Friday, 31 May 2013

Writing Skills - Writing a Successful and Profitable Blog

Writers are always looking for new and profitable writing jobs. So here's a job you may not have considered: blogging.
To get blog jobs, you need one thing: a blog. This "sample" blog not only shows your expertise at writing, but will also make money for you.
Here's how to create your first profitable blog, which will also get you hired as a blogger.
1. Plan - find a focus for your blog
Your first step is to plan your blog. This is the most important step, because it determines the success or failure of your blog.
If you just want to get blog jobs from your sample blog you may not think that creating a successful blog is important, but look at it this way - if your blog is successful, it has the potential to earn you fantastic income (top blogs earn $1000 a day and more), so planning for success is just common sense.
You must find a focus for your blog - a topic to blog about. Your topic can be anything at all: sport, entertainment, a celebrity, pets... Choose a topic. Focusing your blog is vital, so you can attract readers.
2. Write articles for your blog
Your blog must have content, to attract readers in its own right, and also to attract people who want to hire you to blog for them.
Write some articles on your blog's topic to provide that content. Remember your focus, and stay focused on your topic. Your blog is NOT an "online journal", it's a tool which will get you writing jobs, and which may even turn into a fully fledged business.
3. Add information about yourself and your writing skills
As your blog becomes popular, you'll get readers, and some of those readers will be looking for bloggers. Therefore you need to ensure that everyone who visits your blog knows that they can hire you to blog for them.
Create an "About" page, which focuses on your writing skills, and lets people know that they can hire you to write for them. Your About page MUST include your contact details - your email address, Skype address, and IM address too. Make it easy for people to contact you. You can also add a small "Hire Me" graphic in your sidebar.
It's vital that you let people know that you're available to write. I coach writers, so I know that if a writer tells me that his blog hasn't won him any blog jobs, I know it's because he's hiding the fact that he's available to write for others.
People skim Web pages. They don't think, and they don't know you. Unless you tell them, they have no way of knowing that you're available to write for them - so you must advertise it as much as possible on your blog.
So not only should you have an "About" page which tells people you're available, you need a note in your sidebar, and you should also add a sentence about your availability at the bottom of each blog post.
The sentence can say something like: "Need a blogger? I'm available to blog for you. Contact me for further information."
4. Get readers by joining blog directories
There are dozens of blog directories. Join one or two. They'll help you to become part of the blogosphere, the community of bloggers. Other bloggers will read your blog, and will point you in the direction of blog jobs.

Article Source:

Anatomy of a Successful Blog Post

I assume that anyone who is blogging wants to build traffic or increase readers. And if you're blogging for business, not for pleasure, there's nothing to assume.
But not all blog posts are created equal. Some get tons of traffic and some are virtually ignored. Some ignite a ton of comments while others leave you wondering if anyone is out there.
What makes a successful blog post?
The first step to creating a successful post is to monitor your traffic. After all, you can't improve your situation if you don't know where you are now. If you have a self-hosted blog (ie your own url rather than []) you hosting company will have some sort of tracking tool, maybe even more than one. But if you don't log in and look at it, it doesn't do you much good.
Notice if some posts get more traffic than others. You may find certain topics, certain types of headlines, certain writing styles get more traffic than others. Pay attention to this and write more posts about the popular topics.
How does a blog post become popular?
First, if you hit upon a hot topic. Sometimes this can just be luck. Other times it can be by design. If you go to a conference and sit in on a heated discussion in one of the presentations you know this will likely be a subject others will find interesting. You can also monitor sites like Twitter to see what topics are popular.
Next, once you notice a particular blog post is generating a lot of traffic - and a lot of comments - take deliberate steps to promote it further. Submit the blog post to blog carnivals to get more traffic and in-coming links. Tweet about the post on a few separate occasions and at different times of the day in hopes of getting a different audience. Import the blog post into your Facebook page.
Third, begin watching for other people who are writing about this topic. When you find blog posts by other bloggers, visit their site, read their post and make comments. Be sure to add to the discussion by adding thoughtful comments. When appropriate, quote yourself and included a link back to your original post. Some of the readers may click on your link to see your post.
Monitor LinkedIn Answers for questions about this topic. Again, when it is appropriate, add to the discussion, and include a link back to your blog post.
Take advantage of Search Engine Optimization by including keywords in the title of the blog post. Try to get the most important keywords in the first four words of the title. Refer to the post in other blog posts you write with a link back also helps with SEO.
You don't need to do this for all your blog posts, but if you take these steps for your best posts you can see a significant increase in traffic to your blog. And hopefully this traffic will be repeat visitors.

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4 Steps to Writing a Successful Blog Post

I have in the past written articles about setting up a successful blog and now I want to focus more on the idea of writing a successful blog POST. The posts are really the important part of the blog anyway because you can have the greatest looking blog in the world but if the content stinks it's not going to do you any favors. So here are a few tips that I wanted to give you on creating really good, fun, successful blog posts.
1. Keep it personal
A successful blog should be about YOU, your business and your personality. Never forget that. People should be able to get a sense for who you really are when they read your blog.
2. Keep it visual
Pictures are great for adding spice to your blog. People like pictures and it helps from making your blog look like one big block of text. I mean if you're going to talk about your vacation to Hawaii why not include pictures to make your blog post really stand out. Pictures will do more for your blog post than you could ever imagine!
3. Keep it helpful
Talking about yourself and your life is important and it's something that I feel most people don't do enough of. However, at the end of the day people really want to know what's in it for them. So you have to give them some information that will be helpful to them in their business. If you can do that your readers will keep coming back. Be as helpful as you can and give out great tips even if they are tips you'd like to keep to yourself, give them out anyway!
4. Keep it fresh
All of your blog posts should not all sound the same. You want your blog to be a place where people can't wait to check out. So make sure that you have a good mix of blog posts on your blog. Some more personal in nature and some more helpful. Some should be a bit more formal while others should just be you pouring your heart out. The point is make it so that when people open your blog they never know what to expect. Always keep it fresh!

