Instagram has long been popular amongst Facebook users. Rumors immediately started circulating as soon as the invitation started rolling about a big event to launch an idea. Everyone on the technology news media were speculating that Instagram and Facebook are about to announce about a takeover of Vine service. However, the service that is provided to Android and iOS users is about the latest version of Instagram 4.0 with the feature of Video.
Video Service on Instagram
Initially you need to install the update on your device. After the installation is done, an icon will appear on the screen. Instagram works by automatically loading the video once you stop playing it. You need to take action for downloading the video on your device. Additionally, for replaying the video you would need to tap on it as it would not replay in a loop like Vine does. You can click like and add comments on a video. Instagram allows you to view videos directly.
As far as recording a video is concerned, you need to take more than usual steps especially if you are addicted to Vine. Here is what you can do:
• Tap on the icon of Instagram video icon
• This will launch the video recording mode of the app
• Now you have 15 seconds to record a video as against 6 seconds against that offered by Vine.
• This will launch the video recording mode of the app
• Now you have 15 seconds to record a video as against 6 seconds against that offered by Vine.
Recording and deleting a video
The simplest way of recording a video is to tap and hold down the red camera icon until you want to record. A blue line at the bottom of the recording window will appear indicating progress of the video. If after recording a video clip you are not satisfied by results then to delete it you tap the X button, the clip will turn red, then tap the trash button to remove it. Start recording again, when you are done you can choose a filter by tapping Next.
This new updated version of the app gives you in total of 13 filters that are designed for video. This helps you choose the filter accordingly. Keep taping Next until you find the perfect filter that is required for your video. Additionally, you can choose to turn on or turn off the feature of Cinema for ensuring good video quality.
Choosing Cover Frame
You are allowed to choose a preview frame for your video called the Cover Frame. Select it by just sliding the box alongside the film length. This way you will be able to preview and discover various frames. You are offered a single frame that adorns your video and can be shared across your social network. By choosing appropriate frame, you will be able to gain instant hits and likes. After you are done, you need to share it across the network. The process involved is as easy as sharing a picture and adding a caption to it, this time it includes hash tags too. This will determine where you are about to share it. After sharing the video, it automatically gets stored in the Camera Roll if you are using an iOS device or in the Gallery if you are an Android user.
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