Starting a blog is one of the easiest things you can do. All you need is an internet connection and an email. You don't need a plan, any money, or any special knowledge. However, if you fail to plan your blog and the blog's direction then you have little chance of being successful.
To get started on the right track, you should create a blog plan. Get out a piece of paper or open notepad and start writing your plan.
What should your plan include?
Here is a typical plan for me:
- Determine the best blogging platform to use (WordPress and Blogger are the most popular)
- Determine what your blog will be about and what it will not be about (This is your niche)
- Decide on a theme (Will you use a paid or free theme)
- Pick the plugins you want on your blog (top commentators, all in one seo and more)
- Determine how often you will update your site (once a day or once a week, it's up to you)
- Determine how you will get traffic (search engines, blog commenting, forums, paid)
- Determine if you want to monetize and if so, how (AdSense, ads, linkshare, affiliates, amazon)
If you follow these steps and come up with a blogging plan then you have a better chance of creating a successful blog. No matter what options you choose, come up with a plan and try to stick with it. If you can't stick with it then make sure to update your plan.
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