Article marketing is an effective way to build blog traffic, but learning how to submit articles for blog traffic correctly can make an even bigger impact in your ultimate goal to increase blog traffic. You have probably read that Article Marketing is an easy way to get thousands of new subscribers and improve blog traffic to your site. This may be true, but the formula includes hard work and most important - consistency. Notice I didn't say it required being an "award-winning author". Consistency is the KEY ingredient.
Many will say that blogging and using article marketing to increase blog traffic doesn't work. But if you Google those naysayers blogs, you will likely discover that their quantity of posts doesn't extend much beyond a dozen, if not less. So it's important to have a strong mindset and understand that it is work, not necessarily difficult, but it won't happen magically overnight. Remember that you are building one of the most consistent long-lasting cost effective ways of driving traffic.
Here are some basic steps that I take to simplify the process while increasing my results. After sharing some of the key concepts that insure success and increase blog traffic, I will cover some specific steps I take and will show you how to submit articles for blog traffic.
Now that you have "consistency" in your toolbox, the next step is to keep it simple. Setting up a basic strategy with only a few steps will go a long way to maintaining consistency over time. Many successful bloggers write 300 word articles and post them on just one site; the largest article directory available, Keeping it simple motivates them to be consistent which helps them get more articles posted on a weekly basis. My personal approach is to bump 300 words up to 500 and get more mileage out of my articles by submitting some of them to multiple sites using an article submitter program, the payoff is more "back links." I may not produce as many articles as the "300 word blogger", but it gives me a competitive edge to spin and distribute to multiple sites. Even better, I use videos to promote my articles as a "secret sauce" to increase ranking.
As you progress, you'll learn to track keywords and test to see which keywords increase blog traffic the most. You will practice editing your Headlines to make sure they grab the reader's attention, as well as providing an enticing "give-a-way item" and crafting a sign-up incentive offer to increase your capture rate. Later, you will need to review all of your past postings to check that they're relevant to your subject and ultimate goal. Remember, creating blog traffic and attracting subscribers is only useful if the group has interest in what you have to offer. This, along with better research, tracking results, and outsourcing will be future steps to take as you mature and fine-tune your overall strategy.
Let's pause and be honest for a moment... remember none of this counts until you have a blog up and running and you're consistently posting to it each week. The great thing is that most answers you need to improve blog traffic will come as a result of your initial efforts. Like anything of value, you need a great foundation and then the "building blocks" will present themselves as you mature and grow in the process. Keep it simple - be consistent.
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