Article Source:

How to find Profitable niches to blog about and make money

Thursday, 30 May 2013

How to Create a Profitable Online Business Idea?

Creating a profitable online business Idea! This is the very first thing any internet entrepreneur should focus on to successfully make money online.
This is the make it or break it factor to be successful online or offline. You may spend a lot of time, effort and money chasing the wrong idea. This step is the most important step. Frankly there is no right or wrong way to brainstorm ideas, there are only best practices, common sense and of course some luck. Below I will present the best practises on how to develop profitable business ideas based on my own experience and the world best entrepreneurs. Now fast forward to the good stuff.
Create a profitable online business idea by inventing something new
This is rarest and the hardest of them all. Like Thomas Edison who developed many devices that greatly influenced our lives. From the motion picture camera to the long lasting electric light bulb.
If you can picture a certain product or service that would make people lives' easier, then you are on business.
• Tim Ferris Did this. The Author of the world phenomenon "The Four Hour Work Week" Where he preached to live an awesome lifestyle while putting your business on autopilot! He is a master hacker and he managed to outsource his life and his business very cheaply. He has built a huge passionate follow who are ready to help him sell or promote his products and he gives them his mind, body and soul. He gives presents, free info and help as much as he can. His blog went to rank around 6000 most visited website -among millions- in SIX MONTHS!! If you have something special, unique and awesome please do it.
Create a profitable online business idea by fulfilling a personal need
If you needs a product or a service, be certain that there are other people who are searching for a solution for that exact same problem.
Personally when I was a project manager at one of the biggest engineering firms. I had to self-study every single day and night to be able to compete and sustain my edge at that level and to deliver projects on time, under budget and at the highest quality standards. Self-learning was not easy and taking courses and workshops were both time and money consuming.
• My first online business was an E-learning hub for professionals. filled with articles, audio and video training and discussion boards. I added more value by giving them assignments and research work to further solidify the learning experience and make it as practical and as close to real life as possible. I developed it further and created a membership area for different niches like: Project Management Professionals and Marketing professionals... etc. Professionals would post their most urgent questions and problems and collaborate with other on how to solve them. They would share their experience in their current projects pointing positives and well as negatives. And exploring alternative ways and solutions to try at their next project.
As you can see I took a simple E-learning portal and turned it into a thriving community filled with passionate professionals who are sharing their ideas, experiences and recommendation. They sat goals and worked hard to achieve them. And we congratulated each other for the completion of our goals.
We were such a beautiful little community.
Do you have a current need? Write it down. It maybe your next big thing.
Create a profitable online business idea by making people lives EASIER
We are in love with the easy way. We go to Google to find a quick answer and we ask a friend for a recommendation.
We want the easiest and the shortest route to our goals.
If you can develop an idea to make people lives easier! They will love you for that.
• Google made our lives easier and now we can find exactly what we need in a blink of an eye. And they are going that extra mile every single day from local search, blog search, Scholar search, image search, movie search, news search and every other kind of search you can think of.
• Mint Made our lives easier in terms of managing our personal finances. They develop free and premium software to help people control and manage their budgets more efficiently. They were one of the fastest growing companies in the world and they were featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Money magazine as the best tool to manage your personal finances.
• Aweber when CEO and Founder Tom Kulzer was a sales leader for a computer hardware firm in mid 90′s he noticed that leads were falling due to lack of proper follow up from the sales agents. He went on his way and started Aweber the best email marketing solution I have ever used and the number one in the scene right now.
Create a profitable online business idea by upgrading a current idea and make it better
Not everyone has the vision to spot a growing trend or a specific need. So it's easier to develop and upgrade a current business idea and make it better than the original one.
• Google did this. When they witnessed that search engines were merely displaying search with no clear standards. They developed a search engine that displays results based on user preferences and history by exploiting cookies. Try to search for any term and make your a friend search for the exact same term with different computer and you would find different results as Google scans your history and browsing behaviour by a very complex Algorithm and displays the most relevant results for you. They grew and became the number one search engine and the number one website on the internet today.
• Tumblr did this. When 21 years old David Karp saw the growing interest in Twitter and Blogs. He combined the best of both worlds. Many people loved to share on Twitter but the 140 characters and the limitations were an issue for some. Others wanted a platform to express themselves freely but Blogs were too technical or too serious for them. The young genius made it and established Tumblr where you can share easily like Twitter but with the powerful features that Blogs only have. Tumblr now is the 35 most visited website on the internet today. And the future looks awesome.
Create a profitable online business idea by offering unbelievable service
Sometimes we can't figure out a new business idea or an upgrade to a current business model. Well the best thing to do is to choose a business model you like. Study it and differentiate yourself not by lowering prices -I am totally against this strategy btw- But by offering unbelievably good service.
• Zappos Did it. They started by offering great shoes for sales on their website like the hundreds of thousands of other websites. But they took the customer service to limits never seen before. They would occasionally send you flowers or a present or a voucher at your birthday. They may send your products by speed delivery at no additional costs to you and you would be happily surprised. Their customer service would speak with you on the phone as long as you need explaining every detail over and over. Actually there is a documented phone call that lasted for 8 hours! This is how far they took it. The Result? Now they are making over a billion dollar in sales each year! They are the biggest shoes retailer! And their huge customer base do all the promotion and advertising work for them because they were happy and impressed.
