Article marketing remains to be one of the most powerful sources of web traffic. It's still one of my favorite tools when promoting my business online, when building my brand, and when strengthening my expert status in my niche. But did you know that you supercharge your article marketing campaign if you promote your articles through Facebook?
Facebook, as you might already heard, is now one of the extremely popular websites in the world. Proof to that is the fact that it attracts the same number (and sometimes, even more) of visitors as Google. The good thing about it is promoting your articles on FB is much easier compare when you're doing this on search engines. You just need to know the basics and you'll be able to multiply your article traffic in no time.
Here's how you can make that happen:
1. First obvious step is to of course, get your Facebook account. You have the option of getting a regular account or a fan page. Then, get more people to join your network. Research and identify FB members who are sharing the same interest and who are most likely to do business with you in the long run. Make your profile interesting and ensure that it'll speak volumes about your expertise in your niche and that it will represent your business very well.
2. Socialize. The goal of FB is not really to help internet marketers like you to drive traffic to your website. Its main goal is to get people to socialize with each other. So, instead of promoting your articles right away, mingle with people in your network first. Get to know them and give them a chance to know you. Read their status updates and react. Like their photos and comment on their messages. Little by little, people will know you. This is important as this will help you break down the wall that can separate you and your potential clients.
3. Write amazing status updates. Amaze people in your network by always coming up with updates that are simply interesting. You can talk about the recent issues related to your niche, react on blog posts written by industry experts, offer insider tips and trade secrets, etc. Through this, you'll be able to get your target audience to check your wall every now and then. This will also give you an opportunity to show to these people that you're a great source of valuable information and that they can trust you.
4. Ensure the quality of your articles. Before you send your Facebook friends to your articles, ensure that your articles are worth their while. They must be original, very useful and informative, well-written, and simply out of the ordinary. Post these articles on your blog, on your website, and on article marketing sites.
5. Promote your articles to your FB friends. Give your followers bits and pieces of exciting information about the articles that you're about to publish to build anticipation. Then, give them the link of your articles page or website/blog where they'll be able to read the whole article. Using attention-grabbing teasers and getting as many likes and shares as possible will definitely help.
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