Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Information Marketing Techniques: How to Use Facebook to Distribute Information

When talking about information marketing, some online marketers would automatically think of article directories as vehicles in distributing information. However, with the creation of different portals such as Facebook, you now have the option to share your in-depth knowledge using different mediums to reach out wider audience.
Facebook, as you might already know is the most popular social networking site in the online arena today. For the last couple of years, it managed to attract not just thousands but millions of loyal followers worldwide. What used to be a college site now attracts different people from across the globe. Research suggests that a huge percentage of current Facebook members belong to the 21-35 age bracket. This has made this site a great site for internet marketers.
Here's how you can incorporate Facebook on your information marketing campaign:
The first and perhaps, the most obvious step to take is to sign up an account. This is for free and the sign up process is relatively easy. Provide as much information about yourself and about your ebusiness as possible.
Next step is to create and later on, expand your network. Find those people who fit the profile of your target market and befriend them or convince them to like your fan page. As this may take a lot of time and research, I suggest that you ask freelancers to help you out. Right now, there are people who are specializing in this field. For a specific amount, they can get as many "likes" as you want.
Explore Facebook tools that you can use to promote your business. Start by reading and discovering Facebook pages. In simplest term, this is a page where you can easily communicate updates or information related to your business and products. Potential clients and paying customers can subscribe as "fans" and they'll automatically receive updates as soon as you post something on your Facebook pages. You can also take advantage of Facebook group pages. Unlike with Facebook pages, these are created around specific group of people and unless you're subscribed to them, you wouldn't be able to access the content. This is like your email marketing list. You'll send people subscribed to these group pages some relevant information to win their trust and to convince them to buy the products that you sell.
Inform before you advertise. The principles of article marketing would apply here; inform first before you advertise. The goal here is to introduce yourself to your prospects and give them a chance to see you as a professional and authority in your niche so they'll trust you. Once you have established a relationship based on trust, you can easily convert them to paying customers. It's important to ensure that any content you send to these people is well-written, unique, entertaining, and extremely informative.
Provide updates regularly. Just like when running your own blog, you need to give your "fans" a reason to keep on checking your Facebook group pages. The best thing that you can do is to provide them with fresh information as often as possible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6866767

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