Many of you have probably heard about the free platform WordPress. Perhaps even tried to create a blog, but afraid of difficulties with the installation and configuration, we decided to abandon the idea. Completely in vain, to deal with this platform is quite easy, that I'm going to show you.
Before you open your blog, I also wondered: where and how to do it? After a lengthy study of the market, I stopped by WordPress on a paid hosting.
I must admit, at first there were many difficulties and obstacles: the lack of programming experience, lack of time, work, holidays, etc. But now everything is falling into place, a normal working process, with which, I am unspeakably happy. And do not regret that my choice fell on WordPress. The developers did not cease to amaze with new, user-friendly bells and whistles in the admin panel, which appear almost in every update.
With regard to the admin panel in dedicated hosting, everything is made easy and understandable to the development of its capabilities you will not need much time and great mental effort. Not having prior knowledge of HTML, you may well be able to cope with the basic functions: to create headings and pages, insert images, audio and video files, and most importantly - to publish articles. After all, this is the main task of any blog.
Believe me, because you have not used to its fullest functionality, you will not condemn. Interesting and useful content fill your gaps in programming. Although I must admit, when forming the blog, issues will arise at regular intervals. This is normal. You don't need to be scared and even stop, because, as you know, every beginning is difficult. In addition, the answers to most of the questions can found online.
If you still answer to your question you will not find, but it can happen if you want to empower your own blog, then have to ask for help from programmers.
Well, mostly questions of functionality can be closed by the installation of a plug-in.
Plug-in - regardless of the compiled software module that is dynamically connected to the main program (in this case to WordPress), designed to expand and / or use of opportunities.
At the moment, there are over 9000 WordPress plugins, most of which can be downloaded from support for the Indian WordPress. It is easy to conclude that, for any task on the blog, there is a plug-in.
Installation and activation with dedicated hosting is very simple. Although the configuration of some plug-ins require knowledge of the same HTML. To protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, I recommend to learn at least its foundations. It takes no more than a week of your precious time. As a result, you get the knowledge that unleash your hands and make it easier to work.
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