Friday, 14 March 2014

How to Create a Facebook Page For Your Business

A Facebook profile is the social fun side of Facebook. Friends can update their status, share links, show you their new photos and know what you are up to. A Facebook page is the commercial side of Facebook. This is where you can use your marketing expertise and generate as many fans as you would like. The business page should be kept separate from your Facebook profile. Keep the topics related to your products, the benefits of your products and free valuable information for your audience. Knowing how to create a Facebook page for your business will help keep you ahead of the competition.
In order to create a Facebook page, click "home" on the top right. Under your profile picture on the right click "ads and pages". Click on "pages" again then "create page". Follow the guide on Facebook in order to create your Facebook page.
Make sure you have a great photo. This would be a great place to put your business logo. Update your information tab and be personable. If you want to have a lot of fans you will need to have unique content.
In the empty box under the photo, feel free to state the benefits of your products and add in your website.
The viral factor of Facebook pages is what helps generate a great amount of fans. If one of your friends "likes" your page, it appears on their wall. Now their friends can see which group so and so joined and they will have a chance to check out the page and "like" it as well.
If you are really looking to generate leads from pages and do not want to spend time inviting new friends or do not have a valuable friends list then there is also an option to make the page into a pay per click ad. These ads are far cheaper than advertising on Google and it has become a very popular method for business owners.
There is also the benefit of being able to create custom tabs. Your Facebook profile does not allow you to do this. A custom tab could have whatever you want on it. There are no limits. You could have an opt in form to your business products, a link to your webinars, a video of yourself introducing who you are and any other option that you would like. It is kind of like a mini website in Facebook.
With your Facebook profile, you are allowed a maximum friend limit of 5000. This limit does not exist when you have a Facebook page. Imagine having unlimited fans joining your page every day! Knowing how to create a Facebook page for your business will help you generate quality traffic and buyers.

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