Create a profitable online business idea by entering a very specific niche
A niche is a group of people sharing a specific interest, hobby or career. You can take a large business idea and break it down to it's niche components, study each one and build a business around one niche.
• LinkedIn Is the largest professional social network in the world. They took the Facebook concept and simplified things. They didn't need millions of teens, housewives and TV stars. They chose professionals and entrepreneurs and they built a website specifically designed to serve them.
• Pat Flynn who is one of my favourite bloggers of all time did this when he first started with his LEED exam training website -It's a certificate in the Architecture world- He targeted Architectures who want to take the exam and built the best study guides to help them understand the materials and pass the exam. He passed the exam himself first so he knew what does it take to pass it. Result was over 200.000 USD in gross sales in his first year and he is doing much better since then with his awesome SPI blog.
You can do this. Analysis the big businesses and break them down. Find what would be an interest for you and build a website around it. As an example I may consider analysing LinkedIn itself and see the small components inside. Well you may start a "young professional social network" or an "Executive level social network" or "project managers social network" Decide first. Brainstorm how can you provide an awesome fulfilling experience for your audience and then build a website to do this and more.
Create a profitable online business idea based on your passions and fears
Same concept here. If you are passionate about something. There is a good chance that others are in love with it too. If you are totally scared about something you may research and learn to figure a solution and build a website offering that solution. Or simply a website that offers some sort of support group for whoever suffering from that fear. Trust me it works.
Write down your passions, what you love to read about, listen to, or watch. Your dreams maybe? Or maybe your fears! Write them down. Then rewrite them again. Pin them and look at them everyday. Add or delete. I assure you would find something interesting.
Example: I love racing games! I may go and build a need for speed fans website offering latest news and game hacks. I may then offer a simple eBook selling my very best tricks to beat the boss in the game! Figure yours it maybe as simple as that.
I hate bugs! I completely hate it specially ants. I may build a website and post my latest solutions to get rid of them! Organic solutions maybe! Then present them in an ebook.
I love working out! I am a 14 years athlete and I practised everything. I DID start a website based on how to lose weight for the business professionals. I offered straight forward advice for people who can't afford sever dieting or hours of training. And it worked out NICELY!
Create a profitable online business idea by being weird!
Yes this is not a typo. Although this is not my thing but some people are flooding their bank account with this
• Tucker Max Ps: Please note that his stories are NOT for everyone. They are uncomfortable for many. Please don't read on his blog if you are easily offended. He is a playa and he wanted to document his adventures in a book. Well every publishing house refused to publish it. He didn't give up and he built a website and published his stories for free so everyone can sees them. Within few months and with smart marketing his traffic went over the roof This captured the publishers attention and they contacted him offering generous contracts to publish what it seems to be unrealistically popular stories. He did it.
• Million Dollar Homepage If you have ever asked me if setting a website and inviting people to give you money just for putting their logo in a homepage! I would say this will never work! Where is the added value? Well I am wrong this home page collected payments to put brands on the home page "to own a piece of the internet"
Other ways to create a profitable online business idea
If your creativity let you down. Here are some other ways to earn an income by starting an online business.
• Website flipping: Similar to real estate. You build a website. Add content. Attract visitors and offer it for sale on website like Flippa.
• Web hosting reseller: With a fixed monthly fee you can start selling web hosting service. This can be a profitable business model If you can attract lot of traffic. Will cover this in future articles
• Review website: Review anything that you are interested in. And offer some Affiliate links. You earn commissions on sales made by your links. Will cover how to be a super affiliate in a future article.
• Content writing: If you are a good writer, set up a website and offer your services. You may join Elance or Odesk People are in a constant need for good writers
This is the only article you would need to find about your big idea! There is not right or wrong way. As you saw some unrealistic businesses made money. You will never know unless you try. Please stop reading about how to generate profitable ideas for your internet business and start doing what I have told you above.
Just grape a pen and a paper -No laptop please- and go through each method described above from inventing something to upgrading a current business idea to embrace your passions and fears or targeting a very specific niche.
Go through each one, brainstorm each one. Write it down. Pin it. Visualise it and you would find your answer. Sooner or later and this is my promise to you.
Some people would argue that they need to test the idea profitability before they start. Well some people agree and some disagree. I disagree personally. Simply because if you as a person needed something or facing a problem or a certain fear. Be certain that others feel that same way too.
If you are inventing something never done before this testing would do you little good. Ordinary people can't visualize your idea, so their replies would never give you an accurate answer. Example is when they invented the phone. People never imagined this would be possible and thought their lives are perfect. They invested the mobile phones and now people can't imagine how they lived without them and now they lives are perfect, now they can talk in the street! They invented the smart phones and now you are connected to your social network, your business and to everything.
Idea here is that people can't imagine things. You educate them to accept the new technology. As long as it makes their lives easier they would be more than happy to listen.
I heard that the late Steve Jobs, the legendary founder of Apple, didn't believe in market research. With his revolutionary ideas that redefined what technology is capable of. People were unable to keep up and give a clear thoughts about it.
YOU are the creator, Create and educate.

