You can create a blog to talk about your emotions, but it is not exactly what will bring some money in your bank account. If money is the reason why you are creating a blog, here are the steps you should follow.
Step one: your blog category.
The very first thing you must ask yourself is what kind of blog do you want. Do you want a blog to make of products or services review and trying to sell it at the same time? This is what you can call an ''active'' blog''.
Or do you want to talk without selling a specific product (or service). Here, you talk about something you love, like traveling, but you do not write about any product. This is a ''passive'' blog.
The active blog will ask you to join affiliate programs like ''ClickBank''. This affiliate offers all kind of niches. You find the one(s) you like, you verify the popularity of the product and decide to make a post about it, having in mind to sell that product.
The passive blog do not ''sell'' any product, but you find advertising inserted in specific places. The goal is to be as interesting as possible and have the readers click on the adverts. The best know system for the passive blog is Google AdSense.
People come to your site, read your article about a Hollywood star and before leaving, click an ad. Because the ad was clicked on your site, you get paid. With lots of traffic, some good marketers are making few thousands each month.
Step two: Free or Paid Blog.
You can go to and create a free blog in minutes. After your blog is up and running, you go to Google You open an account and select what style of ads you want and where you want it.
The Google AdSense software will detect keywords in your post and will fit the advertising with these keywords. If you talk about horses, the ads by Google will be about horses. You can start a money blog absolutely free.
On the other hand, if you want to use the blog to directly sell product, it is strongly recommended that you use a paid blog. Se, if you want to look professional, sending leads to an address like, it does not look professional at all.
Having your own domain name hosted by a reliable web host will definitively look better. And now, due to the popularity of the blogs, all good web host offer a blog software like Word Press. This software will create your blog in seconds.
Now you can send your visitors directly to your '''' blog. Now you look like a pro.
Step three: Select a Theme:
This part is a little more ''technical''. What you should care of, is to have your blog theme fits your product or none product in the case of a passive blog. If you are talking about birds, it will shock the readers if your page is black.
You get the point, associate your posts and the theme. It is more important than you think, the reader, your potential client, must feel at ease. If not, he will leave and never come back. Do not use a Deep Sea theme if you sell airplanes.
As a conclusion, think that you can also add Google AdSense to your active blog. The difference will be that Google AdSense will not be your primary income generator.
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