There is no shortage of people telling you that you can make money online. They will tell you to do it this way, that way or the other way. But very few take the time to tell you about the skill which will provide a secure foundation for your online business - how to list build. Let me explain what a list is, why you need one and how to build one...
A List is basically a list of people who have given you their names and email addresses. When they typed their details into an Autoresponder opt-in form on your squeeze page or blog they were automatically transferred to a list at your Autoresponder Company eg AWeber.
So, why do you need a List?
It's like this. Many beginners in this business make a big mistake. They work hard - very hard - at driving traffic to a website which is selling a product. Because it is very difficult to sell "cold" to a first time visitor to your site, most of these visitors leave without buying - never to be seen again.
Here is what you should do:
o Create a simple one page website/squeeze page which offers a good quality FREE product to entice your visitors to part with their names and email addresses.
o Send your subscribers regular emails containing valuable advice and tips relevant to your niche.
o When you have begun to build a relationship with your List it is MUCH more likely that they will buy from you - because they have learnt that you always provide them with good quality content.
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