I have in the past written articles about setting up a successful blog and now I want to focus more on the idea of writing a successful blog POST. The posts are really the important part of the blog anyway because you can have the greatest looking blog in the world but if the content stinks it's not going to do you any favors. So here are a few tips that I wanted to give you on creating really good, fun, successful blog posts.
1. Keep it personal
A successful blog should be about YOU, your business and your personality. Never forget that. People should be able to get a sense for who you really are when they read your blog.
2. Keep it visual
Pictures are great for adding spice to your blog. People like pictures and it helps from making your blog look like one big block of text. I mean if you're going to talk about your vacation to Hawaii why not include pictures to make your blog post really stand out. Pictures will do more for your blog post than you could ever imagine!
3. Keep it helpful
Talking about yourself and your life is important and it's something that I feel most people don't do enough of. However, at the end of the day people really want to know what's in it for them. So you have to give them some information that will be helpful to them in their business. If you can do that your readers will keep coming back. Be as helpful as you can and give out great tips even if they are tips you'd like to keep to yourself, give them out anyway!
4. Keep it fresh
All of your blog posts should not all sound the same. You want your blog to be a place where people can't wait to check out. So make sure that you have a good mix of blog posts on your blog. Some more personal in nature and some more helpful. Some should be a bit more formal while others should just be you pouring your heart out. The point is make it so that when people open your blog they never know what to expect. Always keep it fresh!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3853145
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