It is thought that the extremely popular app Instagram gains a new user every single second. The app has only been in existence for a couple of years, but it has definitely been making waves ever since. Recently acquired by Facebook for a staggering $1billion, and used by more than 40 million people (as of April 2012), could Instagram become the most popular photography app of this year's Olympic Games?
It certainly seems as though it might be: already, if you visit Twitter, you can search hashtags such as #torchrelay and #londonolympics and see a significant number of relevant Instagram photos. There is even an official Olympics' Instagram blog, which suggests that the app could well be one of the big ways to capture and share the experience of the upcoming 2012 Games.
More than a billion photos have been uploaded to Instagram so far, and every day, upwards of five million new photos are added according to an infographic on the Digital Buzz blog. That works out at 58 photos being uploaded every single second. And, when we consider just how prevalent smartphones are starting to become and the likelihood that plenty of people will be interested in sharing their experience of the Olympics, it doesn't take a huge leap of the imagination to realise that a lot of those people will be sharing their experiences through Instagram.
The one thing that might limit Instagram use during the sporting spectacle is the fact that ticket holders are being deterred from sharing any photos or videos they might take while watching Olympic events. Under the 'conditions for ticketholders', they are only allowed to use their photos for personal use - so that means no sharing through Instagram or other social media platforms.
However, despite these restrictions, there is nothing to stop people outside the Olympic venues sharing pictures through the app. After all, more people will be celebrating the event at home or in the pub than at the Olympic stadium; there are still plenty of opportunities for sharing. Businesses might also decide to utilise Instagram during the Olympics. To name just one example, a competition for the best Instagram picture of an Olympics party could be used by businesses to engage with their audience.
Overall, even though there are some limitations on sharing photos through Instagram during the Olympic Games, it still remains one of the most popular apps out there; the fact that it is social by nature suggests that it could well be the hottest app of the Olympic period.
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