As such, it demands that you have credibility. If you don't have credibility, the listing approach will never sell because you're asking the client to place his faith in an approach that, in all likelihood, he's never heard of before. Take the time to build the foundation.
Last year there were more than 1.1 million Realtors in America, so I guess you could say that there are 1.1 million ways to sell a house. But the truth is that there are really only two ways to sell a house: you can sell it by price, or you can sell it by traffic. Every other sales method is a subsidiary of one of these two. We'll explore the two different approaches at length and discuss how they differ and how one of them will yield far better results for your client while making you more money.
The Traditional or Price Approach. I've read dozens of books - probably hundreds of books - on the subject of real estate. Many of these books speak of the importance of listing real estate, and all of them describe nearly identical listing approaches, with only slight differences. Now, the reason for all this sameness is obvious: it's the way listings have been done since the beginning of real estate. It's the old "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" thing. Well, I'm here to tell you that it is broke! If you expect to make a lot of money in real estate, you need to determine what everybody else is doing and then do the opposite.
Okay, here's the basic formula for the "traditional" or "price" approach. As you'll recall, we talked earlier about building a CMA, or comparative market analysis, for your client. The traditional approach teaches us to find the "reasonable range" of value and then try to list the property on the low end of that range. That's why we used closed comparables only, and not active listings as comparables. It's why we aren't taught to adjust upward for the list-to-sale ratio. We start as low as the client will let us.
If the home doesn't sell within a month or so, we're all taught to...what? You got it! To ask for a reduction in price. Then if the property still doesn't sell, we lower the price again, and again, and again, until eventually we find a buyer for the place. Think about it: we're selling the house by price. We're using the price as our marketing tool. That's why we continue to lower the price, or wait for appreciation in the market to lower the price for us, until the house eventually sells.
One of the reasons this approach works well for the agent is that it places the entire burden of selling the home on the seller! Another reason for using the traditional approach is that the agent doesn't have to spend a lot of money marketing the house. He doesn't have to spend a lot of time or effort devising a marketing plan or promoting the property because the price is doing the selling for him. There's no doubt that this approach will work, of course: it's been working for decades with good and bad agents alike. However, there are a few drawbacks to the traditional approach that are seldom mentioned.
First and foremost is the agency issue. It's your job as the listing agent to represent the seller's interests, which include getting the absolute top dollar for the property. However, most agents don't get top dollar when they use this approach, and the reason is as simple as supply-and-demand. When there are fewer buyers competing for a home, the sale price may need to be discounted substantially in order to attract interest. In economics-speak, "with a fixed supply and a scarce demand (i.e. fewer buyers), prices drop."
Another drawback to using this approach is lack of speed: several months may pass before the traditional approach begins to have an effect. In the process, the home often becomes stigmatized. After several reductions, it's not even shown to potential buyers because it's been on the market "too long" and is now assumed to have something wrong with it. If the agent starts the process too high and then reduces the price too slowly, the home becomes very difficult to sell at any price.
Many times, listing agents unwittingly become de-facto buyer sub-agents. Even though I don't know a single listing agent who would intentionally sell out his client, it's entirely too easy with the traditional listing approach to help the buyer rather than the seller. And, yes, I realize that my judgment may sound harsh, but if you'll honestly examine this method, you'll have to agree that, very often, it doesn't yield the best results for the seller.

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Why Building a Buyers' List Is Harder But More Profitable

