Wednesday, 23 January 2013

2 Fastest Ways to Get Targeted Traffic to Any Website!

So many people failed in their online business because they don't have enough traffic to their website. It doesn't matter whether you have the most beautiful and professional looking website design because if you don't get targeted traffic to look at your website, at the end of the day, your online business is going to fail.
Without website traffic,it's the same as building a franchise coffee shop and, instead of operating at a busy commercial complex, hiding in abandon place where nobody can see it.
Once website owner realize that they need targeted website traffic, where can you get targeted traffic?
Most website owners hastily start throwing out money to try and get leads, but they don't understand on how to market and get targeted traffic to their website.
There are only two reliable ways for you to understand on how to get targeted traffics to any website.
1) Buy Traffic
At the present moment, the fastest and effective way to get targeted traffic to any website is using those advertising ads on the top and right hand side of search Google engine for a particular keyword.
You can also advertise on dozens of pay-per-click search engines by buying their targeted advertising space.
They only charge website owner when targeted people actually click on the classified ads and read for more information.
Is it worth to buy traffic?
I would strongly reject the idea of buying targeted advertisement for those who just started in the online business because it will take more than money to really make money.
Only when you have make consistent money in your online business, then you can decide to buy traffic which is also known as pay-per-click advertising to further boost your income.
If you keen on pay-per-click advertising, my only advice to you is to keep track on your advertising cost and track your cost measure. Even though you get traffic for less than 0.20 cent, you need to keep an eye on your individual keywords if you want to achieve maximum exposure and success.
I have seen a lot of advertisers losing their shirt paying only nickel for keywords but because they didn't keep track of their cost per click,ratios of investment and investing their money on keywords that don't convert instead of high converting keywords that will convert more sales (they really don't know which keyword to target with in the first place)..
Make sure you don't make this costly mistake..
2) Repeated Traffic
This is the most easy way to get targeted traffic by turning first time visitor into repeated and regular visitor to your multiple websites.
The way to entice your first time guest to become your repeated customer is to offer them free offers,educational reports and blog post, important annoucements in return they surrender their email address to you.
Then you keep in contact with your leads with regular articles, special reports, and recommendations enticing them to visit your own and other people's websites.
With this in mind, every website owner should channel all their marketing efforts toward building a stream of guaranteed traffic and repeated traffic.
Due to low cost of money and high return of time and investment, it is worthwhile to get targeted web traffic to any website.
Whatever you are promoting,be it affiliate products, your own digital product,mlm business, the biggest MISTAKE you ever made will be not leveraging your time and investment to get targeted traffic and turn them into your repeated and guaranteed traffic.

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