If you want to know how to create a blog and make money then you aren't the only one. While its true people do make money blogging there is one thing you need to know and that is to set up the blog the correct way. Therein, lays the problem how do you monetize a blog? Furthermore, how do you monetize it to make the most profit?
When I first started blogging I didn't know how to create a blog at all let alone monetize it. After all, the technical part of setting a blog up can be intimidating. You can start with Blogger to get your feet wet and dabble a bit, but Blogger while it has its place in the Blogosphere, isn't the best platform to monetize a blog.
The problem is when you create a Blogger blog is that for whatever reason Google can decide to shut it down. Poof! Gone! Just like that. That's because they own it not you. That's why it's better to buy your own domain and hosting and get a WordPress blog so you don't have to worry about those things.
However, WordPress comes with its own unique problem which is the learning curve. Setting up a Blogger blog is easy, setting up a WordPress blog is another story, especially if you're techie challenged like me.
Then, to top that off you not only need to create a blog, but also set it up to make money. Yes, in case you didn't know, there are specific ways to set up blogs to make money.
Of course, I didn't know this so my blogs in the beginning didn't fare well as far as making money goes. Until I found a membership site called the Niche Blogger this is where I learned not only how to create a blog, but to monetize it as well.
The Niche Blogger is owned by a housewife and mother of four by the name of Amy Bass. She started blogging to get her family out of debt and did it; in fact, she paid off over $72,000 in debt just by blogging.
Finally, I found the secret of how to create a blog and make money. It's simple, find a mentor who knows how and do what they do. Now, you know the secret too, so why not come and join us at the Niche Blogger.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2024971
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