When you start to get established in the site flipping market, creating a mailing list is almost a requirement. In order to stay competitive with other flippers, you have to find a way to keep everyone up to date with your current jobs. Most people who are buying a site for their business don't want to search a dozen sites every day for possible deals. They would much rather sign up for a mailing list and get a periodic update via email.
Understanding exactly what a mailing list is and how it works is important. You first need to know that it is a major time-saver for you. That's because it is completely automatic. It simply sends an email at certain times, set by you, that lets potential buyers who have signed up know what it is you are up to. If you have a new site up for sale, your mailer can send an email to everyone on your list. It's easy and free for the people signed up and can benefit everyone.
Creating a mailing list is not hard, but you do need a page of your own where people can sign up. This is as simple as registering a domain name of your own and building a single landing page. If you want to add additional pages, that is completely your prerogative. Your site address should be short and simple so as not to confuse any possible buyers. The main page should be well-made and attractive and should have a major space allocated for the mailing list sign up. For potential buyers or people who have just made a purchase from you and are interested in future business, the list should be the most accessible part of the page. If you want a page about yourself or your work history, make it a link instead of a focus on the landing page.
If the benefits are not immediately obvious, they are numerous. First, you make it easy for prospective buyers to avoid having to search a dozen sites every day for good deals. They know you are prolific and reliable and now they can get automatic updates on your status. Second, if someone has just bought a site from you, they can add their name to your mailing list so they can get a free email that lets them know when you have a new site for sale. Finally, having a website and mailing list lets you establish yourself in the website flipping business. A buyer will have more faith in someone who has a website and automatic updates.
In order to show buyers that you're a serious seller and that you are competitive with other serious sellers, you need to have something visible and concrete for them to turn to. A website is just that. It is proof that you are established and here to stay. Creating a mailing list is a must for anyone looking to stay competitive in the site flipping market.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3754040
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