Monday, 21 July 2014

Internet Marketing for Beginners: The Overwhelming Truth

Internet marketing for beginners can be so overwhelming! After venturing for three years in this business, I'm still finding new ways to market... and as soon as you think you've figured out a great marketing method, it changes!
The reasons behind this actually make sense. Suppose you watched a webinar which gave you access to a capture page that converts into leads at 35%, and converts into sales at 5%. By the way, those are awesome statistics! Just think about it... 1000 clicks could grant you 350 leads which would bring in 17 sales!
So you decide to buy the system that provides this cool capture page. But then so does everyone else - and this system has over 100,000 members!
So now you have every Tom, Dick and Charlie out there on the internet throwing their material to this same capture page. Now, let's assume it's you on the other end. You see an ad on Facebook and it leads to a capture page.
But wait... now you're reading this article and it leads to the same capture page! What are the odds you'll be entering in your name and email address? Do you think you might be hesitant because it could be scam?
Hence, this is the problem with internet marketing. Most of us (me included) would love to see some sort of system that works now, tomorrow, and the next day. But it's not like that. You have to keep on trying new things, because the market is always changing. As the saying goes, "the only thing you really can count on is change"! I just heard this morning that only 70% of people who venture into internet marketing can become successful.
Actually, this is such a bad statistic, given the fact that the vast majority of people simply don't try. The key is to follow directions and to be persistent at what you're doing. That's it.
So then, what's the best strategy for internet marketing for beginners?
I've watched webinars that teach you how to market on Facebook, and some people are extremely successful at it... although most are not. When writing "ad copy" or finding the right words to lure people into your capture page, it's best to find a way to connect on an emotional level.
This is why you'll find people who succeed in spite of a handicap skyrocketing to the top so fast because their story really brings in a lot of interested people who want to find out more!
But there's a knack to that kind of marketing, and it usually has to do with trial and error - which means wasting a lot of money (or as the professionals say, "investing a lot of money" to learn what works.
But what about free marketing strategies?
That's what I've been working on over the past two years, and I can tell you that there's not only a learning curve, but it's a very slow way to getting leads. Even at the above conversion rate, if you get two leads day from blogging, then it would take roughly a month to make one sale!
Of course, the way I look at it, with every blog you write or video you record, you're becoming a better marketer and evolving into a better person - and it doesn't cost you anything. And in the meantime, you can enjoy receiving about one sale every month.

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