Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Start a Blog, How to - Creating a Blog

Why the title is important.
So many people get this wrong they come up with a name for their blog site without even thinking about how they will market that name. If you want to get free traffic then you should pick a title that is traffic friendly. You don't have to have the word blog in your title but it should have something to do with the market you are blogging about. For example if my blog's topic is about pets I'm not going to name my blog after my dog. It's just not wise it may be cute and it would be nice to have a website with your dog's photo and the title of your blog named after your dog, but if you wish to have a successful blog it's the wrong way to go. In fact to break it down for you deeper if I have a blog about pets I'm not going to name it something as board as pets. When you type in the word "pets" on you're going to have 237 million competing pages, 10 links a page you do the math.
There is no way you're going to be able to drive in free traffic. This is why the title is important because with a little thought and effort the title should bring you in the traffic you desire. The phrase "pampered pets" only has about 191,000 competing pages this is still a little high you want to type in different titles on make sure you put the phrase in quotations and don't stop searching and thinking until you found a name that has less than 35,000 competing pages. Once you've picked your title you then want to go to a domain website and check to see if that title is available as a domain. This is why the title is important because when the title is in the domain name it moves up higher on the search engine list. This is especially good for blogs sense the search engines already rank blogs higher than normal websites. If you want another secret little tip of mines go to type in keyword tool. Type in a word and you will then be able to see how many times a certain phrase is searched for each month globally. So now you not only will be able to see the competing pages but also how much traffic you could drive to your site if you get on the first page of Google
After getting a domain name/title you want to get the website hosted. So many people get a domain name and they really waste it by transferring the website to another webpage. The reason they waste it is there are a lot of good domain names taken but if you Google the phrase you won't see the domain name on the first page of Google. This means someone has a really good domain name and they aren't even getting the free traffic to go with it (foolishness!) is the leading blog creating website they have free templates that allow you choose different options and set ups. With a little time and effort you will have your blog up in no time.

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