Thursday, 9 May 2013

Profit Blog, Starting Out - How to Make Money Online Even If You're Broke

If you want to make money on the internet with a blog and are currently broke, you can still make money, and in a fairly short time. The following is a plan to get you started. Once you start making money, the next best move is to get a good tutorial package to ease you into making fast cash with your own blog. A good tutorial will get you making money right away with your blog in the fastest and easiest way possible.
How to get started without needing any money whatsoever:
Get a free account at Geocities and sign up for one of their free websites. The disadvantage to getting a free website is you have an address that reads [] site name, which are not really picked up by the search engines. To be recognized by the search engines, you really need a primary domain address such as [] or .org.
You can still make money using this plan, but when you get to the point where you can create and use an actual blog with a primary domain name, that combination has inherent characteristics to draw traffic on its own.
Put up a Geocities website using the tutorial they supply along the way to make it easier for you. Learning how to construct a Geocities site can benefit you in the future when you need to put up a site quickly for various projects you may want to get rolling in a hurry.
Go to Clickbank or Commission Junction or any of the sites offering affiliate products and select a product you'd like to promote. Make sure it is a digital product so you don't have to get involved in the shipping aspect for now.
Sign up as an affiliate and try to pick a fairly good seller (the sales figures will be available) with a high commission - 50% or better is a good choice. Create the presentation for your product on your Geocities site - one page is fine. Most of the products you can select (particularly on Clickbank) will provide you with marketing materials and you will need your assigned link (also provided with your affiliate sign-up) for your visitors to click on so you get credit for the sale.
Submit articles on the topic of your product, but not a sales article, to two article submission sites per article and you have the opportunity to put your website link in the bio box the article submission site provides you.
It's very important that you not make your article a sales pitch. If your product is say a skin product, you can write an article on different ways to achieve smooth, clear skin without mentioning your product. Then in the bio box you can put something like "Here is a great product to improve your skin. To read more, visit us at" and list your website address.
Your articles will drive traffic to your site and generate your sales.
This is a good way to start with a zero investment, because after you start making money with your Geocities site, you can put that money into the tools you need to start your new blog and get started on your new profit blogging campaign, which will have you making a lot more money and much, much faster.

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