Techniques on list building probably attract more Internet marketers than any other topic on the Web.
And that's with good reason: Without it, there are no prospects.
But there seems to be very little information on how to create a strategy on how to do it.
And so in this article I want to discuss just one way.
Now I need to say before I begin that this is just an example.
You can follow it if you want to, but I'm sure that you'll see many other ways to do more or less the same thing and ultimately, you want to pick a strategy that you will stick with.
Essentially, there are three different types of content on the Web: text, video and audio; but there are innumerable ways to produce information in those forms.
I'm going to show you how to use just three of them.
The three are articles, comments, and a video recording.
I've picked these three deliberately because of the contrast between them.
So how could this work?
One way is to write an article, then search on blogs that tell you how to write them and leave a meaningful comment, and then make a video recording about it.
The video could then be put on your web site, blog, or offered as a freebie on your landing page. And, like all videos, you should put it on YouTube as well.
Or, you could go to your favorite blog, read the comments of others, and then develop an article from the problem that seems to be common to the commenters.
From that, you could create a video.
Or, you could create a video about a topic that you think is particularly important, but under- or wrongly-taught in your niche.
Then upload it to YouTube and put it on your web site or blog.
It, too, could become a freebie on your landing page.
Once the video is done, you could write an article about it, and probably more than one.
That's because you're more likely to say something as you create your slides of if you're just speaking in front of a camera.
From that, you could visit several blogs on your topic, comment where it seemed relevant, or start a new thread.
The most important thing, however, is to limit the number of different techniques that you try to use in your strategy.
Two or three at most is sufficient.
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