Monday, 13 May 2013

How to Create High Profit Products That Sell Like Crazy

You didn't go into Internet marketing to play online. You decided to go into business for yourself to make money, which is the same thing I did. I decided to tap into millions that can be made online. I'm going to reveal to you, how to create high-profit products that are going to sell like water in a dessert.
Offer High-End Infoproducts
It is my hope that you have taken the time to know your products and services. Hopefully, you have even taken the steps to establish yourself as an "expert" in your field. If not, hopefully you have made connections with other "experts" in the field that have provided you with valuable information. If the information is valuable to you, imagine what it would be to a newbie that is looking to improve and enhance his business.
With all the knowledge you have, you need to be creating high-end infoproducts. Not to worry, people will pay for it if they truly believe it is going to help them. I know a fellow Internet marketer who creates infoproducts all the time. The problem is that he only charges $9.97 for them because he seems to think people will not pay more. Honestly, if I come across a product that is going to streamline my business and enhance what I'm doing to generate more profit, I would be willing to pay more than $9.97.
High-end infoproducts include one-on-one coaching, webinars, seminars and other advanced coaching programs.
Create a "Problem Solving" eBook or Report
This is one of my favorite products to make. Let's say you have already created an infoproduct in MP3 format. This is where the eBook comes in. You take the MP3 and turn it into an eBook by using a transcription service from eScriptionist.
If you really want to take it to the next level, address a problem and then guide them step-by-step how to solve that problem all within your eBook. People are always looking for answers to their problems. If you've encountered a particular problem and solved it, chances are someone else out there has that same problem and is willing to pay you a very nice price to help them solve that problem.
Sell Video Products
Videos are overlooked by many people. They have the misconception that videos are difficult to make. The fact is that you don't have to outsource this project. You can do it yourself by using a screen capturing software like Camtasia Studio. The hefty price may be a little expensive for some, but the return on investment you get out of it is priceless. It is similar to making a PowerPoint presentation.
Videos are great when it comes to Internet marketing. If you're an expert in the marketing field, you can show people how to set you their landing page, affiliate programs and so on. If you're a professional blogger, you can show them step-by-step how to install a blog, write great content, and get massive traffic to their new blog. Some people are kinetic learners, i.e., they learn by watching or seeing the process in action. Not everyone likes to read or sit and listen to someone talk.

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