Thursday, 6 February 2014

Blogging Made Simple - 3 Steps To Create a Killer Blog

Blogging has become one of the most effective tools for growing an MLM/Network Marketing home business. While there are now thousands upon thousands of blogs out there on the Internet, few marketers understand how to effectively create and nurture a blog that will lead to new prospects and sales for their business. With this in mind, I give you the 3 Steps to Create a Killer Blog.
Step 1: Understand Who You're Speaking To
This is one of the biggest mistakes of a new blogger. It all comes down to this -- understand who you're trying to reach, and don't try to speak to everyone. This can be a bit of a challenge. If you make your blog content too broad (for example, anyone interested in MLM) it will soon get lost in the thousands of other blogs on the same subject.
If you make your blog focus too narrow, there may not be enough traffic (visitors) to make it worth your while. Writing a blog targeting potential home business owners in a tiny, rural New England town would never give you enough traffic to get your blog off the ground. In essence, you'd be writing to hear yourself talk.
The bottom line -- find a niche that is narrow enough to limit your competition but not so limited that your blog will never stand a chance.
Here's a real life example. It's the story of our blogging history and how we fell into this exact same trap;
When we first started our blog, our "targets" were anyone interested in Network and Online Marketing. WOW! Not very focused, right? Our results were mediocre at best, with limited traffic and very few leads generated for our business.
After banging our heads against the wall for a few months, we soon realized our problem and decided to narrow the focus of our blog considerably. We not target current Network Marketers who are trying to build their business with extreme time limitations, such as working a full-time job, owning a brick and mortar business, or being a very busy Stay-at-home Mom or Dad.
We show our loyal readers how they can effectively leverage their time, money, and resources to get the most productivity out of each minute they spend on their business. The results have been amazing. Our traffic has skyrocketed and we generate several leads per day for our business.
And we're still growing.
Step 2: Find Your Own Voice
One of the reasons that our blog is so effective is that it speaks to people who are just like us. We work 50-60 hours per week and have 4 college-age kids that keep us busier than we ever thought possible. We knew that we would either have to get really good at leveraging our resources for our business or we'd go belly up in no time.
Our blog works because our readers can relate to us. They see that we are "walking the walk" and putting into practice everything we recommend. We've worked hard to develop their trust and they, in turn show their loyalty. It's a win-win situation.
If you want to create a killer blog, make it about you, your struggles, your victories, and your path to success. All along the way, you will resonate with a group of people who will look forward to everything you write.
Step 3: Create an Irresistible Offer To Explode Your List of Subscribers
You can create a killer blog with unbelievable content, but you'll never take full advantage of the lead generation ability of your blog unless you craft an offer that will entice people to provide their contact information to learn more. You see, what you are doing is growing your list of subscribers, and your list is by far the most important asset of your business. I call this offer your "Irresistible Offer."
To get more information on how to craft your Irresistible Offer, I recommend you read The Irresistible Offer, by Mark Joyner (the founder of Simpleology). It is one of the books that had the most influence on my success as a marketer, and you can pick it up for less than dinner at your local diner. Head over to your local book store and grab your copy. Don't put it down until you've crafted your Irresistible Offer for your blog.
These 3 steps - Defining your target audience, finding your own voice, and creating an Irresistible Offer -- will serve as the foundation for a killer blog that can take your business to new heights and serve as a constant, steady source of online traffic.... all for free.

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