When starting up a business online the very first thing you will hear all over the Internet is that the money is in the list. Many gurus who own big lists are able to create cash on demand by clicking a button. But building a list is actually not as simple as one would imagine. There are loads of things to consider and the results are unique. There is also no use of a huge list if you do not have a sales funnel set up that automatically builds your list and turns your subscribers into buyers.
There are two concepts currently available on the Internet and you might want to find out more about them before you decide how to build your list online.
Basically one group of Internet marketers say that you do have to build a list first by giving away free training, e-books, reports, materials, software and then build up relationship with your subscribers. After you have built rapport you will be able to successfully market them as they will trust your recommendation.
The other group of online marketers say that you should not be building a "freebie seekers" list at all, you should concentrate on building a buyers' list. This method is based on selling the prospect first and then placing them on your list to be able to market them further products. In their opinion this way of list building is more profitable and effective than just building any list.
The two concepts of list building are constantly fighting each other. Affiliate marketers argue about what matters more: the size of your list or the conversions. In my opinion both of them should count, but the higher the proportion of buyers on your list is the more products you will be able to sell for sure.
The problem with building a buyers' list concept is that it might take some time to get your list the size you want it to be. And I do not think it is suitable for starting up Internet marketers, as their promotion methods are not going to be as distinguished as a guru's. Therefore they need more time and more promotion to get even one conversion.
In my opinion the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is easier to obtain leads than buyers. But people should certainly learn the methods to turn these leads into customers in the shortest possible time through relationship marketing. One can have a list of ten thousand leads they might still be beaten in an affiliate contest by a guy who only has one thousand people on his list but 80% of them are already proven buyers.
List building is not only a numbers' game but also an art of communication and building relationships. Learn this art and your Internet marketing business will prosper.

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A Proven Way to Build Online Traffic Buyers Lists

One of the most effective ways to grow your new online money making business is to build an online traffic list or opt in list. To build online traffic buyers list/optin list can be easily when following a specific plan. Fast track cash is really easy to follow with laid out plans and strategies that can see you making cash fast, these plans and strategies come from an proven international best selling author.
Most entrepreneurs, online marketing experts and gurus will tell you that you need a highly targeted traffic list or opt in list, this is considered the most treasured tool online because of its feasibility in getting the customers interested and sustaining there interest in your product or software.
Traffic list or opt in list is basically a targeted group of customers email addresses, you have their permission to send what ever newsletters, brochures, or promotions that you have on your online business to enhance your profits
It is very important to have a customer's permission to send them mail because unsolicited emails are considered spam and spam is an illegal activity on the internet.
Fast track cash has video audios that show you how the set up an auto responder which allows you to gain permission from your targeted group of customers for you to send them your products and information from your website and build online traffic lists easily and on auto pilot.
A popular way to create momentum with your websites traffic is to create a blog and write articles that are search engine optimisation (S E O) user friendly and will help you gain page listing. Once someone visits your site an invitation will pop up inviting the visitor to become a free member that will receive free promotional products and software, this will allow you to get customers email address by providing them with extra value.
S.E.O's such as Google will cataglorize a listing of your site once it is active and the more content and targeted key words you have on your site related to your niche market the better chances of your site being in the first page listings which is were most of the sales/profits are made 24/7/365 day a year.
Free online traffic profit are some of my keywords that I have used from my keyword research and I have as my business domain so that when people search for these words my site I will get a listing, the more times I have the related key words in my content, the more likely it is for me to gain top position listing in the S.E.O's for my chosen niche market which is "making money online".
By creating an online traffic list or opt in list you will be able to maintain solid contact with your previous buyers and boost your sales because of your surg target market of customers how you know are ready to buy items from you.
For any body how is not sure were to start with building traffic list/optin list for your new site or even if you don't have a site active yet I highly recommend Fast Track Profits because you will discover the true potential of making lot of money online.
All of the steps you need to take to be successful online are from a multi millionaire that uses the exact same steps to build new online businesses that produce profits every day, you can also corresponded with the author and his team of professionals for more support and they will help you boost your site traffic in a way you never thought possible.
For more information on how to build online traffic lists/optin lists visit Fast Track Cash main page here.
By building your online traffic to your website your are creating a turn key solution with successful online profits.

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

List Building - How to Build a Mailing List That Responds at Your Command (Major Secret)

