When it comes to internet marketing, you cannot just focus on one aspect of the internet. Social networking sites have become a huge part of internet marketing. Getting your information out there on as many platforms as possible will result in more targeted traffic visiting your website. After all, Social networks are free and right there so why not use them to your advantage. If you have a website that you are trying to promote, Facebook is great place to start. You can create a Facebook fan page for your website. There are several different ways that you can keep your fan page optimized for search engines to find it. Fan pages are also a great way to drive direct traffic right to your website.
You need to focus on keywords. You can link keywords to the name of your company or website on your Facebook fan page. Keywords and keyword usage are important to internet marketing. They are important because of search engine optimization. You want your website to rank high with the search engines. Keywords help make this happen, because when a person is searching for your product or service, they will normally use a particular word or phrase to find the information. If your website utilizes the right keywords, the person will find your website. Search engines, such as Google, are vital to the success of your internet marketing campaign and to the overall success of your website.
Another way to get your Facebook page Google optimized is with your page information. Use keywords all over your Facebook fan page. Use them in your "about" tab. Use them in your "info" tab. When you make status updates, use keywords. Do not overdue the use of keywords because Google does not look favorably on unnatural and spammy content. But the strategic use of keywords will keep your page high in the rankings. It will also drive even more traffic to your website. Be sure and put a link to your website in your profile, as well as the "info" tab. Once you have your fan page optimized, keep up the content. Use creative content; get your fans involved with your page. Use videos and pictures and give them keyword-rich tags.
Be sure and link back to your Facebook fan page from your website. You can add a signature link to your emails. Part of internet marketing is getting the information out there in any way that you can do it. If you keep throwing your fan page around the internet, you will increase the number of fans you have. This is something that ranks high with Google, too. Once you have those fans, you have to keep them by updating your fan page consistently with relevant content and links. Not only will you keep your fans, but your page will continually be optimized. By following the simple rules here along with other SEO strategy your Facebook fan page along with your website will soon have the traffic you desire.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4595886
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