Article Source:

Creating Cash Money Blogs Was Never Easier - Blogging For Profit

Do people create cash money blogs? Yes, they do. The reason for this is that the market is not saturated yet, so there is a lot of money to be made by blogging. If you are reading this, there is a good chance you want to know how to start making money from blogging. Well, you're in luck, because it was never easier to do so.
First of all, you will need to know how to set up a blog. If you are a seasoned blog writer, then you already know how easy it is. For the newbies, all you have to do is create an account at WordPress or Blogger. From there, you are able to create thirty or even one hundred different blogs if you want to. Remember, the more blogs you have, the better your chance at making a steady stream of money. The great news about creating money blogs is that you don't have to know anything about Web Design and zilch about Programming. It is all done for you. All you have to do is enter the text and and links.
The next question you have to ask yourself is what do you want to write about? Let's to Fantasy Football for example. Say you know a lot about the ins and outs of how to get involved with Fantasy Football leagues. If you start a blog on it, people will instantly realize that you know what you are talking about. They will want more of the information that you are giving them. If you recommend a Fantasy Football membership website to them, a lot of them will be more than willing to try them out on your recommendation.
Long story short: If you gain the readers trust with the words in your blog, they will be foaming at the mouth to join that Fantasy Football membership site that you are promoting. They want the knowledge that you have and they are willing to pay to get that knowledge. Your job as a blogger is to write about what other people want to hear and tell them where they can get it. Whether you are promoting a product as an affiliate, or you are making money from Google Adsense, your readers will what more, and they will want it right now.
The market for money blogs is wide open and yours for the taking. If you have been blogging for years and not making a dime, it is time to change your ways. If you are a newbie that wants to start a cash money blog, now is the time for you to jump in.

Article Source:

Build a Profitable Website or Blog!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Blogging For Cash - 3 Essential Steps To Profitable Blogging

Within the past five years, the term 'blogging' has become extremely popular and a common household term. Surprisingly, this form of online journaling has been used by people of all ages, from grade school kids on up retirees or senior citizens. Since this has become a popular form of communication, many individuals are researching ways of blogging for cash. With that in mind, if you are interested in blogging for cash using your own blogging efforts, you may want to learn about these three blogging essentials that can make your blogs successful.
In order to be successful at blogging for cash , you have to take the time to gather information about what you have experienced and also what your audience will want to read about. Often, the most controversial blogs or the blogs that cause a stir are the ones that usually gather the most subscribers and advent readers. With that being said, it is important that you plan and plot your writing entries around "touchy" issues if you really want success in blogging for cash.
The second step , that is absolutely essential when blogging for cash, is to connect with a blogging website or service that draws a huge amount of traffic. When creating a profitable blog, you want to choose a service in which you can leverage their traffic for your benefit. It is apparent that if millions of individuals visit a particular blogging site and most of them surf around to read other entries, that it is a highly effective site to setup your blogging for cash.
Last but not least, you should take the time to contact other successful bloggers within your niche, to find out what they are doing to make a profitable blog. If you are serious about blogging for cash, it would not be good for you to continually make mistakes, which is why it is highly recommended to contact someone who is already an expert at blogging for cash. You can learn from their failures and also the steps they took to guarantee a profitable blog. If you take the time to follow all three of these blogging essentials, I can guarantee that you'll be blogging for cash with success, in no time.

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Blogging Success: 3 Keys to a Profitable Blog

You can turn a blog into an entire home business. Many people have already done so, and you've heard their success stories online. Most of them didn't reach their success overnight. They started exactly where you are.
Over the past 10 years I've created many blogs, and I found three keys to profitable blogging.
Here they are.
1. Keep Creating (Good) Content Which Gets Results
People reach your site by finding your content online, and this means that you need to create new material regularly. There's no way around this.
The good news is that if you create very specific content, in order to achieve a specific purpose, you can create set-and-forget blogs which will keep working for you long after you've created them.
I've been guilty of creating content just for the sake of it myself. However this strategy doesn't work. You need to create content which has a particular aim in mind and which gets the results you want.
2. Get Traffic: Keep It Simple
There's nothing complex about getting traffic. You can buy traffic, or you can get "organic" traffic from the search engines, social media sites, and other sites.
Ideally, you'll aim to get traffic from many sources. Create a plan which will enable you to get traffic you want, at the price you want to pay, and then constantly test your results.
3. Develop an Exit Strategy: the Money Is in the Sale
Your website is an online property, and as such you can sell it at any time. Commonly, you can get 10 to 15 times your monthly earnings. However, you can earn much more depending on the potential the site is showing.
If you create an exit strategy before you create a new site, the big benefit is that you know what you're aiming for. You know what your goals are, how much money you want to make, and that you can offer the site for sale as soon as your site nets enough income.
So there you have it. Three keys to a profitable blog. Put them into action, and you'll be pleased at the results.

Article Source:

How to Create a Profitable Online Business Idea?