Do you want to build a mailing list that becomes your own money machine? Do you want a loyal readership from your subscribers base that sends you money on a regular basis? If your answer is yes, then this article is just for you. You will learn how to build a mailing list that responds at your command.
I'm not just talking about any normal 'freebie seekers' list. I'm talking about a buyers/customers list. That's where the big money is at. There is a tremendous value in owning a customers list.
Simply put, a list of buyers is like gold for your business. These are people who have shown they are willing to spend money on gathering the information they need or on their hobby. These are people who have shown you that they have a credit card or payment account that they can use.
Here is how you can build a buyers list easily:
Step 1 - Create A Low-Ticket Product
Create a low-ticket product as the start of your sales funnel. I've seen marketers create and market $1 products with much success. The idea is to get those with a credit card in. These are people with a penchant to spend money online. It's far better than any freebie seeker. So if you really want to go crazy on this strategy, create a $1 product. It will get much more buyers into your funnel early on.
Step 2 - Market Your Product
Market your product to start getting buyers on to your list. One easy way to get a flood of buyers is to set up an affiliate program and give affiliates 100% commission on sales. That's right, 100%. Your goal is to build the buyers list quickly and make huge profits on the backend.
Step 3 - Build Your Buyers List
After your customer purchases the product, include an opt-in form on the confirmation page so buyers can opt-in to your newsletter. This is how you build the list in question here.
Step 4 - Promote Relevant Products
Create or source out products to promote to this list. This list is a like your own personal goldmine now. Treat it with care. Always remember: a 100-strong buyers is always better than 1000 subscribers list.

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13 Ways to Build Your Buyers List

Building a buyers list
Your buyers list is you black book that you shouldn't let others read. You NEED a good buyers list in order to be successful at wholesaling real estate. Think of it this way, how much easier is it to pick up the correct groceries when your wife gives you a list as opposed to trying to "think" of what she wants? Try the latter and it is a quick way to getting into a fight.
You should have a wide array of buyers. Buyers for low-end homes, high-end homes, rentals, multi-units, rehabbers, newbies, and as many cash buyers as you can find. These guys make life easy!
Here is a great list of places you can look to find buyers...
Run ads in your local classifieds
These ads should be simple and to the point. Use a generic ad like "House for sale - 60% ARV in Good Town Town". When people call just tell them you currently don't have any but will call them when you get your next property
Run the same ads you place in the classifieds here. Put a phone number and email address in your ads or better yet create a squeeze page and direct them there to sign up. Just remember that keep the ad simple, people tend to stop reading if the ad is to long or complex.
Call For rent signs/ads
Why would you call for rent signs you might ask? Well because the person renting the place, the landlord, might be an active investor and looking for more properties. If you area is a high rental area you'll find so many buyers it'll be funny.
Call for sale ads
While you are calling the for rent signs you might as well call for sale ads. Keep track of the seller and if you find multiple houses being sold by the same person/company you know you have yourself an investor.
We Buy Houses Signs
These are obviously investors and if they are active and looking for houses you want them on your list.
Call Realtors
Who has access to the most buyers? Realtors! Every agent your meet ask them if they have any cash buyers. If they do get their information or have the Realtor give them one of your cards.
Ask your buyers
They may be very protective of their buyers lists, but it can't hurt to ask. You might even consider paying a few bucks for their list. Just make sure it's legit.
Local REI meetings
Where all the investors gather. No place better to find a buyer then at one of these meetings. Pass around a sign-up form and also meet as many of the other investors as possible.
Brochure Boxes
If you have a house for sale, put a brochure box outside of it so any investor that comes by can get your information and contact you for other deals you might have or come across.
Court House Step Auctions
Another gathering place for investors. You basically want to go where ever investors might be and hand out your business card as well as collect business cards.
Create a Blog
This will build your credibility as well as help you network with other investors. Those relationships you build here will definitely lead to buyers in the future. This is more of a long term strategy that should be used along with the others mentioned above.
Hard Money Lenders
Investors need to borrow the money from someplace, so you know hard money lenders have a long list of clients that they would probably share with you or at least pass your card along to.
MLS looking for cash buyers
In some MLS systems they keep track of the way the house was bought. Was it paid for with cash? if so you possibly have an investor, A CASH BUYING INVESTOR. Make sure you contact this person and see if they are buying more.
That list above should really get you a very good buyers list. Remember though you should always be working at adding buyers to your list as investors come and go.
Now you want to know what information you should get from your potential buyers when they contact you. I usually ask the following.. 
  • I usually ask them whether they are still buying,
  • what they are looking for,
  • what percentage up FMV they are typically paying,
  • what areas of town they want to buy in.
Also you need contact information, so get these items... 
  • Email address
  • Company Name
  • First and Last Name
  • Company Address
  • Preferred Phone
  • Type of property they are interested in: Single Family, Multi-Family, Commercial
  • Cash buyer
  • What level of Rehab are they comfortable with?

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