Tuesday, 15 July 2014

List Build in Record Time Using This Simple Strategy!

It is probably the single most important piece of advice anyone could give a beginner - you must list build. Until such time as you have a good sized list you cannot hope to earn a decent residual income online. However, list building is not difficult if you do it this way...
In order to build up a list of subscribers you need visitors to your website or squeeze page to give you their names and email addresses. The very best way to encourage them to do this is to offer them something which over-rides their natural reluctance to part with their details - an offer they just cannot refuse!
So what can you offer them? How about one of the following:
- A good quality free eBook or Report - if you don't have a product of your own you might consider buying the rights to someone else's product.
- If you have written an eBook that you want to sell - how about offering the first chapter free as a teaser? If it is good quality they'll come back looking for more...
- A Newsletter - people like to read and learn in installments. The prospect of reading a short newsletter is a lot less daunting than a longer report/ebook.
- An audio product or even a video - this will also go a long way towards establishing a relationship with your subscribers.
You can also offer any of the above in Joint Venture Giveaways to help list build. Or run free ads in places like Craig's List.
Knowing how to build a list involves a variety of little skills - none of which are particularly difficult.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3184041

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