Creating a profitable online business Idea! This is the very first thing any internet entrepreneur should focus on to successfully make money online.
This is the make it or break it factor to be successful online or offline. You may spend a lot of time, effort and money chasing the wrong idea. This step is the most important step. Frankly there is no right or wrong way to brainstorm ideas, there are only best practices, common sense and of course some luck. Below I will present the best practises on how to develop profitable business ideas based on my own experience and the world best entrepreneurs. Now fast forward to the good stuff.
Create a profitable online business idea by inventing something new
This is rarest and the hardest of them all. Like Thomas Edison who developed many devices that greatly influenced our lives. From the motion picture camera to the long lasting electric light bulb.
If you can picture a certain product or service that would make people lives' easier, then you are on business.
• Tim Ferris Did this. The Author of the world phenomenon "The Four Hour Work Week" Where he preached to live an awesome lifestyle while putting your business on autopilot! He is a master hacker and he managed to outsource his life and his business very cheaply. He has built a huge passionate follow who are ready to help him sell or promote his products and he gives them his mind, body and soul. He gives presents, free info and help as much as he can. His blog went to rank around 6000 most visited website -among millions- in SIX MONTHS!! If you have something special, unique and awesome please do it.
Create a profitable online business idea by fulfilling a personal need
If you needs a product or a service, be certain that there are other people who are searching for a solution for that exact same problem.
Personally when I was a project manager at one of the biggest engineering firms. I had to self-study every single day and night to be able to compete and sustain my edge at that level and to deliver projects on time, under budget and at the highest quality standards. Self-learning was not easy and taking courses and workshops were both time and money consuming.
• My first online business was an E-learning hub for professionals. filled with articles, audio and video training and discussion boards. I added more value by giving them assignments and research work to further solidify the learning experience and make it as practical and as close to real life as possible. I developed it further and created a membership area for different niches like: Project Management Professionals and Marketing professionals... etc. Professionals would post their most urgent questions and problems and collaborate with other on how to solve them. They would share their experience in their current projects pointing positives and well as negatives. And exploring alternative ways and solutions to try at their next project.
As you can see I took a simple E-learning portal and turned it into a thriving community filled with passionate professionals who are sharing their ideas, experiences and recommendation. They sat goals and worked hard to achieve them. And we congratulated each other for the completion of our goals.
We were such a beautiful little community.
Do you have a current need? Write it down. It maybe your next big thing.
Create a profitable online business idea by making people lives EASIER
We are in love with the easy way. We go to Google to find a quick answer and we ask a friend for a recommendation.
We want the easiest and the shortest route to our goals.
If you can develop an idea to make people lives easier! They will love you for that.
• Google made our lives easier and now we can find exactly what we need in a blink of an eye. And they are going that extra mile every single day from local search, blog search, Scholar search, image search, movie search, news search and every other kind of search you can think of.
• Mint Made our lives easier in terms of managing our personal finances. They develop free and premium software to help people control and manage their budgets more efficiently. They were one of the fastest growing companies in the world and they were featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Money magazine as the best tool to manage your personal finances.
• Aweber when CEO and Founder Tom Kulzer was a sales leader for a computer hardware firm in mid 90′s he noticed that leads were falling due to lack of proper follow up from the sales agents. He went on his way and started Aweber the best email marketing solution I have ever used and the number one in the scene right now.
Create a profitable online business idea by upgrading a current idea and make it better
Not everyone has the vision to spot a growing trend or a specific need. So it's easier to develop and upgrade a current business idea and make it better than the original one.
• Google did this. When they witnessed that search engines were merely displaying search with no clear standards. They developed a search engine that displays results based on user preferences and history by exploiting cookies. Try to search for any term and make your a friend search for the exact same term with different computer and you would find different results as Google scans your history and browsing behaviour by a very complex Algorithm and displays the most relevant results for you. They grew and became the number one search engine and the number one website on the internet today.
• Tumblr did this. When 21 years old David Karp saw the growing interest in Twitter and Blogs. He combined the best of both worlds. Many people loved to share on Twitter but the 140 characters and the limitations were an issue for some. Others wanted a platform to express themselves freely but Blogs were too technical or too serious for them. The young genius made it and established Tumblr where you can share easily like Twitter but with the powerful features that Blogs only have. Tumblr now is the 35 most visited website on the internet today. And the future looks awesome.
Create a profitable online business idea by offering unbelievable service
Sometimes we can't figure out a new business idea or an upgrade to a current business model. Well the best thing to do is to choose a business model you like. Study it and differentiate yourself not by lowering prices -I am totally against this strategy btw- But by offering unbelievably good service.
• Zappos Did it. They started by offering great shoes for sales on their website like the hundreds of thousands of other websites. But they took the customer service to limits never seen before. They would occasionally send you flowers or a present or a voucher at your birthday. They may send your products by speed delivery at no additional costs to you and you would be happily surprised. Their customer service would speak with you on the phone as long as you need explaining every detail over and over. Actually there is a documented phone call that lasted for 8 hours! This is how far they took it. The Result? Now they are making over a billion dollar in sales each year! They are the biggest shoes retailer! And their huge customer base do all the promotion and advertising work for them because they were happy and impressed.
Create a profitable online business idea by entering a very specific niche
A niche is a group of people sharing a specific interest, hobby or career. You can take a large business idea and break it down to it's niche components, study each one and build a business around one niche.
• LinkedIn Is the largest professional social network in the world. They took the Facebook concept and simplified things. They didn't need millions of teens, housewives and TV stars. They chose professionals and entrepreneurs and they built a website specifically designed to serve them.
• Pat Flynn who is one of my favourite bloggers of all time did this when he first started with his LEED exam training website -It's a certificate in the Architecture world- He targeted Architectures who want to take the exam and built the best study guides to help them understand the materials and pass the exam. He passed the exam himself first so he knew what does it take to pass it. Result was over 200.000 USD in gross sales in his first year and he is doing much better since then with his awesome SPI blog.
You can do this. Analysis the big businesses and break them down. Find what would be an interest for you and build a website around it. As an example I may consider analysing LinkedIn itself and see the small components inside. Well you may start a "young professional social network" or an "Executive level social network" or "project managers social network" Decide first. Brainstorm how can you provide an awesome fulfilling experience for your audience and then build a website to do this and more.
Create a profitable online business idea based on your passions and fears
Same concept here. If you are passionate about something. There is a good chance that others are in love with it too. If you are totally scared about something you may research and learn to figure a solution and build a website offering that solution. Or simply a website that offers some sort of support group for whoever suffering from that fear. Trust me it works.
Write down your passions, what you love to read about, listen to, or watch. Your dreams maybe? Or maybe your fears! Write them down. Then rewrite them again. Pin them and look at them everyday. Add or delete. I assure you would find something interesting.
Example: I love racing games! I may go and build a need for speed fans website offering latest news and game hacks. I may then offer a simple eBook selling my very best tricks to beat the boss in the game! Figure yours it maybe as simple as that.
I hate bugs! I completely hate it specially ants. I may build a website and post my latest solutions to get rid of them! Organic solutions maybe! Then present them in an ebook.
I love working out! I am a 14 years athlete and I practised everything. I DID start a website based on how to lose weight for the business professionals. I offered straight forward advice for people who can't afford sever dieting or hours of training. And it worked out NICELY!
Create a profitable online business idea by being weird!
Yes this is not a typo. Although this is not my thing but some people are flooding their bank account with this
• Tucker Max Ps: Please note that his stories are NOT for everyone. They are uncomfortable for many. Please don't read on his blog if you are easily offended. He is a playa and he wanted to document his adventures in a book. Well every publishing house refused to publish it. He didn't give up and he built a website and published his stories for free so everyone can sees them. Within few months and with smart marketing his traffic went over the roof This captured the publishers attention and they contacted him offering generous contracts to publish what it seems to be unrealistically popular stories. He did it.
• Million Dollar Homepage If you have ever asked me if setting a website and inviting people to give you money just for putting their logo in a homepage! I would say this will never work! Where is the added value? Well I am wrong this home page collected payments to put brands on the home page "to own a piece of the internet"
Other ways to create a profitable online business idea
If your creativity let you down. Here are some other ways to earn an income by starting an online business.
• Website flipping: Similar to real estate. You build a website. Add content. Attract visitors and offer it for sale on website like Flippa.
• Web hosting reseller: With a fixed monthly fee you can start selling web hosting service. This can be a profitable business model If you can attract lot of traffic. Will cover this in future articles
• Review website: Review anything that you are interested in. And offer some Affiliate links. You earn commissions on sales made by your links. Will cover how to be a super affiliate in a future article.
• Content writing: If you are a good writer, set up a website and offer your services. You may join Elance or Odesk People are in a constant need for good writers
This is the only article you would need to find about your big idea! There is not right or wrong way. As you saw some unrealistic businesses made money. You will never know unless you try. Please stop reading about how to generate profitable ideas for your internet business and start doing what I have told you above.
Just grape a pen and a paper -No laptop please- and go through each method described above from inventing something to upgrading a current business idea to embrace your passions and fears or targeting a very specific niche.
Go through each one, brainstorm each one. Write it down. Pin it. Visualise it and you would find your answer. Sooner or later and this is my promise to you.
Some people would argue that they need to test the idea profitability before they start. Well some people agree and some disagree. I disagree personally. Simply because if you as a person needed something or facing a problem or a certain fear. Be certain that others feel that same way too.
If you are inventing something never done before this testing would do you little good. Ordinary people can't visualize your idea, so their replies would never give you an accurate answer. Example is when they invented the phone. People never imagined this would be possible and thought their lives are perfect. They invested the mobile phones and now people can't imagine how they lived without them and now they lives are perfect, now they can talk in the street! They invented the smart phones and now you are connected to your social network, your business and to everything.
Idea here is that people can't imagine things. You educate them to accept the new technology. As long as it makes their lives easier they would be more than happy to listen.
I heard that the late Steve Jobs, the legendary founder of Apple, didn't believe in market research. With his revolutionary ideas that redefined what technology is capable of. People were unable to keep up and give a clear thoughts about it.
YOU are the creator, Create and educate.

