If you are to start a blog to profit from it, you can cut the learning curve and succeed faster if you follow the steps given in this article. I struggled for years before I came up with these. Now you can benefit from them.
One thing before I get started though. These steps work. If you are finding a key to help you success overnight, it doesn't exist. What lacks from the equation is your willingness to go out and actually do it.
1. Zero in on a target market
Don't go everywhere at the same time. The Internet is a big place even for the most obscure niche, if only you know how to reach the target market. Less is more when it comes to niche marketing. You will get results faster if you focus on one thing at a time.
Many beginners to start in 100 niches at the same time, thinking that if they make $100 from a niche, that sums up to $10K. In ideal world, it works like that, but reality is much different. You are going to work much harder and gain knowledge about everything in 100 niches.
2. Develop a strategy
How are you going to reach the readers? What will you provide? Writing quality blog posts may be the answer to the latter, but you must think how to promote the content to attract the right audience.
3. Promote
Just because you build it doesn't mean they will come. You need to promote and make your blog visible to the audience. This is a continuous effort, especially if you are just getting started.
4. Build relationship
A blog is a place to engage the readers and make them come for more. Don't develop a strategy so they arrive from search engine, read one article, click on an ad and go away forever.
You want to capture the readers for as long you as can and make them lifetime customers. That should be you goal.
5. Create or recommend products or services
Don't get me wrong. Selling ad space can be very lucrative. You don't have to maintain any ad inventory if you partner up with ad networks like Google AdSense. However, you want to go beyond that to diversify and add your revenue stream.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5601396
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