Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Facebook Business Etiquette

Facebook is a social community online and people go on there to communicate with others and build relationships. This sure is a perfect place to do business if you use the right etiquette when approaching others. No matter where you are from in the world the basics are the same.
Basic Facebook business etiquette that everyone doing business on there should know.
1. Someones personal profile or page is their own personal space. Now in real life you would not go up to someone and say 'I'm a car sales man, buy this car. Here is my card ring me as soon as you can so we can get it all settled.' I am sure you would not be interested one bit in what they have to offer. Facebook is the same as real life when it comes to approaching people. When you friend someone or they friend you means they are giving you the okay to form a relationship with them. If you were to go and put your business link on there wall or post about a great deal you have on there, you are not only being disrespectful to them you are invading their personal space.
2. Sending out friend requests. When sending out friend requests it is polite to send a personal message with it. A personal message is not Hi my name is.... then a business link. This is a sure way to have your friend request ignored. You need to treat people as you would someone you meet for the first time. A hello and the reason why you are wanting the friendship is a good way to start. This does not mean Hi I want to add you so your can join my business or buy my product. You need to have something in common with the person so you have a reason to connect.
3. Sending messages. To be in business for yourself you have to have passion, this does not mean you go spamming peoples inboxes because you believe in your product or service. People will either stop reading your mail or will delete you. Remember it is a social network with real people.
4. Pages are for business. This is one people seem to forget regularly. Sure you want to get your business out there but to only post business on your personal profile not only is boring for those who read it but is not excepted byFacebook. A personal profile is a place to share who you are and what you enjoy or have learned. A page is a place to share your business as everyone who has decided to be on your page is happy to read about your business and receive mail about it. Together we can all make Facebook a great place for business and pleasure if we follow this basic Facebook business etiquette. Happy Facebooking to all you business owners.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5892421

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