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Profitable Blogging Secrets

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Blog - Five Easy Blogging Tips For a Profitable Blog

Creating a blog is an easy way to get started making money online. However, as with any business, you need to keep your eye on your blog's profitability. If you're new to blogging, these five tips will help you to make money with your blog.
1. Set blog goals
Ideally, you should set your blog's goals before you create your blog. If you set your goals first, you will be able to estimate the potential traffic you can attract to your blog, and therefore the amount of income you're likely to make.
So before you create your blog, write down:
* Your blog's topic (for example: digital photography, or diet tips, or whatever topic you'd like to create a blog about);
* Use keyword research tools to discover how many people are searching for your blog's topic online each day:
If there are fewer than 100 searches, look for another topic. Don't shy away from topics which have lots of competition online - lots of competition means that there's a lot of interest, and a lot of traffic too. So if your topic has 5000 search a day, and millions of Web pages, go ahead and create your blog.
* Decide how you will make money from your blog. Will you sell advertising space? Sell products? Make a list of revenue streams for your blog;
* Estimate the income your blog will make in your first, second, third and fifth years. Yes, this is mainly guesswork, however it will motivate you to keep blogging when you see your blog's potential.
If you're completely new to blogging, and have no idea how to set your blog's goals, then get a blogging mentor, or ask questions at forums. Your blog has the potential to make a great income for you, if you treat your blogging as a real business.
Now you've set some goals for your blog, set up your blog and start blogging.
2. Diversify your blog revenue
In your first year of blogging, focus on creating content for your blog, and experiment with various forms of income. There's always a new income-generator coming out, so test out as many forms of revenue as you can.
3. Concentrate on content - make it useful
The bigger your blog, the more traffic you'll get from the search engines, and the more readers you'll attract. Therefore, concentrate on creating good content for your blog. All the time you spend on content will be rewarded.
4. Remember to use keywords in your posts
Once your blog's a few months old, the search engines will start sending you traffic. Keep that traffic coming by writing posts which include keywords, but don't go overboard. If you keep writing, you'll attract many "long tail" searchers.
5. Publicize your blog
Once your blog's making some income, set aside a portion of that income to promote your blog. There are many ways in which you can advertise your blog; again, experiment to see which forms of advertising work best for you.
Watch for other bloggers' advertising, and if you can see that bloggers are advertising in a particular area month after month, you can be sure that it's profitable for them, and will perhaps be profitable for you, too.

