Blogging is a great way to get your content in front of your prospects and followers, and to increase your profits. Now if you are one of those folks who still believe you should not try to profit from your blog, just do us both a favor, stop reading this article now, and just go back to doing whatever it is you do on your blog.
But if you are interested in profiting from your blogging, read on, because I've got some good stuff for you.
3 Profit Pulling Blog Post Tips
Blog Post Tip #1 - Lose the Lousy Headlines - I want to invite you to imagine something with me. Think back to the most boring class you ever had in school. You know the one that made you want to run for your life at the thought of sitting there for another hour.
OK come back to now (that class is over for good) and let me ask you something: Why would you ever create a blog post title that was as equally boring as that class?
For example, this article could have come at you with the title "3 Important Points for Better Blogging." And you probably would not be here reading...
Instead the title is "Profitable Blog Posts - 3 Quick Tips for Pulling More Profits from Your Blog Posts (As You Deserve)."
That is not by accident. Just as it is not by accident that you are reading this article.
Blog Post Tip #2 - Have Fun With It and Make It Fun - Blog about things that you care about and with which you can have some fun. The more fun you have with your blog post the more fun your reader will have.
Consider the teachers in school or later speakers who you really like to listen to. Don't they have the ability to make almost any subject fun
Why not do the same exact thing with your blogging? The extra benefit here is that not only is it more fun, your make more money this way too.
Blog Post Tip #3 - Ask for an Action - Don't just leave your reader hanging, ask them to do something. Of course this can be a call to action for an offer, nothing wrong with that all. And there is so much more you can do. Instead of just asking them to comment (ZZZZ) ask them to take the next success step and download something that will help them achieve their goals. Ask a question and invite their answers.
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