If you are beginner to online marketing, you have probably encountered problems such as getting your site into the mainstream. You are maybe tried to find for ways on how you can drive a big amount of traffic to your site. As you probably know already, list building is the heart of internet marketing. Traffic bring new faces to check your offer and that's why your list is the most important way to promote your own or affiliate products. There are many mistakes what beginners can make when they start to build their lists. Here is listed the top 5 list building mistakes.
1. Not using a professional autoresponder
One of the most important steps you'll ever take as an email marketer is to choose power your mailing lists by establishing an account with a professional autoresponder provider. The autoresponder 'automates' your follow-up email marketing series and broadcast messages to your list. I'm using list building all of my sites and I've automated my list building by using Aweber.
2. Ugly or boring looking squeeze page
A successful email marketing campaign begins with a well-constructed squeeze page. Your squeeze page is the front door into your email marketing system. The 'squeeze page' captures your leads and failing to convert visitors into subscribers, will make you struggle to build your lists. So it's very important step to make your squeeze page clean and simple. To make the best use of your traffic, send your visitors to a web page where stands only your headline, some bullet points, and your opt-in form.
3. Aggressive marketing of products
First product what you promote to your subscribers should be free 'giveaway'. It's very important to build first good relationship with all those people on your list. Even second offer could be free report, video or eBook. After they start to know you as their 'friend', they most likely will stay on your list and buy your products.
But it's good to remember that your customers are not stupid and they will notice your habits. If they discover that the only time you contacting them is when you want to sell or promote something, you will fast destroy any trust and credibility that you may have earned from your previous communication. Give them free stuff once and a while and you'll keep them more satisfied.
4. Failing deliver quality content
When you deliver your free or paid products, you have to offer high quality content as free tools, resources and material that is helpful and well received. Once you have done hard work to getting people to your list, you have to focus to give them a solid, high quality content with all promotional emails you send out. If you send some old garbage, your customers will definitely walk away. Think if your email truly offers value and is written so that it genuinely benefits your subscriber base. When you have build a solid relationship and brand with your subscribers, you'll get a responsive and loyal customer base.
5. Failing to segment your list
Get your list segmented does more than double your chances of having your emails delivered successfully. List segmenting will also help you effectively communicate and target specific subscribers, increasing response rate and helping you create successful broadcasts. For example, if you developed a mailing list to the "dog training" crowd, it's likely that your subscribers are currently at different levels of their dog training or are only interested in some of the new training methods.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5589114
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