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How To Create A Highly-Profitable Blogging Business In 1 Hour Or Less

If you can write coherent sentences, then you can create a profitable blogging business. Creating a blog is so easy these days that almost everyone is doing it. Some create blogs to keep a dairy of interesting happenings, while some entrepreneurs have created blogs and created quite an empire to make money from.
Since we are short on time, let's get straight into creating a blogging business. First, you need to decide on the topic or niche of your blog. A good place to help you decide on the topic of your blog is Take a peek at the best sellers list and see which topics are hot. Then choose one which interests you. Remember, you are building a business here. You must create something that others are interested in as well.
Next, set up your blog at either Blogger or Wordpress. Wordpress has more customization options but Blogger is easier to get to grips with. If this is the first blog you are creating, I suggest going with Blogger.
Now you need some content for your blog. You can grab content from article directories like and use them on your blog, provided you leave the resource box intact. Doing this, you can have pages of content within minutes.
Your blog is almost complete. Now you need to monetize it! There are two main ways to monetize a blog - through Google AdSense and affiliate programs. Go to and register to get ads up on your site. You get paid whenever someone clicks on these ads! Affiliate programs allow you to promote products for a nice cut of the fee. and are two places for you to find products to promote.

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Blogging For Cash - 3 Essential Steps To Profitable Blogging

Within the past five years, the term 'blogging' has become extremely popular and a common household term. Surprisingly, this form of online journaling has been used by people of all ages, from grade school kids on up retirees or senior citizens. Since this has become a popular form of communication, many individuals are researching ways of blogging for cash. With that in mind, if you are interested in blogging for cash using your own blogging efforts, you may want to learn about these three blogging essentials that can make your blogs successful.
In order to be successful at blogging for cash , you have to take the time to gather information about what you have experienced and also what your audience will want to read about. Often, the most controversial blogs or the blogs that cause a stir are the ones that usually gather the most subscribers and advent readers. With that being said, it is important that you plan and plot your writing entries around "touchy" issues if you really want success in blogging for cash.
The second step , that is absolutely essential when blogging for cash, is to connect with a blogging website or service that draws a huge amount of traffic. When creating a profitable blog, you want to choose a service in which you can leverage their traffic for your benefit. It is apparent that if millions of individuals visit a particular blogging site and most of them surf around to read other entries, that it is a highly effective site to setup your blogging for cash.
Last but not least, you should take the time to contact other successful bloggers within your niche, to find out what they are doing to make a profitable blog. If you are serious about blogging for cash, it would not be good for you to continually make mistakes, which is why it is highly recommended to contact someone who is already an expert at blogging for cash. You can learn from their failures and also the steps they took to guarantee a profitable blog. If you take the time to follow all three of these blogging essentials, I can guarantee that you'll be blogging for cash with success, in no time.

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How To Build A Profitable Brand Through Blogging

Monday, 27 May 2013

The ABCs of Profitable Blogging - How to Get Started and Make Your First Dollar

If you are confused about how to start a blog, this article will help you do that step by step. But why one dollar? That is what separates the hobbyists from professionals. Once you've earned your first dollar, you know that this method works. The only thing you need to do is to multiply your effort.
1. Pick a niche market
Less is more when it comes to niche marketing. You really want to zero in on a niche market. When you blog for that market, people are going to relate to the topic better than if you give generic information.
Every blogger needs to understand this. While in a brick and mortar world, you have to make sure the local market is big enough to support a business, online the situation is much difference. Even an obscure niche may have a lot of audience because you are targeting global market.
2. Write solid information
People are overwhelmed with information nowadays. They don't need more information. What they need is quality information. Be the best in the niche and give solid content. People will notice and you can get your blog off the ground that way.
Be among the best so your audience still chooses you. Be unique so you can separate yourself from the crowd.
3. Write often
Your readers are going to come back for more if they like your content. Give it to them regularly or they will lose interest soon.
This is different from one market to another. In a market in which the audience always demand for more, a few posts per day may be the right number. In other niches, posting once a week is more than enough. You have to figure out what's right for your blog.
4. Promote
Even though you can do fine if you have solid content, you want to promote to accelerate the growth of your blog. Have more people enjoy your blog. Build huge followers and audience.
Nowadays with so many blogs and so little time, promotion is no longer optional. You should integrate it as part of your blog strategy. It can be social media, search engine optimization or even media buying.
The interaction and relationship that you build will help you set direction about where you should lead your blog.
Later you can create a product to sell to the readers. Once you have the audience, earning your first dollar can be as simple as partnering with ad networks such as AdSense and put those ads on your blog.

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7 Tips to Create a Successful Blog

Have you ever thought of earning money doing the very thing you love? Individuals literally make thousands of dollars from sharing information with their readers. Christian Lander started a blog in January 2008 called The aim of the blog was to humor the readers about the unusual behaviors of city dwelling white people. The site was so successful that it attracted 15 million visitors in two months alone. This achievement earned Christian a book deal worth $300,000.
The story of Christian and many other successful bloggers are meant to encourage us that anything is possible. If you have a voice yearning to be heard then a blog would be the cheapest and most affordable avenue to articulate your thoughts into words. I will share with you seven tips to successfully start and maintain a successful blog that will eventually become profitable.
The first step is to determine the niche you would like to write about. Ensure you are well vast with the subject matter in order to convince your readers to subscribe to your blog. It's easier to write about a subject you know because you will be in a position to advise your readers on the subject at hand.
Secondly, determine which blogging platform will carry your message. There are several blogging platforms online and most of them are free. Do not launch your blog until you have established all the components are incorporated and working properly e.g. Twitter, RSS feeds e.t.c.
Thirdly, be consistent. It is highly important to commit to your readers by always posting fresh articles on a continuous basis. The readers who have subscribed to your blog are expecting that you fulfill your promise by giving them what they want. Posting articles frequently will also give your blog good rankings on Google search results.
Fourthly, it is highly important that you do not leave your audience hanging. When your readers post comments on your blog, it is considered polite to always respond to their queries. Do not leave them stranded.
Fifth, keep your readers fascinated and interested. Do something unique or out of the ordinary e.g. Challenge your readers to a writing competition, let them post funny photo of themselves e.t.c. Your blog should be as interactive as possible to encourage your readers to recruit new members to your blog.
Sixth, it takes months if not years to start winning people to your blog. Do not give up if you don't see results in the first few weeks of blogging. Let your main objective be fun when you are blogging. Remember your blog is among many blogs in the vast sea of the internet. It will take a bit of time before your readers start engaging in your blog.
Lastly, your readers should not scroll down your blog. Position your conclusion at the beginning of your blog to bait your readers to read through your whole blog post. Once they have read through your entire blog they will be in a better position to comment on your blog and share the contents on social media. This free marketing is exactly what you are targeting to popularize your blog.
Carolyne Mwangi is an professional in the field of internet marketing. I have been practicing marketing for seven years and my articles are geared towards educating and informing readers on various online marketing components that once practiced will go a long way towards increasing their income online.

