Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How to Use Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Articles

This article is for those people who want to drive traffic to their articles and later on, to their blogs and website using the very popular social networking site - Facebook. Here's what you need to do:
Provide interesting information on your profile. Be very creative when writing your profile to draw more attention. Make sure that you do not make something up. People are more likely to connect with you if they feel your sincerity. Tell them who you are, what you do, the things that you find interesting, your areas of expertise, and your hobbies. Then, provide the links where people can easily access your articles. This could be your website, your EzineArticles author page, or your blog.
Do not engage in hard selling or blatant advertising. I know that your main goal in doing this is to secure decent sales but doing what I mentioned earlier will not help you in anyway. You see, if you make your Facebook page sounds like a sales letter, I can guarantee you that you'll shoo your potential clients away. Worst, they might even block you. You don't want that to happen, right?
Build your credibility. This is the first thing that you need to achieve. You need people to consider you as an expert in your niche before they'll listen to you. So, connect with those people who are considered industry leaders in your niche. Talk about relevant issues and share your opinion. Ensure that your posts are well written, well thought-out, and simply impressive. Remember, your potential clients are reading what you're saying.
Upload pictures and videos. This is something that will make your Facebook page really interesting. As often as you can, post relevant pictures that your target audience might find interesting. Also, create amazing videos. If you're selling information products about making money online for example, create a tutorial video showing your prospects how they can create their website to start their affiliate marketing career. Through this, you'll be able to help them and you'll be able to showcase your expertise in your niche. It's like hitting two birds with one stone, right?
Mingle with other people. Social media marketing is all about being social. So, visit the Facebook pages of other people and leave comments on their status, pictures, and videos. If you do this all the time, these people will be enticed to do the same. They'll visit your page and they'll know about your and your business.
Wait for the right time to pitch in your products and services. Do not offer what you're selling to every person who leaves comments on your pictures or status. Instead, wait for them to ask you about products and services that you can recommend to them. Then, send them a link to your blog, EzineArticles page, or website where they can easily find your articles. The more traffic you send to your articles, the better your chances of boosting the number of your sales leads.

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