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Profitable Blogging - Uncover 3 Big Methods to Make Money With Blogging

While a web blog is primarily used for discussion, it can also generate income. One can use several methods to earn capital via blogging. Here are a few:
1. Articles. It is common knowledge that huge search engines, such as Yahoo! and Google, give websites higher rankings if numerous links are directed to that web site. The assumption is that the greater the number of links that point to the website, the more significant the site is. One solution is for webmasters to create articles, which other webmasters are permitted to display on their site. In this case, no charges exist, but links back to the article's author are required. You should also have your articles listed in the primary article directories for gratis content.
2. Banner exchanges. This is an Internet advertising network. In "banner exchanges," or "banner swap networks," typically you are required to show members' banners on your personal website, and upload your personal banner as well. For every two occasions that you display an exchange banner, your banner will be revealed one time at the website of another member of the banner exchange. Select banner exchanges also provide a "click exchange," where credit is provided when a web-surfer actually clicks on the ad.
3. Traffic exchange. Differing from banner exchanges, traffic exchanges are a relatively new concept. In traffic exchanges, a huge cluster of website possessors consent to visit the websites of the other group members. For every member's website that you visit, a different website owner of the group will in turn visit your website. Particular exchanges reward you with several credits for every website that you visit. You can also earn credits for every person who you recommend the traffic exchange to.

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Profitable Blog Posts

Friday, 24 May 2013

Profitable Blogging - 3 Keys to Create More Money in Blogging

In the past few years the use of social media has become common in the online world. The number of web sites is increasing day by day. The level of competition amongst the web sites is growing. In this situation it is not possible for the new web sites to survive the competition without properly promoting the business. The web marketers use all possible ways to promote their web sites. Use of social media is becoming common in the online marketing world. The blogs are one example of this fact.
Many web sites use blogs as a source of attracting the web traffic towards them. If you search the web for blogs you will find that the blogs exist about every possible subject on the internet. Blogging is not only an activity which is being done by the internet marketers to promote themselves, it also is an activity which helps the web sites in making lots of money. Blogging is being done commercially by many. There are many people who work as online copywriters and are experts in blog writing. This field is paying well to many people.
If you want to have a successful blog, you need to understand few key factors. First of all you need to know the reason to use the blog. If you want to promote your web site you will need to get the content in the blog accordingly. If you want to make money through selling the space on your blog to others who want to promote their web sites through your blog, you can earn a lot through this activity. Another key is to use really high quality content in the blogs. Your blog will help you indirectly by increasing the web traffic flow.

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The Trappings of a Profitable Blog

There are many ways to turn a traditional blog into a money making opportunity. The simplest and most common money makers for bloggers are advertising and syndication. But it's not necessarily as simple as cut and paste. There are many different forms of each and it is important not only to review your options as they come, it is also important to understand the fundamentals behind your blog and your readership.
Advertising on blogs is the simplest and usually the first step anyone can and should make when turning a blog into an income generator. When doing this it is important to keep in mind that your blog is all about the content, not the advertisements. You can't turn your entire blog into an advertisement. You will alienate your readership and kill any hope of gaining revenue from that blog.
There are several options to consider when thinking about blog advertising. The first is to determine what type of advertising you want to share. Do you want to advertise your own products? Do you want to share information and ads from affiliate programs you belong to? Do you want to sell ad space on your blog? Once you know what type of ads you will be posting, consider where on your blog you will post them.
Posting an Ad on your blog can be done in one of two ways. The first is to create a separate page for advertisements and update this page frequently. With this option anyone who views your blog through an RSS reader will not see the ads you post. Ads on a page are only seen when someone physically visits your blog. The second option is to post an ad the same way you would post a message on your blog. With this option you are certain that the ad goes out to anyone who views your blog. The downside is that the more often you post the lower in the posting history that ad appears. It is possible to both post an ad on a page and post a that same ad on an Advertisement page on the same blog. Doing this ensures everyone can see the ad and you can potentially earn more from that ad, but it will take twice as long to perform.
Before you go through the process of signing up for affiliate programs or soliciting for ads, be sure to read the rules and bylaws of your blogging platform. Some platforms, such as WordPress, restrict the type of ads you can place within your blog as well as the types of outside code they will support.
Syndication for a blog occurs when an outside entity pays you, the owner, for the content within your blog. This is usually for both current and future content. How much you are paid and the length of the contract varies from contract to contract. Though you can solicit such contracts, in general those who are seeking the type of articles/posts your blog contains will find you when they are ready to begin contract negotiations.
Syndication takes time. Those who buy blog content (and in effect the blogger) look for consistency, style, and content type when choosing whom to contract with. The longer you blog and the more consistent you are with your blogging the more likely it is that your blog will be syndicated.

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